/.bięnitw Hojn
fUpr*i*vation of empbyttj t* cotbctiw bargaimng *Uhli thi fum.
organisation. a collcctivc dUpulc may bc conductcd by thc tradc unioo organisation which employcc* havc addrcsscd lo rcprcscnt thcir colkcth* intercsts (Art. 3). Il must bc nolcd. howevcr. that where as a rcsult <>f a dispute a collcctivc labour agreement or any of Ihc abovc mcntiooeij nominale uccords (tnduding thc adopłion of corportatc rules of procedurę) arc to bc concludcd or amendod. provisions to be applied arc thosc whitfc identify thc representation of partics in negotiations Icading to thcir «-spoctivc condusion.
Disputes conncctcd with colłcctive bargaining can be rcsolved on tfe basis of proccdurcs agrocd bctwccn thc partics to conflict or by mcans of proccdurcs laid down by law.
According to thc Labour Codc m case of tailoring an idividuaJ nego-tiation procedurę oonceming colicctivc agreements, legał provisions oa co!!cctivc disputes scttlcment do not apply. unless thc parties dccidc oo their application within a ccrtain scopc. Thcsc proccdurcs have beco established by some collective labour agreements. howcvcr. thc partie* to most of them do not avail themsclvcs of this possibility* Besides, there are proccdural regional accords, which cannot bc elasified as collcom labour agreements likc e.g. thc agreement conccrning rules of conductuę ncgotiations and resolving disputes, concludcd in 1996 by tradc umons and employers’ organizations of thc Wam w region. Disputes conncctcd with negotiations bclween tradc unions and pubiic administration arc referred u by thc agreement between thc Council of Minister* and thc National Commission of "Solidarity" Tradc Union which conccrns thc rules of procedurę of rcsolving disputes bctwccn pubiic administration and Solida* rity 1992.”
Legał proccdurcs arc of vital importancc. The Collcctivc Disputes Set-tlcmcnt Act provides for threc proccdurcs: ncgotiations, mediation ani voluntary arbitration. They should bc applied in the order mentioned above. A strikc started bcforc thc end of mediation is illcgal. Besides, the act ot Tripartitc Commission” regulatcs the good will mission.
" B Skułioowika, “Posiano*unia obligacyjne ukłidów rbiorowych pracy1 of collectiw labour agreemenu ihat creatc obhgatioul, m: Układy iMorawa pracy a kratyetnym iatro/u pracy, ed. J. Wratny. IPlSS. Warna*a 1997, pp. 165-168; M. Chomi “Regulacja prawna I praktyka rozwiązywania sporo*- zbiorowych w Polsce" [1-cgai rcgHkt) and pracbce of dcaling »nh coUecttvc disputes in PolardJ. Polityka Społeczna I99», No-p. 13.
* For morę see: Z. 11 a j o. Conflict rrmhaton meckcmism in Potend. cnaJytlcal Siudy the Programme Conflict reso ba son mechmism* m tht Access ton Cenmrries, otguawi hurepean Foundation Tor tbe lmprovesneM of l.mng and Workiag CoodiUons (unpssl Dublin 2003
» Tripartitc Social and fcconoeuc Commissoo and ProYiaaal Social Dialogue Act of 6 Juty 2001 (I. of L 2001, No. 100. item 1080 as arnendcd)
Ncgotiations are bascd on dircct talks and compromises bctwccn the ydes They start unmcdiately after a dispute is announced. The employer is ohligcd to enter into negotiations under a pcnal law sanction and to uBjnediately notify thc district labour inspector of a dispute. Negotiations cod when an agreement is rcached. If there is no agreement thc partics thouid draft a protocol of divergences. The purpose of negotiations, as i statutory method of rcsolving coUective disputes and a stage mandatory prtceding mediation. raises some doubts. A coIlectivc dispute starts bccause fonner ncgotiations between thc partics wcrc unsuccessful. Thcrcforc, thc »iew that this method should bc voluntarily uscd at thc partics’ discrction it each lcvel of rcsolving a dispute, is justiftod.,,
Mediation starts after thc ncgotiations havc finishcd, if thc union'* pdc upholds it* demands. Mediation mcans rcsolving a dispute with the psrtictpation of an independent third party whosc role is to make it easicr for the partics involved to comc to an agreement. The parties ihould agree on a mediator within 5 days. If they do not, cach of the partics may ask thc Minister of Labour to appoint a mediator from tbe list of mediator* approvcd by thc Minister upon consuitations and ia agreement with most rcprcscntative social parlners. According to a set-tkd practicc thc Minister does not tmposc a mediator against thc will of thc parties. A mediator should bc a person who guarantees impartialily.11 If thc mediation limę prolongs a trade union may organizc two-hour wirning strikc. A mediation procedurę ends with signing an agreement « draft mg a protocol of divergence
A mediator is cntillcd to compensation and thc reimbursement of costs tbe air.ount of which is fiscd with thc partics to thc dispute. The costs of mediation are shared cqually by thc parties invnlved, unless some other ńaring arrangement is dccidcd. Esceplionally, the Minister of Labour may covcr thc costs.
Polish mediation system is of unclear and scmi-private naturc. For thc majority of mediatora it is an addilional job. The fact that mediator'* fce is decided in thc form of contract negotiated between the mediator and thc partics involved is chtidzcd, as this is a wrong way of beginning ihc nusnon. Trudę union organizations often have finandal problcms and hcncc ocdiators' scrviccs arc somctimcs finaneed by the employers, which may inestion thc prinripłe of mediator'.* indcpendence.
If as a rcsult of mediation no agreement has been rcached to rcsolvc thc ollectise dispute, cmployccs have the right to go on strikc. However, a trade
" B Cudowiki, “Model rozwiązywania iporów zbiorowych" (Model for diipute* WtłiliiAi), in; (io/d/K*ic/ O. (ed.). Zbiorowe prawo pracy..., p 24J
8 B Sk u limo w %ka. "Założenia regulacji prawnej iłuiby tacdacji" inlcnul report of «* Mnauy of Kcoooeny, I.*b<v.r and Social Policy, 2003 (unpubbihed), p. 8.