Govemment reports published at different times.

The materiał includes (1) Works on Vedic phonology, phonelics and grammar, (2) AnukramanTs, (3) Works containing lists of words, having peculiar characteristics in the Vedic literaturę and (4) Works mainly dealing with various modes of recitation.

While presenting this bibliography he begins by giving ‘Abbreviations with Biblographical Notes ’ which has taken 37 pages. For this purpose the materiał has been classified as below:- I - Calalogues of manuscripts.

O - Calalogues of printed books.

III - Bibliographies and other works.

He has ałso added a list of abbreviations used for the various libraries.

Then follows his exhaustive descriptive bibliography. He has given such a comprchensive Information that even for the Atharvaveda it has taken nearly 10 pages. The mcthod of prcsontation, as explained by him in his Introduction (pages 18, 19) is indecd ver^ ineticulous and perfect.

(1)    If the manuscript of a work is found under dilferent tilles in different catalogues, all such tilles have been broughl together;

(2)    Afler the lilie follow the aulhor’s name-of course wherever possible, and a brief description of the naturę and contents of the work;

(3)    For identificalion of the text exlracts from its beginning and its end as found in unpublished works have been given;

(4)    All details of the manuscripts available at various libraries have been given very scrupulously. The bibliography mentions the Serial number, Accession-number, Call-number, Shclf-mark, etc. If the materiał for the manuscript is other than paper, it is clearly indicated. Similarly, if the script is other than Devan2gari, that too has been mentioned. Other details like the datę of the manuscript, name of the copyist, name of the owner, etc. have been providcd wherever possible;

(5)    Similar details have been given for printed editions of the texts also, mentioning even the availability of the work in particular libraries, and giving the number of the book in the library;

(6)    Refcrences to Catalogue Catalogum and New Catalogue Catalogum also have been given.

The Appcndix at the end contains a verse-index in Devan3gari of the mclrical passages citcd.

No wonder Dr. Ailhal *s bibliography has become exceptionally comprchcnsive, exhaustive and useful. A few examples will make this elear:


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