Changęs on Four Btlls.

into changes he leads his whole puli, and then he looks to his ieft haud, knowing that it must be eitber the third or fourth beli. Whichever of tbese bells it be he foilows it. This puts him nght for the next blow, as having followed one beli, it must be the other which he has to follow next time. This brings him into third’s place, and now, knowing that in this lead he passes the treble in 3-4 (that is, turns the treble frorn behind), he turns his head to the right and strikes his first blow behind over the treble. This, even i£ he is not already aware

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of it. by knowing the "course method,” will remind him that he has to dodge in 3-4 down. Now, having had his first blow behind after the treble, the next blow will be over one of the helis on his left hmd, and this will be the beli he has to dodge with. If the work of a dodge be examined, it will be seen that it causes a beli to strike twice (with a blow over another beli between) after the sanie beli. Having found which of these two belłs on his left be foilows for his last blow behind, he after-wards steps boldly down into third's place, knowing that as the treble will then be at the lead, he must strike this blow after the other beli. He now dodges back into fourth's place, striking after the beli he is dodging with, and then—he should never forget this—after dodging in three-four down, he must lakę the treble and go in (i.e,, 'l go in " to lead). This, of course, means that any beli, after dodging back into fourth's place, will strike the following blow (in third's place) over the treble, hunting down to the lead.

Continuing my reference to the ringer of the seeond beli, it will be seen that after leading he does not again meet the treble unti! he strikes after it in third’s place (passing it in 2-3), By the time he gets to fourth‘s place the treble will be at the lead, and thus he will have to dodge back into third’s place, This he will do by pulling after the beli, other than the treble, that is helów him. This is obvious, because the treble is at


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