V. Tuzhilkin, K. Urazbayeva, R. Alibekov. SEMICONTINUOSSUGAR CRYSTAU.1ZATJON
V. Tuzhilkin\ K. Urazbayeva2\ R, Alibekov2
1Moscow State University of Food Production, Russia JM.Auezov ’ South Kazakhstan State University
As the altemative solution, it was substantiated the sugar massecuite boiling technology :: semi-continuous sucrose crystallization. Mathematical models of the all considered methods :: semi-continuous crystallization of sugar were created and it was conducted a simulation -rceling for analyzing the crystallization regimes and identifying the positive effects. The rcustrial implementation technology of crystal sugar on the basis of the same massecuite was rcoposed.
Keywords: sucrose, sugar, nonsugars, fillmass, technology, semi-continuous
rryśtallization process of boiling, melt, sugar crystals, simulation modeling, vacuum apparatus, :r. stal-generator, for-concentrator.
Technology periodic boiling sugar z^issecuite has long been known. However, ' has lacks that stimulate the scientists to sesrch ways for eliminating them, : -trricularly to apply a vacuum apparatus as e%aporator on the stage of thickening of the Tiled product until forming of the :r.-5tallization centers.
Without denying the availability of . mtinuous technology of sugar production, - oich has been developed many decades 12?. at that presently it has not an industrial rsnibution. It is connected with absence of “shable models of vacuum apparatus of : mtinuously working (VACW), which allow obtaining a sugar of the desired quality. Although the literaturę contains some information about successful tests of several constructions of VACW, but in whole, with a certain degree of probability that it is unlikely in the coming years acting VACW will be developed for a wide industrial application. Even if this problem will be solved, there is no reason to believe that they will fuli replace all vacuum apparatus of continuously working (VACW).
In this article, as an altemative solution the technology of semi-continuous crystallization of sucrose is discussed.
Journal of Industrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 11 -18
As the scientific methods used in 2iis paper for justify the feasibility of the rroposed technologies there were applied 2ie approach of dynamie visual simulation :: composite technological systems and software complex VisSim 8.02, Mathematics 8.04, as well as programs of siatistical processing of the results of :omputer experiment, including Statistics
9.0. The rationale for the chosen method is the work experience, accessibility, simplicity, efficiency, obtaining of the results at the stage of pre-project and design works.
Technology of semicontinuous sugar crystallization based on the analysis and synthesis produced in a certain sequence of interconnected stages, namely: