3. semestr
Obsahova naplń testu musi odpovidat studijnimu planu (sylabus nebo metodicky list) daneho semestru.
Vyber steżejnich gramatickych okruhu z daneho semestru.
Reflektuje latku probranou v semestru.
PEIU-M - Professional English in Use - Marketing, Cate Farrall, Mariannę Lindsley, CUP 2008, ISBN: 978-0-521-70269-0, Units 38-43
AGiU - Advanced Grammar in Use, Martin Hewings, CUP, 2005, ISBN 0-521-61403-1 (with answers and CD-ROM), nebo 0-521-53291-4 (with answers), (dale jen AGiU)
IB-VRB - Intelligent Business, Video Resource Book- Intermediate, Helena Gomm, Pearson Education Limited 2007, ISBN 0-582-84799-0, (dale jen IB- VRB), Intelligent Business - DVD - Intermediate, Pearson Education - Longman, 2006, ISBN 1-405-83750-0, Parts 1- 2, (dale jen IB- DVD)
3rd term
The test content must correspond to the programme of studies (syllabus) of the given term.
Selection of the core grammar structures of the given term.
The test reflects the professional terms studied during the term.
PEIU-M - Professional English in Use - Marketing, Cate Farrall, Mariannę Lindsley, CUP 2008, ISBN: 978-0-521-70269-0, Units 38-43
AGiU - Advanced Grammar in Use, Martin Hewings, CUP, 2005, ISBN 0-521-61403-1 (with answers and CD-ROM), nebo 0-521-53291-4 (with answers), (further as AGiU)
IB-VRB - Intelligent Business, Video Resource Book - Intermediate, Helena Gomm, Pearson Education Limited 2007, ISBN 0-582-84799-0, (further as IB- VRB), Intelligent Business - DVD - Intermediate,
Pearson Education - Longman, 2006, ISBN 1-405-83750-0, Parts 1- 2, (further as IB- DVD)