udent Financial Assistance

Financial Aid Programs

Information and application forms for military tuition assistance and VA bcnefits are availablc at military cducation ccntcrs and Navy Campus offices. Thcsc two forms of student financial assistance are not part of the same program. Students interested in usmg such aid should be aware of the liabilitics incurred.

Satisfactory Progress Standards

Central Texas College students who are receiving financial aid are rcquired to make adcquate progress toward a degrec objectivc in order to remain eligible to receivc financial aid.

The following satisfactory progress standards are applicable to all students who receive financial aid at Central Tcxas College:

•    rhc ntax imum time frame for the completion of a degree program is the equivalent of six 16-weck semesters of full-time cnrollment. 1 his time frame ineludes the entire atlendance his tory of a student regardless of whether Financial aid was or was not received.

•    The time frame for students enrolled full-time (enrollcd in six or morę credit hours)shall be no morę than 12 eight-wcck terms of full-time cnrollment to complete a degrec program.

•    Half-time students (enrollcd in thrcc to five credit hours) shall havc 24 eight-week terms of half-timc enrollment to complete a degree program.

Satisfactory progress can be met w ith any combination of full-time or pan-time enrollment Refer to your degree plan. SOC agreement. Central Texas College Catalog. or sec a CTC representativc for further details regarding the spcciflc academic program.

Types of Aid

PELL Grant

The PELL Grant isauthori/ed by the Higher Education Act Amcndmcntsof 1972 toassist students in pursuing their first undergraduate degree. The intent of the PELL grant is to provide a foundation of financial assistance to supplement the cost of postsecondary education. The amount of the PELL award is based on the actual cost of the studenfs education whilc attending Central Tcxas College. Applications are availablc at the military education center or Navy Campus office. Brochures describing various financial aid and VA programs are asailable to all students at education centers and Nav> Campus offices.

Federal Stafford Loans

An undergraduate student at Central Texas College may borrow a limit ofS2.625 during the freshman standing (0-30 credit hours on the student's Central Tcxas College degree plan) and $3.500 during the sophomorc standing (31-60 hours on the studenfs Central Texas College degree plan), These are loans obtained b\ the student from a lending agcncy outside CTC such as a bank. savings and loan association or credit union. that are insured by the federal government. The govemment will pay the interest charge while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Rcpayment begins six months after the student leaves school.

Interested students should obtain detailed information and application forms direcłly from lending institutions or the appropriate CTC ofTicial.

Loans must be repaid Students who are awardcd Stafford Loans (GSL) must attend a pre-loan counseling session. I his session provides additional information about the loan programs such as monthly repayments. deferments. grace period and cancellations. The applicant w ill be adviscd of the disbursement proccdurcs during the counseling session. Students receiving loans must advise the Office of Student Aid w hen leas ing Central l exas College. Students must have an cxit intemew regarding their rights. responsibiiities and loan payment scheduling. All programs are administered in compliance w ith section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1993.

Veteran Benefits

Most Central Texas College programs are approscd for those w ho w ish to attend and receise benefits under the Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966. the Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 1984, Chapter 106-Reserve Education Bill.

Chapter 30. V A Educational Bill of 1986 and dependentsqualified for V A educational benefits. Chapter 35.

Ooyral Information


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