V Tuzhilkin. K Urazbayeva, R. Alibekov. SEMICONTINUOS SUGAR CR YSTALUZA TION

•ellow sugar crystals of 0,2 + 0,3 mm sizes, :hromaticity not morę than 5-5-10 zonventional units and the syrup :oncentration of 65 -*■ 80%, chromaticity not morę than 30 -5- 40 conventional units. Prepared artificial massecuite taken into the vacuum apparatus and continue to build crystals until ready to descend.

1 -crystal

2    - oscillator;

2 - vacuum apparatuses;

3    - pipelines;

6 - special receiving mixer;

Fig. 3. The scheme of generation of the crystal mass in the special dedicated crystal generator

Crystallization by using mother


Crystallization    technology

massecuite by using mother liąuor has ?oread in recent years. Its essence is that the :enters of crystallization required rarameters are formed in the special crystal zenerator. From there they transform in the required amount to the vacuum apparatus, 2nd growing of crystals carry out until readv to descent.

Crystallization of sugar with transfer of syrup concentration until a a bile State to the separate stage of e^aporation.

The main flow of heat associated ~Ji water evaporation, especially at the stage of concentration of syrup to a labile State. In terms of solving the problems of a specific role for sugar crystallization method using concentrated syrup.

The essence of the concemed method is that in front of a productive section constructed the additional evaporator (preconcentrator), in which syrup from the evaporator concentrates to Substance Content = 80 + 82%. Keeping this syrup is advantageously carried out in the collection with a favorable ratio of surface area to volume, Iow heat radiation and the lack of dead zones. These reąuirements are best served by a spherical collection. For avoiding the formation of crystallization centers must ensure mixing

Journal of Industrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 11 -18


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