

Marinę Englneerlng(Contd)


Mochanlcal.Indu3trltl,Clvll S

Axial Coopreseor Blade Vibratione, by F. 6* Bedcher.

HJ88IAN, bk, Kolebanlya 1 Prochnoet Pri Perepennykh Hapryazheniyakh Mobcov, Izd-vo nNauka", 19^5» PP 86-102*

•ACfil J-4484

ID 2204009668

Soa* Próbie** ln the Syntheaie of Funotionally Raliable Dieorete Aeticn Aotoaatlene, by Ib.

0. Sarobanko.

Experimental System for Automatio Transietion of Materiał from the American Patent Weekly "Offlciaj Gazetto**., by L, G. Kravets*

RUSSIAN, per, Nauchno-Tekhnlcheskala Informatlgla, No 1, Series 2, Jan 19^7» PP 35-'*). *FTD-Hr-2>2?5-68

Influence of Redundanoy on Rellabllity of Systems, by V. V, Naumchenko,

RUSSIAK, per, Nauchno-Tekhnlchegkaya Konferentslya Po Sredstyam Pronn-shlenr.oy TelenekhanUd Moscow Promyshlennaya Telemekhanlkai Materiały Konfer-entsl^l956> PP 1-7*





Mechanizing the Loeding of Blanks of Container Bottoro ln a Purnace and theIr Unloading from a Furnace, by G, P, Tkachenko & V, Ye. Noyichenko, RUSSIAN, per, Kuznechno--Shtainpovochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 1, 1966, pp 38-^0*



Self-Control, Self-Correction, and Self-Repalr ln Telemechanical Devices, by A, N, Radchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Nauchno-Tekhnlcheakaya Konferentslya Po Sredstvam Promyshlennoy Telemekhanlkl Mosccw Proeryshlennaya Telemekhanlka; Materiały Konferencji, 1966, pp 8-22,

P100044968-V FTD-HT-24-149-67


PoIjmt Materiale ln Bagineerlng, Indaatzy aad

Cooatruotlon, by M. 1U Ko ton.

RUSSIAN, rpt, Nony WIaIt ▼ Tekhnlke 1 w

- - pp,a HT-23-215-68

Hydromechanical Estrusion of Thir.-Wall Tubes, by V. I. Zalesskiy & B, S. Yekshin,

RUSSIAN, per, Ku^np^hn^hj^anpoyophn^yę. prolzvodstvo, No 4, 1967, pp 1-4, •FTD-HT-23-274-68

Cooling Efflciency of the Perforated Flame Tubę of a Gas Turbinę Comtustion Chamber, ty V. A, Khristioh A A, M, Shevchenko.

RUSSIAN, rpt, Ł Vestn, Klyeygk, polltekhn, ln-ta. •er. teploener*,, No 1, 1964, pp 50-57,

Cooling Effectlveness of Shell-Type Gas Turbinę Blades with Thermal Insulation Coating, by Ya. I. Shnee & V. M. Kaplnos.

RUSSIAN, per, Kharkoy. Polltekhnlcheskly lngUtąl, -• *    -    **--    ----dye, Teploobrwn 1

.zoainauoK*, r^o 3, 1966, pp 92-99*

HUde Machines and Jet KJeotor Derloee, RUSSIAN, rpt.

The Plan of Overall Machanlzation and Automation of conatruction and Cnatallation UDrk ln 1966, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, Journal, Makhanizatsiya Stroltel1>tva, Moscow, No, 1, Jan 68, PP*2-5,

JPftS 44,526

Sonę Causes of Losa and Nolse ln Docunentary InformaUon Retrieval, by E, F. Skorek' o£ko RUSSIAN, per, Ntuohno-tskhnloheakaya Infi No 1, Serie* 2, 1967, pp 30-; •FTIX.HT-2>275-68


Regular Precesslon of a Free Oyrostat, by N* N* Koleanlkoy*

RJ88IAH, per, Prlkladnaya Matematika l Mckhanlka, Vol 301    3, I**, PP 589-593*

*AC8I J-W79

ID 2204009768

lmprovanvent of Oonatructlon 1*>rX Ur^ad, by A.I* Traęubov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per* ^om^h^goye fltroitel1itvo, No. 12, Moscow, 67,


JM 44,676



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