For study the possibility of achieving a positive effect were created “iihematical models of the considered -eihods semi-continuous crystallization of -_gar and conducted simulations to analyze i? crystallization regimes and identify ^:sitive effects.

The simulation results have shown zreat promise technology semicontinuous s-gar crystallization. At the same time were r>covered a number of interesting features:

1. Application of crystallization -ethod using a high concentration of syrup łzo. as well as a Iow concentration, acounters the problem of effective use of _<able vacuum apparatus.

It appeared that if to implement the rrysiallization a constant supersaturation •Tups using Iow concentration, then the ~-~-al concentration of the massecuite up to j:e underutilization of usable vacuum •roaratus. Conversely, when applying for a i -up for pumping a high concentration, acuum-apparatus filled by ready r-=ssecuite.

The solution of this situation is the jevelopment of a new crystallization neihod using two concentrations of syrups.

Its essence consists in that firstly to ne crystallization direct syrup with low-::ncentration, and then, at a fixed time, to win to fili a high concentrated syrup. For le practical implementation of this method - was developed a special control i_gonthm, which implements the proposal.

Further development of this method is sugar crystallization for swapping of syrup and melt (without mixing) and sugar crystallization using progressively increasing concentrations of pumping solution.

2.    It is shown that the application of a semi-continuous sugar crystallization technology holds great opportunities. This is true both in terms of improved performance of all the crystallization separation reduce fuel consumption and inerease the yield of the finished product.

3.    The possibility of application of information modeling Systems for effective process control, in particular, sugar crystallization processes.

Perhaps the most important conclusion - it is a necessity of day-to-day, widespread and systematic large-scale implementation of modem information and modeling systems. They should be implemented not only in the practice of scientific research, and most importantly, in the practice of all sugar companies in the industry. Implementation should be distributed sińce the calculations of materiał flow control and production records and expert systems for decision- making under uncertainty. It should include the creation and use of already developed a sophisticated Computer simulation and process control systems. Funds invested in their development, enough will repay.


1.    Tuzhilkin, V.I., 2007. Kristalizatsya ranara. (Sugar crystallization). Moscow, Publishing complex MSUFP, pp: 336.

2.    Sapronov, A.R, L.A. Sapronova

3nd S.V. Yermolayev, 2013.. Tekhnologiya •ahara (Sugar technology):    textbook.

S: Petersburg, Publ. house “Professiya”, pp: 131-190

3.    Moiseyak, M.B. and A.A Slawanskii, 2012. Sovershenstvovanie ekhnologii polucheniya utfeliya poslednei cistallizatsii. (Improvement of technology of receiving massecuite of last crystallization). Moscow, MSUFP, pp: 127.

4.    Kovalyonok, V.A. and V.I. Tuzhilkin, 2009. K teorii protsessa kristalizatsii pri postoyannoi skorosti ohlazhdeniya. (To the theory of process of crystallization at a constant speed of cooling). Sugar, 10: 38-41.

5.    Lyusyi, N.A, I.N Lyusyi and Yu.I Molotilin. 2004. Kristallizatsiya saharozy ( Sucrose crystallization). Krasnodar, “Prosvecshenie”, pp: 303.

Journal of Industrial Technology and Engineering, 2012, 2(3): 11 -18


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