

Scientific    Scientifłc

Mech^.Industrial .Civil 6 Marinę F.ngineering(Contd) Mechanical,Industrial,Civil $ Marinę Engineerłng (Contd)


Acłuevements and Tasks of Technical Mechanice in Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering, by Laszlo Gillemot, 16 pp.

HUNGARIAN, per, A MTA Muszaki Tudomaayok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Nc 38, 19^7*

PP 399-^12.

JPRS U3529

Achieveraents and Taaks of Technical Mechanice in the Engineering and Conetruction Sciences, by Karoly Szechy, 12 pp.

HUNGARIAN, per, A MTA Mus żaki Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, No 38, 1967, PP UI3-U23.

JPRS I+3529


HUN3 ARIAN, per. Technika, Vol XI, No 2, 1967, AC8I J-376O ID 2i:Dlł05l+767

Ecor.omic Criteria for Choosinc the Deadweight and Speod of Ships in Capital Investrcont Studies, by H, Preis.

POLISH, po**, Budownictwo okretowę, Vol 11,

lio 1*, 1966, p 129.

i:LL Ref i 9022.065 (2509)

Repair Shipyard ActivitieB, by Marian Krynicki,

POLISH, per, Morze, Vol 23, No 9,(1*J*2), Sept

1967, PP 2-3*


Trial rrip In A PKP C?r of the 7A Type Wlth A Soood of ieS Kn/Hr.

POLISH, per, Przerlad Kolejowy iiechanlczny.

• •ar 1967, pp 96.

DU LI lć>63

D1A v: 22*-6p.

Our .:arro-;-Oau£;e Hall Lince, 9 pp*

husaria:*, per, Yrsut. ::o 3, 19A7, rp 29-30. DJA l: 72-63

Fluid Diepenser for sewii.g work i<. particular, by Jiaurice Abranwwicz, 6pp.

ITALIA.., Pate..t lio. 635, 842

Advanced Theraal Reactors and Fuel Cycle, by Hiroji Mochizuki,

JAPANESE, per, FAPIG , Vol 40. 1966. pp 20-25. *AEC JAERI

Loss of Propulsion Power Causod ty Yawing vith Particular Reference to Automatic Steering, ty K. -or.oto & T. Mctoyara.

JAPAtoSh), per, Zosen kyokai rombunshu, Vol 120, 1966, n 71.

I.'LL Ref i 9022.065 ( 2610)

‘.ri^tcr-Tcstlnj The Auto-Atie r>irov'-    ^

]y Lcif    .• r:rikr^-.,‘o

roi*::, jer, Wt yri:c. 20 Jurę 1X7, pp 50-53,

Ho*.: *.'111 Tho 'Yrijht Cars 0? The Fbt»irc LuokT Httr.OilA:;, per, Vart Yrkc. 20 J*wo 1X7, 50-53LIA u" 2.^-A"

In te mai Combustion Locomotives "SM-1+2" POLISH, per. Przegląd Kolejowy Przewozowy,

No 2, July 1967, PP 17-19*

DLA LN 171-68

The Biaxial Coal Car of Series Wddo (Es)

Type 9W/UIC, 6 pp.

POLISH, per, Przegląd Kolejowy Przewozowy,

No 2, July 1967, PP 27-28*

DLA LN 171-68

Role and Slgnif&cance of Narrow-Gwfe Raiła, by Stanisław Tyalnskl, 6 pp.

POLISH, per, Praaąlad Kolejowy Pnawoaowy, Vol. 14, No. 10, Ifereaw, Oct 67, pp. 5-8. JPRS 43,785

8crev Tractlon, Ite Concept, Theoretlcal Poundationa of Computationa, and Resuita of Research, by A. Soltynski.

POLISH, per, Technika łtotoryzacyjna^ No o,

1967, PP 225-231*

AC8I J-3712 ID 220U052667

Movement Dynamie* of Caterpillar Yehicle, by Z. Burd linaki.

POLISH, per, TT?hn<kA Motoryzacyjna, No 8, 1967, PP 2l+O-2i+o.

AC8I J-3712 ID 2204052667

Ship V\bration, ty W. 0>k.

POLISH, por, aidownjgtwo okrętowe. Vol U,

1966, p 375.

ULL Refa 9022.065 (2591)

ln 1 tlał Phaae of Hm Construciton Deecrlbed,

9 pp,

POKIWU1U, newapaper, O Leonio. Llabon, 11 Nov 67, pp. 1-2.

JPM 43,856



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