AMEA Botanika institutunun Botanika Muzeyi artiq ziyaratęibrin ixtiyarma verilib.
Avropa liseyinin VII-IX sinif ęagirdbri liseyin muallimlari Saida Quliyeva, 01qa Humbatova va Tiinzab ibadovanm rahbarliyi ila Botanika Muzeyini ziyarat edib. Botanika institutunun mutaxassisbri ęagirdlari muzeyda niimayię olunan “Azarbaycamn yaęil xazinasi” adli sargi, Azarbaycan florasi, biocografiyasi va ekologiyasini aks etdiran xiisusi niimunalar silsilasi va interaktiv xarita ila tamę ediblar. Hirkan meęalarinin asas on klassik relikt agac noviinun yayilma arazibri haqqinda zangin malumat veribbr. Sarginin davami kimi maktablilara Markazi Nabatat Baginda saxlanilan relikt bitkilarin canli kolleksiyasi da niimayię etdirilib.
Botanical Museum of the Institute of Botany of ANAS is given power to visitors. Pupils ofVII-IXclasses of the Baku European Lyceum visited Botanical Museum under supervision ofteachers of Lyceum Saida Kuliyeva, Olga Humbatova and Tunzale Ibadova Scientists of the Institute of Botany acquanted the visitors with the exhibition titled “Green treasure of Azerbaijan ”, with the specific samples and interactive map demonstrating flora, biogeography and ecology of Azerbaijan.
They gave information about the distribułion areas of ten classic relict trees species of Hyrcanian forests. As a continuation of exhibition Imng collection of relict trees conserved in the Central Botanical Garden of ANAS were also demonstrated to pupils.