
Miscellaneous (Contd)


MisceTlaneous (Contd)

loadenlolan Gluahlcor Predicta Fotur* of Cybar-netica, by V. M, 01u*hkoT, 7 pp.

“J™:    IttiB2tiSLKł2ŚSltt. 10, 1967,

PP 30-31.

JPRS 437^3

A Central Scientific Bureau Needed. by ł-feidi Nasaiff, 10 pp.

ARABIO, per, al-Mueawar. 10 No/ 1967, pp 18-19. JPRS U372U

Soientifio Progrtii in Sibarla, by M. A. LaTreofyer, 5 pp.

imd*u,bT i96?-p 2-

1966 Actlvltloa of Lithuanian Science Inati-tutione, 22 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akad en 11 Nauk Litovaknv SSR, No. 3(50), Vlł'nyue, 1967, pp. 151-162. JPRS 44,154

22nd Ali Union Scientific Session Dedicated to Radio Day Tele/ision Section, by M. I. Kri/oskeyen, 50 pp.

RU88IAN, bk, XXII Ve8oyuznaya N&unhnAy* 8e8slya, Posyyaschennayą Dpya Radjo-flektsiya Tele/ldeniya. 1966. pp 1-70.

ACSI J-2120 ID 22 u4o 14967

Int«naifioatlon of a Preaeur* Wave in a Ooaboa. Uw Zoae, by 3. N. Niknlayar.

•FTD-HT-2>. 34-68

t0th* E<litor>by E-G< v<>1,p*«-RlfcMAN, p#rf Vostnik Muscow ihv Striy* I


International Systea of Uhits on the Practice Mo**ur#B*nt». by E. N. Chechurina.

^    ^•udwo-Ioled Init


Jaw Aoad oni olane and Corraapondlnc Meabera of th# Bttl«arian Aoadaay of Ag ionltaral Sdenoea, by Zl. Akhtaror, 13 pp.

P«*» galetoatopanel^ Mffifa. No 3, JuL-1967, pp 97-lój.    

JPR3 43937

:ow 1'cars Addrvss Dy The Director-Gen-ral. aTC!, jer, Pjt-y^dri.lfsbanden. Feh 19<Ą, r»> 3-*, DIA L?f 26%^    - ’ ** ^

Project 293 - Rapport Trinestriol for 1/1/67 to 31/3/67 - 0.17 - Con-Tract 059-65-1 TEEF (RD). by Chaudrin.

FRENCH, ipt,


Catclo-uc, 13 pp.

232‘ CH, p^r, Piovdiv Folre Ir.ternaMonalc,

Sort 1967, np 103-104{ 115-116; 110-120, 125-126|

\J7-iy?; 152; 134, 155, 0273.

niA l: yu-6s

Thlrteenth International Congreae of Rallroad Model Builders, by Michel Doerr, 12 pp. FRBCH, rpt, U Vie Pu Raił. Jan 1967,

PP 3-8.

DIA Uf 123-68

Research Report of tho ihilac Study Groi® for 1964 to 1966, by Uhilac Group,

GERMAN, rpt, ItilLAC No 3-67. 84 pp.


Spaoe Suita - Spece Faahion, ty Herbert Pfaffe, 7 pp.

p^1ra:.Ag61 19651


LfrlpOfT. No

hwlelnc Punfladdee, by A. Ni kofb pot, P. Koroltr, i PP*

MMU*. par.

Moaeun for Tranaportatloo Dreeden, Continuoua fcchibita for 10 Yaara.

OWWI, Ptr, Ijafobahntechnik. Mo 9, Sept 1966,

PP I29-Y30;

DZA LR 320-67-F




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