C hn u ges on Stx Btlls.



5634 2

6 4 5 2 3 42635

“4 ± 3 5 6 25463 56234

6 3 5 4 2

34625 -34256 4 5 3 6 2



2 3 6 4 5 S 3 2 4 5 6

( Conftnued.)



6 4 5 3 2


-    4 3_2 5 6

3 5 4 6 2




-    24356 45263




S 2 3 4 5 6

By caliing a Single ar the Jast lead, or by subslituting a Single for a Bob, any touch of Bob Minor produced with bobs only can be doubfed in lcngth,or “repsafed," as it is cailed : the position of the necessnry seeond single in the repeated half of the touch inust correspond with that of the previous single in the first half. For instance, the touch of 144 is only the seeond one of 72, rcpcated by cal ling Single? (1) midway and (2) at the end; and so with several of the other touches, The 300 can thus be madę into 600 changes.

In most touches, and in nearly all peals, theie is a beli known as the ltobscnwiiou" beli. This is a beli, gencrally the tenor, whicb performs certain rcgular work, and is not altcred in its work by any of the calls, or, if altered, is only altered regularly at certain intervals. For instance, in the touches of 180 and 360 changes, the tenor is the observation beli. As it is behind whenever a cali is madę, its work is never altered from that which it wotild have to do were the plain course repeated for the same number of times. When a beli is thus


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