
Ropę-iS tg ht.

It will be notieed that, aft er doing the duty required at one lead-end, the course of the beli is a plain hunt until it has again Ud and has onre morę passed the treble.

Having thus explained the duty of a beli, I will now gjve a few hints with regard lo ringing Bob Singles. To understand the purpose of these hints, it is necessary that each ringer should thuroughly cornprehend that he most leam as much as possibie about the movements of the other bel Is, because Ihis knowiedge will assist hitn to pick ihem out when wanltd. When a man has two helis before. or behind, him, ii is gener-ally easy to see which two helis are in that position, but it reąuires some sharpness to see which of the pair is preceding or following the other. It is therefore of great irnportance that, whenever possibie, a ringer should know which of the two it must be. Now, if a man knows his course nielhod Lltoroughly, he will know exactly when he has tr> fol Iow the treble, aml so need never trouble himself about that beli until he wants it; and he will then know that it must be (he beli to fol Iow. In ringing on four helis this knowiedge will be fontu] of immense irnportance to a beginner, as the ropes he will then have to watch will tluis be reduced to two, For instance, at the com* niencemenl of the changes, the ringer of the second should know that he will turn the treble from behind, and thus, previ-ous to his ftrst blow in fourth’s place, he need only jiotice whether he has the third or fourth beli to follow. When, how-ever, he com es to strike his ftrst blow in fourth'.?, he knows it must l*e over the treble. Think how important tliis is to such a ringer. The treble is on the right band, and the third and fourth bel Is on the left. Now it would always be difficult for him to tell wbether it be the treble, or one of the other two helis he has to take, if he endeavour to see both to the right and left band at the same tirne. The knowiedge, howeeer. of where be meels the treble will save him all this. On going ctT


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