Poterty of children andyouth as a contemporary socialproblem

individual, which denotes stimulating each student’s actiyity, perceiviiig and not accepting the fact of school failures, peer conflicts reflected by the exclusion of an indiyidual by his/her peers poor families. Specific actions taken up by the school towards students ffom in order to equal peer chances should be focused not only on its materiał side to compensate for the lack of temporary needs but also possess futurę investment character giving chances to support and develop the student’s consciousness which would create chances for a better life.


School must be obligated to give equal opportunities and ease the distance of social diversity, being at the same time a mediator in creadng social and cultural educa-tional chances for children and the youth, having in mind that the activity of school environment has influence on each studenfs individual biography.

Adaptation difficulties found among the students of poor backgrounds in school environment often demand psychological and pedagogical intervention. Consider-ing the areas above, it is suggested to develop high level of existential awareness. Thus it denotes to perceive self-position and deciding on self-operating strategy by using creatiyity, dealing with different situations, ability to perceive crucial situations in order to solve the problem rather than escape from it. These are also distant and close aims based on worthy life experience which certainly help in developing self-management skills. The latter is not an easy activity. It is reflected in appropriately managed action strategy, developed and shaped sińce early childhood on the level of different situations, problems and daily events. Such a strategy can be arranged consciously by modeled and evocative upbringing background organised in different conditions by the school.

In order to develop these abilities there are rational and consciously planned actiyities needed to build up self-esteem among the students. It is an important factor of human behaviour which influences planned aims and actiyities carńed out at every stage of an indiyidual life showing at the same time the level of functioning in cognitive, morał and social, emotional and perspective sphere. A child with posi-tive attitude towards life believes in his/her own abilities. Thus such a child under-


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