A translation of Fiziologiya Rastenil

Volume14, Number 4    July-August, 1967



Ratio of the Spccific Activities of Chlorophylls A and B in Greemng Etiolated Seedllngs

“A. A. Shlyk, A. P. Losev, and S. N. Shevchuk........................ 489    573

Effect of Light of Various Spectral Compositions on Some Aspects of Auxin

Mctabolism in Cultures of Isolated Carrot Tissue-V. S. Polevaya........... 496    S82

Adaptation of Grcen Plants to the Spectral Composition of Solar Radiation

-I. A. ShuPgin.............................................. 504    592

Photosynthesis in Leaves as a Function of Temperaturę ~S. N. Chmora and V. M. Oya. .    513    603

Physiological Characteristics of Chlorella sp. K at High Extremal Temperatures.

1. Decoupling Effect of Extremal Temperatures on the Cellular Functions

of Chorella-V. E. Semenenko, M. G. Vladimirova, and O. B. Orleanskaya.....    520    612

Grouth and Minerał Nutrition of Chlorella on a Balanced Medium-E. D. Kuznetsov. . . .    532    626

Effect of Conccntration of Nutrient Medium on the Physiology of Anacystis nidulans

in Intcnsive-Culture Conditions-M. A. Ignat'evskaya and N. I. Raikov......... 538    634

■Triggcr ■ Mechanism of Germinating Seeds. III. Effect of Diamines on Germinating

Sceds-L. A. Nezgovorova and N. N. Borisova......................... 546    644

Influence of Potassium Ions on the Resting Potential of the Root Cells of Cucurbita pepo

-A. M. Sinyukhin and E. I. Vyskrebentseva........................... 553    652

• *

Effect of Compresced Gascs on Oxygen Transport in Roots. (Diffusion Mechanism of the Radiation Protection Effect of Compressed Gases)-V. P. Paribok

and V. S. KaPnii............................................ 553    659

Effect of Zinc Fcrtilizers on the Biochemical Characteristics of Com at Different

Zinc-Supply Lcvels_V. S. Dibrova................................ 566    670

Frce Amino Acids in the Root System of the Pca-G. I. Lopukhina............... 570    675

Role of Rhizosphcral Microorganisms in theRelationships of Plants through their

Root Sccretions-V. P. Ivanov, G. A. Yakobson, and V. I. Smirnova........... 577    683

Invcstigation of Amino Acid Mctabolism with Cu in Young Corn Plants Raised under Different Nutrition Conditions-M. Sarich, T. Chupina, I. Gerich,

and I. Vereshbarani.......................................... 585    693

Biochemical Characteristics of the Generative Systems of High and Low Heterosis Lines of Maizc in Relation to Hcterosis_E. L. Golynskaya, T. M. Grigorenko,

T. V. Zhigalcnko, and N. K. Oman................................. 592    701

Formation of Sporogonous Cells in the Culture of Isolated Małe Flower Buds

of Woody Plants. (Effect of Heteroauxine and Kinetin)-!. I. Leshkovteeva...... 599    710

Charge in Nucicie Acid Mctabolism in Plants Under Salinę Conditlona-V. V. Kabanov

and L. N. Aziyashvili............... 806    719

Accumulation of Oligosaocharidea and their Significancc in the Low-Temperatura

Hordcning of Ccreal Graln»-V. I. Babenko and A. M. Gevorty*n............ 613    727

Accumulation of Frce Prolino in Barley Piania in the Preaence of Inaufflcient

Soil Waler-N. N. Savitskaya.................................... 622    737


Availabie t*rou Consult.mts lluroau



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