DUplaylng correct form. coordinaiłon. and lamina during an Inirrcl.i** bad mlnion lournamcrU wcrc Pani Sunrlk and paiinrt llarbara KniMrdt
Mo* Nancy Barrowcllłl Mis* lloiinlc Baiuli Min laniiur DrBmwcr
Mi. |meph Gnglinita Mi. DaleCtiMO&on MUsGarul |.ml.ow*ki
Daily exercises developed coordination
Playlng a (aM pacrd >jamr of aoccrr wcic I nula Mardjrtko, Sandy Kwlalkowłkl. Sandv Faraday, I-iurrl Li.whobrr. <'hrUQulnn. and Carol Jatho
Physical cducatlon was a required coursc for the 1967-68 school year. Unlikc prev!ous ycars. a mcdical excusc dld not cxcnipl a student from class. Instcad, students wllh mcdical excuses reported lo class, hm particlpatcd In less strenuous activitics (han olher students. The wellcjualified lnstructors In* sisted on physical cxercise hm also maintaincd an atmosphere of rclaxallon and cnjoyment. Good sportsinanship and dcvelop-Ing skills wcrc quitc notlccahlc as holh boys‘ and girls* classes pariicipalcd in competl(lvc games. Cert a In studems gaincd dc-flnltc recognition for scorlng high In physical fitness tests. Stu-dents wcrc graded largely on partłdpation and efforts. Tcach-ers maintaincd that strong bodłeś creatcd morę alert, actlve minds and madę for well-rounded indlvlduals. Writtcn exams and pcriodlc sklll tests mrasured students achłeveincnt, but interes! was consldered morę important by lnstructors.
DcnumMruiing ihr prnprr m«ih«xl <drxrcui ng ibt ntuuie butlding puah up. Bruce Grybowa showed bu phy»kai Mtrngth

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