JScAJW V J?ŁŚ7-J-VcAj;j 2014
Festivalda Botanika Institutunun elmi tacriibasi va nailiyyatlarini, beynalxalq saviyyada hayata keęirilan elmi lahiyalarin naticalarini numayis etdiran eksponatlar, institut amakdaslan tarafindan hazirlanan sanaye ahamiyyatli texnologiya mahsullan sargilandi. Eksponat va posterlar Institut alimlarinin ędl tadqiqatlan va laboratoriya ięlarini, hamęinin Azarbaycanda bitkilardan istifada tarixina sayahat va zangin Azarbaycan florasini aks etdiran video roliklarla mu$ayiat olundu. Botanika institutunun Herbari Fondunda saxlanilan herbari nilsxalari va hamęinin, Institutun toxum niimunalari, bitki manęali tabii ekstraktlar va boyaq maddalari, piyli yaglar, efir yaglari, atirli-adviyyali va darman ahamiyyatli bitkilar, góbalak, ęibya, mamir va yosun ntimunalarindan ibarat eksponatlar ziyaratęilarin diqqatini calb etdi. Institut amakdaslan tarafindan son illarda xaricda darc edilmię elmi naęrlar da sargida yer almiędi.
Exhibits demonstrating the scientific experience and achievements of the Institute of Botany, the results of scientific projects carried out at the intemational level, products ofindustrially significant technologies prepared by the Staffof the Institute were demonstrated at the Festival. Exhibits and posters were accompanied by the video materiale reflecting the field expeditions and laboratory work ofscientists ofthe Institute, as wellas travel to the his tory ofthe use ofplants in Azerbajan and the richflora of the Repubiic. Herbarium specimens conserved at Herbarium Foundation of the Institute, as well as, seed samples, exhibits on natural extracts and dye substances of plant origin, fatty oils, essential oils, aromatic-spicy and medicinal plants, mushrooms, lichens, mosses and algae were attractive for visitors. Scientific publications published abroad by the Staff of the Institute also took
2 glin davam cdan Festivalda Markazi Nabatat Bagindan Azarbaycan florasmin unikał relikt bitkilarini aks etdiran canh kolleksiya va Bagin amakdaslan tarafindan yaradilmis asrarangiz qizilgiil sortlart ziyaratęilarin bdyiik maragina sabab oldu.
Front Central Botanical Garden live collection on unique relict plants firom the flora of Azerbaijan and the enigmatic varieties of roses created by the Staff of the CBG attracted the attention of visitors at the Feslival ongoing 2 days.
Festival ęaręivasinda miixtalif toękilatlarda keęirilan elmi ieminarlarda Botanika institutunun gonc miitaxassislari oz elmi nailiyyatlari
During the festival, young specialisls of the Institute of Botany tresented their scientific resulls in seminars organ ized al various instilutions.
Bununla yanaęi, Festival iętirakęilari I. ilęiln Botanika institutunda yeni yaradilmi§ Botanika Muzeyi va yenilanmię Herbari Fonduna J|g ekskursiyalartaękiledildi.
Morever, excursions lo the Botanical Museum and Herbarium Foundation of the Institute of Botany were organ izedfor the visitors ofFestival