Chili. will be gratefully received .by District Attorney Wright ot Guy Building, New York. The latter is executor ot a two million dollar estate lett Miss II. by a maiden cousin.

Ii.—ICm. Wish I were Miss H.

Tapping at the door.

B.—(Answers—talks Iow. llien turns to L. witb several write-ups in crude form.)

B.—AYell, that youngster Brown surely is making good. Here are a few write-ups about several ot our most noted citizens—finished uj> in great style, too. Just listen (Keads):

Miss Mildred Ilutcheson. until recently known as “Jude.’’ bas secured a specimen ot the genus homo in the form ot Count Adlephus Sextet Yon Lucia. The romance in-volved is verv thrilling. Miss II. has been the prize hair dresser in New York, spent her last vaeation in the wild and woolly Alaska, where on account ot her knowłedge ot hairs, she saved the famous count by a hair’s breadth trom falling over the Klondike. Immediately siu* was heralded tar and near as the heroine ot the age and beton* many moons had elapsed she was engaged to the noted Count. After their honeymoon to Stumptown, Nebraska, they will remów to his place in the Stony Mountains ot Hun-gary, where it is said they will dine on fish three times a day.

L.—Weil. I guess Cli have to promote Brown. He s too good to be a “eub” any longer. Guess Cd better make a memorandum ot it and raies his wages (takes notę book).

B.—Listen to this. Ile seems to have inteiwiewed Russell Gwinner: 4,1 ‘Rus’ Gwinner States that he will enter the ring tor the featherweight championship ot the Cnited States. Ile has just returned from the West where In* spends his leisure hours and seems as buxom as nsual.

L.—Weil. that surely will eonie in right to fi11 up that extra space in the sporting column. Anything else for that department?

B.—Yes, Connors has turned out to be the best coach IIarvard cver had. It is due to his vast experience and also to tłu* lively entlmsiasm ot' his little red-haired wite. who never misses a practice and wliose loyalty to the lieroes of tlu* gridiron is umjues-tioned.

L.—Now, I always knew that those two red-heads would make their mark. Weil, T m glad of it. What have you tliere that’s interesting? Out with it—don’t keep me in suspenso.

B.—To be surę our paper would lose its popularity it it wereirt for old steady Blake. Ile came in the first thing this morning with sonie Pinkerton news, mostly a big joke, 1 guess. The staff didn’t want this laugh to get out. but depend on Blake to find it—herc goes (reads) :

Jim Wilson, new Pinkerton man, has just madę his “debiit’’ on the detective staff. While traveling down Peanut Alley in the fashionable district of New York. he disc*ov-ered a strong scent of strange perfume. Ilis interest was aroused; he began walking swiftly, ever keeping the scent in view and his spirits and big liopes of discovering Diamond Dick, noted for perfumery, were high. Also he desired to raise his salary. Ile traced the scent through thirteen consecutive streets, ten tenements and four ceme-teries, and at each step the scent grew stronger. Ilis heart grew light with visions of a large purse, a fair Helen and much fanie, when at last he espied a dark figurę in the distanee. Ilastening on as he used to do in the relay, he at last overtook the object of his journey. Sitting dejectedly on a milk stand, swinging his feet dismally to get them wami, was Leon Henault, noted perfume and patent medieine vender of New Albany, Ohio. As a result JinCs famę has increascd, lmt not his salary.

L.— (Laughs heartily.) Weil, 1 guess most any one would make a good story out of that. Just a little change and that will be ready for print. Whats on that pad tliere at your elbow?

B.— (Turns, picks up pad and smiles.) O dear me! I nearly forgot to give you my interview with the Great Movie Actress, -Mary Pow, commonly known as the second little Mary Pickford. These are the facts:    Born in Salem untold years ago, she went to the

pa*c twenty-nine


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