[AgileBio |Geneservice Ltd |
RNTech | |
Alphelys Lab Technologies AstraZeneca |
GenYault Corporation |
iloche Laboratories |
jBioKryo GmbH [Genzyme Corp |
Sanofi-Adventis | |
Biomerieux Alliance Biopharmaceutiąues |
Glaxo-Smith Kline |
Semmelweis Inno Center |
piostór Ireland Imagene |
Skinethic | |
BioStorage Technologies Initial R&D Consulting GmbH MacoPharma Laboratory |
Steelgate SPRL | |
jCeiso [Merck |
IcLand Expression | |
CyBioFrance |
VIodul-Bio |
Transgene |
Euraccine Consulting |
Pfizer |
Trans-Hit Biomarkers |
European Diagnosis Manufacturers |
lesearch Center C Delorme - Air Liquide |
BBMR1-ER1C as a resourcefor pharmaceutical and life science Industries: the development ofbiobank-based Expert Centres. van Ommen GJ, Tornwall O, Brćchot C. and all. Eur J Hum Genet. 2014 Nov 19.