Subsidiary of


and securely bonded, around each catliode sleeve.

Now in usc in nearly 1 million re-ceiving tubes. Sykania Sarong is a field-proven development setting new slandards of etliciency and ąuality in electron tubę performance.

First tubes to incorporate Sarong are tv tuner types GBZ7, 6BQ7A, OBCS and GBS8. Eventually Sarong

•    Less heater-cat hode leakage . . . Sarong is Hake-resistant and smooth textured. No stray coating particles to stick inside cathode.

•    Greater tubę ruggedness against shock and vibration because of Sarong's superior coating adhesion.

•    Reduced cathode-grid shorts, inter-mittent short circuits, and less arcing due to controlled uniformity of Sarong

Syi.vania El.ECTUlC PltOOUCTS INC. 1740 Proadway. New York 19. N. Y. In Ca nuda: I*. (). finz 1190, Stalion “O,” Munlrcut i).

Sarong calhodet ar# now in wte in four Sylvanio lv toner type*. Eventuolly all Sylvania receiving lubn will cantain Sorong cathodet.


. «•



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