iętirak etdi
Botanika institutu “Jgaki £lm
Elmi nailiyyatlarin genię Science Festival-2014" was held
auditoriyada tabligi, ictima- ilŁfor the first time in Azerbaijan with iyyatin elm va texnika saha- w' &the purpose of awareness of wide sinda alda olunmuę yeniliklarla tamę rangę auditorium with the scientific achieve-edilmasi, elm va camiyyat arasinda ments, to inform thepublic about innovations dialoąun yaradilmasi maqsadila Azarbay- in the field of science and technology as well as candailkdafaolaraą "Baki Elm Festivali- to create a dialogue between science and 2014" taękil edildi. society.
Hor il kcęirilmosi planlaędinlan festi valda AMEA-nin butiin elmi miiossiso vo taękilatlari ilo yanaęi, bir sira ali vo orla lohsil muossisalarinin nilmayondobri do iętirak edirdilor.
Along with all scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, representatives of several higher and secondary educational institutions were participated in the Festival that planned to be held yl eachyear.
Tadbirdo gane alimlorin elmin butiin saholori iizro ęrnęlan » toqdim edildi, yaradicilią emalatxanalari vo interaktiv sorgilorlo tam$liq, elmi laboratoriyalara ekskursiyalar vo musabiqalar taękil edildi, yeni elmi nailiyyatlori óziinda oks etdiron colbedici ęoular, AMEA-nin miiassisa va tojkilatlannin faaliyyatini oks etdiron elmi- H populyar filmlor, Azorbaycanli alimlor torafindon hazirlanmię yeni elmi texnologiyalar va innovativ nailiyyatlarnumayij glundu.
vBre presented, creative workshops, acąuainlance with wmpetitions were organized, attractiveshows reflecting S? actmtyofinstitutions andorganizations ofANAS, new l> Azerbaijani scientists were demonstrated with in the
Presentatiórts ofyoung scientists wiali fieldf interactive exhibitipns, excursions to scientific laboraM the latest scientifieachievements, scientific popularfilmsai scientific technologies and innovative achievements obtaiM Festival.
AMEA Botanika institutu da bu Festivalin faal iętirakęilanndan oldu. ^^^^Jj^^^^Institute ofBotany^ANASwasalsoan active participant inthe Festival.
Botanika institutunun sorgisi Festivai qonaqlarmin maragina sobab oldu
Fisitors of Festival were interested by the exhibiton of the institute of Botany