V. Tuzhilkin. K. Urazbayeva. R. Alibekov. SEMICONT1NUOS SUGAR CRYSTALUZA T/ON
syrup, its heating to a temperaturę that determines the State of unsaturated solution. For eliminating the format ion of a crust on the surface of the crystal syrup saturated steam must be supplied from an extemal source, and periodically steam thoroughly communication.
Crystallization with selection massecuite previous or subseąuent
stages. Such technology has spread in the sugar cane industry at the preparation of raw sugar. As well as known attempts it
applies in sugar bect production. However, using of the method of boiling massecuite I on the basis of crystal massecuite intermediate crystallization reąuires a elear answer to the question about the influence of concentration, purity, color, size and number of crystals massecuite intermediate crystallization duration massecuite I and qualitative indicators of white granulated sugar.
As regards the application of sugar crystallization technology using as a basis the crystal massecuite intermediate stage to the last stage of crystallization of the massecuite, and vice versa, such practice is well known. It does not cause any complaints as to the quality requirements derived sugars minimal.
Crystallization of sugar with sequential constriction massecuite by the steps of crystallization.
In solving the problem of inereasing the yield of sugar there is a problem, in solving of that based the conflict situation:
• On the one hand, the desire to inerease the yield of sugar by lowering the purity of molasses;
• On the other hand, the need to improve the quality of sugar crystallization and the last exception recycling of non-sugars. Solution to this problem is application a consistent method for crystallizing constriction massecuite the steps of
crystallization for specific conditions of domestic technology and equipment.
The inventive method consists in that the massecuite I after reaching the crystallization process parameters required pulling a vacuum crystallization apparatus II at 25 - 30 %.
Massecuite II of crystallization upon reaching willingness descends to puli into vacuum units III of crystallization of 25 30 %.
Massecuite remaining 1 and 11, or crystallization grow to the desired volume, or drained into the receiving mixer and centrifuged.
Combined methods.
Extract of sugars of I and II stages as a trade sugar. Task of further improving the effectiveness of the product compartment used as a basie method for crystallizing sugar with sequential steps constriction massecuite crystallization decides tri-crystallization scheme with terminal sugars I and II crystallization stage as commodity.
There two variants of this scheme consider:
• In a first embodiment, the massecuite II of crystallization boiled on the crystal mass of massecuite I on the above discussed crystallization technology. It differs in that sugar II of crystallization cleanse and in the mixture with white sugar output as trade sugar, and the remaining massecuite II and his edemas sent to boiling massecuite III of crystallization.
• The second variant of the proposed scheme with the extraction of sugars I and II stages of crystallization as a commodity it is characterized in that the massecuite II of crystallization during descent mixed with massecuite I crystallization ratio (0,3 -1): 1. Massecuite mixture directs to the joint centritugation and after cleanses output as trade sugar.
Journal oflndustrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 11 -18