
1.    Kopia wezwania ostatecznego

Z d Tli cl ...........................................

2.    Rewers(y) z dnia.............._.......

3.    Odpisy pozwu (2 egz.).


1.    Kodeks cywilny. Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. „Dz. U” 1964 nr 16 poz. 93.

2.    Kodeks postępoumnia cywilnego. Ustanm z dnia 17 listopada 1964 r. „Dz. U 1964 nr 43 poz. 296.

3.    Ustawa z dnia 9 kwietnia 1968 r. o bibliotekach. „Dz. U.*9 1968 nr 12 poz. 63.



One of the most important duties of each library is to give access to its resources, based on library regułations. The regulations describe the means and conditions of using the library, reguła te the questk>ns of fees for yarious services as well as compensations for mutilation or not returning library materials. The reader concludes an agreement of lending with the library; its fullfilment is described by the civil law. The lending forms, filled out by the reader, as well as the library materials borrowed confirm the lending agreement. The reader is responsible for their loss or mutilation. The library form constitutes a document which allows the library to claim the return of the publication, its buying back or the payment of a suitable compensation. Finally the library may ask a govern-mental notariat Office to exact the charge. The observance of principles formu-lated in this article will allow the library to protect its resources.


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