Fig. 40. Krasnoyc Selo, Vol-kovysk ilist. Shaft No 124 from excavaticn IV

Aftcr N.N.Ourina

41 • Sąspó


cxploitation fronts (Fig. 40). Two of them, along with a fcw smallcr ones, allow us to treat this working as an open shaft with underground exploitation fronts. On thc SSW wali thcrc was a shallow exploitation front sinking to 30 cm. It startcd at a depth of 35 cm and was 1.2 m high. The exploitation front in the NNE was at a depth of

1.4    m, its length was 1.1 m, its greatest width 1.8 m, its hcight 50 cm (Fig. 40b). Its lowest part was 60 cm above thc shaft bottom. The SSE cxploitation front was

1.4    m long, with the biggest width 80 cm. The roof of this exploitation front dipped from 1.1 m to 30 cm. The lowest part of the cxploitation front was 1.1 m above thc shaft bottom. Underncath this cxploitation front, ncar thc shaft bottom there was another smali one on the sidc (Fig. 40c). It was sunk into the shaft wali at 30 cm; its width was 40 cm and its height 35 cm (Gurina 1976, 161 f.).

Open shafts with underground side workings (ex-ploitation fronts) also occurrcd on the territory of the radiolaritcs minę at Vienna-Mauer. Shaft holes usually had diameters from 2.5 m to 3 cm. Lower down they narrow to about 1 m (Kirnbauer 1958, 129). In places where there were layers of good raw materiał, hollows or short gallerics were sunk (Fig. 33 d, e).

Some shafts from S^spów and Tuśimice also had single underground workings. Shaft No 3 from Sąspów was probably once a large funnel pit about 4.5 m deep (Lech 1972, 42; 1981). It reached a depth of 3 m, in the

w, Cracow dist. Fragment of cross-section of shaft No 3, with gallcry visible at bottom of excavafion. Graduation on

scalę of 10 cm

Photo by J.Lcch


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