A. YŁ- /W<*
10 th li ove liber, 1943.
I am sorry to have to disappoint you over your proposed visit to 3icjhth Arny. fhe ■foirwrd airfield is in. a ver*y *bad stnte after all th© rain and i.t is unlihely that you would 'bo eble to land there in yonr aircraft tomorrow. This would r-ieau that you wonld have to fly to loggia and Chen aotor forward, a iourney of "out to rive hours. further. thon/n Geiierel
lont co aery woni 1 he detighted to see you, he has madę arrangements to yisit one of his fomations to discuss oertain re operatlpns and cannot co :io bach to his uain ". 9,. in ti.ne to aeet you. In bhese circujns tanees I feel it v/ould he best ; f you oostponed yonr visit to the front until the noxt ti ie you corrte here. If you will then yive ie a little W&ruixig of vhat you would lihe to oso. I will >n':e ali arrangements.
I houe thnt you will be able to arrangć tv o oryanieation of the Pol leli Oorps to your satisfaetion and T can assure you t* at I stall be delighted to have them und^r iy command.
ICiiidly reme iber ne to Oeneral Wilson when you see him.
G-eneral T\ Sosnhowshi , Corni lander-in-Ch l ef,
Polieh ^orces.
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