132 Zbigwew //<ę* ___
negotiatc thc agrccmcnt in ąuestion and spedfy how ihc common positko shall bc dccidcd and prcscnted to the employer (Art. 30 § 4 TUA). lit abovc applics to all accordt, independcntly of thcir naturę (nominale or innominatc). Provtsions conceming nominale accords regulatc furthcr detaded issues conccrning thc bargainiog. including the possibility to concłude u agrccmcnt only by rcprescntativc organisations togcthcr with informatioa and consultation proccdurcs conncclcd with ncgolialions.
The first issue is subject to thc principlc of tradc union coopcratioo according to which rcprcsentativc tradc unions may not oonti nuc oego-tiations when common position could not bc reached by ali organisatiotu Howcvcr. thcrc i» a possibility to divergc in favour of representativcoeii provided for in provisjons on ncgoliating agreements which define rula of making collcctoe rcdundanc.cs and agrccmcnts on thc establishment soaal insurancc schemc.
Rcgulations conccrning information and consultations inelude prowkoa on thc condusion of agreements which ddinc thc rulcs of making colleah* rcdundancies and agreements conccrning cmployccs’ nghts in the cvent of thc transfer of undertakings.
The Act of 13 March 2003 on spedfic rulcs for terminating cmployment contracts for rcasons not relating to employees contain* a characteńttie provision. The provision States that wherc it is not possiblc to agree thc eon tent of thc agrccmcnt defining rulcs of making oollective redundando, thc procedurę to be followed is decided by the eraployer in thc rules d procedurę and. if possiblc. taking into account suggestions presented duriaj consultations by tradc unions in thc undertaking (Art. 3 § 4). This rcgulatico significantly wcakcns thc ncgoliating power of tradc unions. Ncvcr.hcless i: is justificd as making collcctivc rcdundancy absołutcly depenedent upon thc ability to condudc an agrccmcnt could IcjuI to a situation in which the rcdundancy in ąuestion would ncvcr bc fcasiblc.
(Interna! workplacc rcgulations and olhcr nrgotiuted actions by cmployml
Thcrc are spccial provisions which regulatc ncgoliating of workplacc reguła-tions and other actions by cmploycrs which need to be agreed with tradc unions if the latter are present in the establishment in ąuestion. If within X days trade union organisations or representatise trade union organisatiau do not present their cotnmonly agreed positions conccrning thc adopticc and implcmentation of thc intcrnal workplacc rcgulations m the field of remuneration, awards and bonuses. corporatc social bcncfits fund, work rulcs. thc extcnsion of rcfcrcnce periods and thc list of particularly dangerouj jobs or jobs entailing considcrablc physical or racntal cITort with respcct to night work. dccisions shall bc madc by thc employer after considcring tbe positions of individual trade unions. If there is only one tradc uniofl erganisalion in an undertaking. rulcs of procedurę for work organisation CttOOt bc adopted without its approvaln (Art. 77: § 4 L.C.). The same is lnic of the rulcs of procedurę for the company social benefits fund (Art. 8 { 2 of thc Ad of 4 March 1994 on corporatc social benefits fund14 in reUtion with Art. 27 § 1 TUA) and ncgotiated employer** dedsions concer-amg tbc cxtenstion of working hours calculation periods and the identifica-tioo of list of particularly dangerous jobs or jobs cntaiiing considerablc physical or mcntal effort for thc purpose of regulating night work.” The one of thc work rulcs is a diffcrcnl one. If its content is not agreed with tradc union organisation in thc undertaking within the timc limit idcntificd by the partics, the rulcs arc dedded by thc employer (Art. 1042 § 2 L.C.).
(Scttk-iucnt proccdurcs for collcctifc labour disputes). Negotiations relating to tbc settlcment of collcdivc labour disputes rcquirc special attention. We should State clcarly that thc notion of bargaining indudes negotiations icading to thc settlcment of a co!lectivc disputc or to thc terroination of t itrike. It is true of both thc negotiations conccrning a disputc over a coUcctive labour agrccmcnt or any other collectivc accord which can be eonsidcred negotiations tentu stricto and negotiations whcrc thc link is dnem. In aocordancc with thc ILO interpretation, thc right to strikc may sol bc rcstrictcd to colloctivc disputes linkcd with thc condusion of collective i&recments. Employccs should havc thc right to use this form to cxprcss thcir discontent ovcr a wider range of cconomic and social issues.1*
When it comcs to thc representation of employees* interests in a col-ketise disputc, thc rulc of cxdu$ivc tradc union representation applics. In accordance with thc nile only a tradc union may be a party to a col-kctive disputc. The Cołlcctive Disputes Settlcment Actr does not providc for thc concept of rcprcsentativcncss. In an establishment whcrc thcrc irc morę than one trade union organisations cach of them may represent interesu subject to thc disputc in a collectivc disputc. Howcvcr. thcrc is one common tradc union representation in a disputc if trade union organisations in the undertaking so dedde Where thcrc is no tradc union
3 Sec U* judgement of thc Supremę Court of 12 Fefcraaiy 20W. I PK 349,'03, OSNP 5005. No. t. nem 4.
3 I. ©f L. 1996. No. 70. nem 335. u unended.
3 Id tfcis casc tbc li«t it ncccuary and tbc fact tiul it ttuy not be dcoded w-.thoul tbc cenieni of a tradc union it quettioeabic. The morę that tbc lut n draft od m cotMuIution with i pbtudan
3 Sec B. Gcrmgon. A. Odero, li. Guido, CoNeettre Rargaioiitg ll.O uoodards and cm fnncifUi of ihr «ipen nory Mn, latenuoooal Labour Office. Geneva 2000. pp. 59-60 ud poauont of the Comiciuec of Tradc Union Freedom referred to
r CoHeoite Oitputcs Settlcment Art of 23 May 1991 (J. of L. 1991, No. 55, nem 236 tt aneaded).