Kiifccirm Iticci, violinist, willi l.omlon Sympliony Orrlir*tr;i rondiirtcd l»y Oivin FjHsIiid. London Sierro (!S(>0(>7. I*ricc $5.95.

Sihclius' lovelv violin conccrto in a roadinp wliich lcavcs littlc to l>e dcsircd. Ricci has a happy facility for this work and c.\ccpt for a littlc hardncss of tonc now and thcn, lie must hc rcparded as thc pecr of Hcifetz, (whose old mono rccordinc has ł>ccn withdrawn from thc Schunnn). Fjelstad providcs a knowlcdpe-ahlc accompaniment and thc rccordinp is notahlc for thc clcan roundc«l spaciousncss of its stereo. The smoothness of Ricci’s instrument for thc most part and thc l.ondon Symphony strinps is e.\ccptional Finc aural posilioninp with Ricci in dead center and |f you move in circles where component hi-fi is a by-word. you’ve no doubt heard about the Thorens TD124 transcription turntable and its fabulous performance. But for late comers we’d like to point up just a few of the really big features (non-technical readers may skip remarks in parentheses): • Extra heavy table for con-stant speed (lOlbrim-concentratedtable insures Iow wow and flutter; higher moment of inertia than any similar table). • Exact speed (±3% adjustment on all speeds—162/3, 33lA, 45, 78—with built-in illuminated Strobę for setting after Stylus is on record). • Easy on records after you've placed Stylus, permits 2Ą rev. starts, makes cueing easy). • Ex-tremely Iow rumbie (mirror-finish main-bearing, nylon-seated ball-thrust-bearing reduce both vertical and horizontal rumbie to a new Iow, so important for stereo). • 2-way motor rumbie reduction (both an extra-large idler and an ultra-compli-ant belt drive keep motor vibration and speed variations from table). Driving parts electronically balanced. No costly base necessary (only $9.00). 50/60 cy-cles, 100/250 volt operation.

These are just a few of the TD-124's features. Ask your dealer to tell you the


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