musc dev054

musc dev054

I fecl my course is worth at least scveral times the arnount I osk, but 1 want to place it within reach of all. It is my hobby and ambi-tion to help build people up and 1 enjoy walching the results of my cfforts immensely.

1 am not a has-been. I am in better condition now than I evcr was before in my life. 1 am stronger and my muscles stand out better. 1 am in my 35th year, and living tlić best years of my life, and my enthusiasm and ambition are even stronger today than cver before. and I am conlinually progressing. Let me fili you with this same enthusiasm that will make the most of you.



I have tłosed for morę sculptors and artists than any other athlete. Wny do thesc sculptors and paiuters seek my services? There must be a rcason. I have posed, and still do, for medical books and various magazines, including the ‘Thysical Culture” magazine. Why do these various people seek my serrices? There must be a reason.

Be surę you have the righl instruclor to teach you.

Your teacher must have broad experience. He must understand humanily and know all classes and walks of life. He must travel and know the conditions of life in every city and country. 1 have been in nearly every city in every stale in America from -New York to California and from Maine to Florida, even lived in Alaska. I have * also traveled tliroughout Europę and have seen and learned the conditions of a great many foreign countries. Without possessing this esperiencc and knowledge I would not consider my-self thoroughly fit to guide you. Whnt experience has an instructor who has never left his home-town? How can he understand the so-varied conditions of life that must bc taken into consideration when guiding a pupil?

You can readily sce that I am best adapted to teach you.

Then, too, my correspondence is so far superior to , any otlier instructoYs that I could not find a compari-, son, and just so is ruy system of training.

I begin where others leave off. I can do for you what others cannot attempt to do, for my methods are original with nie.

‘‘Be surę you are right and then go aliead.” I have been physical director in seven different schools and



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