France, Centre national de la Reeherche scienti-fique, 1953-1959. 80 pl.
Debenham (F.) : La terre est ronde. Paris, Ćditions du Pont-Royal, 1958. 90 pl.
Deffontaines (Pierre), Brunhes (Jean), Dela-marre (M.) : Atlas aerien de France. Paris, t. 1.
1955, 209 pages ; t. II, 1957, 192 pages ; t. III,
1959, 192 pages; t. IV, 1962, 192 pages; t. V (sous presse).
Dollfus (Jean) : Atlas mondial. Paris, Girard. Barrcre & Thomas, 1951, 91 pages, 111 cartes. FalleX (M.), Gibert (A.) : Nouuel atlas cla$sique. Paris, Librairie T)elagravc, 1958, 80 pages.
Giry (R.) : Atlas industriel de France. Paris, La Docurnentation franęaise, 1960. 201 pages. Gourol* (Pierre) : Atlas classique. Paris, Ilachctte,
1956. 139 pages.
Ozouf et Ozouf : Atlas du XXQ siecle. Paris, Nathan, 1959. 136 cartes, 140 cartons, 600 pho-tographies.
Petite encyclopćdie geographique. Paris-Bruxellcs, tditions Sequoia, 1960. 240 pages.
Serryn (P.), Blaselle (R.), Bonnet (M.) : Nouvel atlas generał. Paris, Bordas, 1958. 176 pages. VidaL de La Blachę (Paul) : Atlas Vidal de La Blachę, histoirc et geographie. Paris, Librairie A. Golin, 1951, 385 cartes et cartons.
1. Barnard (H. C.) : Principles and practice of geography leaching. 2e ćd., Londres, University Tutorial Press, 1948. 235 pages.
Briault (E. W. H.), Shaye (D. W.) : Geography in and out of school. Suggestions for the teaching of geography in secondary schools. Londres, Harrap,
1960. 199 pages illustrees.
CoNS (G. J.), IIoneybone (R. C.) : A handbook for geography leachers. 4e ed. Prepare par The Stan-ding Sub-Committcc in Geography, University of London Institute of Education. Londres, Methuen, 1960. 525 pages.
Fairgrieye (J.) : Geography in school. 7e ód. Londres, University of London Press, 1951. 412 pages illustrees.
Garnett (01ive) : Fundamentals in schools geogra-phy. A book for teachers and studenls in training. 2e ed. Londres, Ilarrap, 1948. 332 pages illustrees. Geographical Association : Geography in secondary schools with special reference to the secondary modern school. Ćtude preparec par le Dr E. W. H. Briault et le Dr D. W. Shaye a la dcmandc de PExecutive Committce of the Geographical Association ; edi-tion revue et augmentee, Sheffield, The Association, 1960. 46 pages.
Geographical Association : Sample studies. Sheffield, 1960. 64 pages.
Geographical Association : Teaching geography in junior school. Sheffield, The Association, 1959.
46 pages illustrees.
Gospill (G. II.) : The teaching of geography. Londres, Macinillan, 1956. 316 pages. Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools : The teaching of geography in secondary schools. 4e ed. Londres, George Philip and Son, 1958. 512 pages, bib!.
Ministry of FZducation : Geography and education. Londres, HMSO, 1960, pp. 5 a 9 (etude n° 39). Scottish Education Department : Geography in secondary schools. Edimbourg, HMSO, 1951.
47 pages.
Scottish Education Department : Teaching of geography in secondary schools. Edimbourg. HMSO, 1958. 6 pages.
SlMPSON (Charlotte) : The study oflocal geography : a handbook for teachers, 2e ed. Londres, Methuen. 1950. 68 pages illus.
Stamp (L.) : A glossary of geographical terms. Londres, Longmans, 1961. 539 pages (prepare par un Comite de I'Association britanniąue pour l’avancement de la Science).
Walker (James) : Aspects of geography teaching in schools. fidimbourg, 01ivcr and Boyd, 1953. 160 pages.
Wood (G. A.) : Geography in schools. Londres.
1957. 181 pages.
Wooldridge (S. W.), East (W. G.) : The spirit and purpose of geography. Londres, Hutchinson University Library, 1951. 176 pages.
2. Bartholomew (John) : The Edinburgh world atlas of modern geography. 4C ed. Edimbourg, John Bartholomew & Son, 1962. 108 planches. 51 pages, index.
Bartholomew (John) : The Times atlas of the world. Londres, The Times Publishing Company, 1955-1960. 5 vol. (I. World, Australia and East Asia ; II. South- West Asia and Bussia ; III. Northern Europę ; IV. Southern Europę and Africa ; V. The Americas).
Debenham (Frank) : The ReadePs Digest great world atlas. Londres, The Readcr*s Digest Association, 1962. 183 pages.
East (W.) : The Caxton world atlas. Londres, Caxton, 1960. 532 pages, 104 planches.
Fullard (Harold), Darby (H. C.) : The library atlas. 7e ed. Londres, G. Philip & Son Ltd., 1960. 208 planches, 88 pages.
Gullick (C. F. W. R.) : Ozford economic atlas of the world. Londres, Oxford University Press, 1959. 262 pages.
Thompson (O.) : Everyman*s classical atlas. Londres, J. M. Dent, 1961. 56 planches, 125 pages. Watson (J. W.) : Nelson's school atlas. Londres. Nelson, 1960. 60 pages.