For Christ mas fan, try a sled on a snotry stopę


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Christmas łime l rauCiful evergreen* . decorsfed with lights and nrnaments. warm Kouscs and traditional song* to acr*Tipany ihe season

Tropie cram into storę* for last-mmute shopping and children smile at the sight o( Sar.'a Claus

Ali the ChriMtmas fe*«ivities that peopk- think of at Chnstma* usualiy mvoive a key ingrement — snuw

No one ever thinks of Santa landing on roo. top* without any snów Where would Froatv the Snowman be if it wat.it for the wbite powder’’ Though some peopłe dread the snów. almost everyone enjoys the white flakes at Christrra*.

Many Winter sports thrive on snów. Skung. downhill and ero»-country. requtres snów And so dors one of wmter s most popular activities, :!?dding

Practically everyone has been sledding. but there are many ways to slide down the slopes. A couple of years ago sledding was so popular that it wat very difficuTt to buy a sled in IHinms The basie wooden sled with metal runnera a still the most popular You can either sit or lie on it and morę than one person will usualiy fit. Thowe looking for morę adventure should try stand mg on the sled and "surfrng" down the hili.

A not ber type of sled is the saucer. which is • round disc that ta curved around the edges The metal saucers are popular, but often dent w hen hitting bumps The fiberglass eanety of the saucer is much bet ter because it doesnt dent and it giides bet ter on the snów Gotng down a KU on a saucer that is spinning around at the same U me can be iui;

Toboggans are a favonte for peopłe who usualiy sled as a g*oup. Tney re usualiy madę of wood and offer fun if fa.ru ty. or group of friends wanls to sled.

Studenta usualiy iook for escibng things and the convenuonal sleds miy seem bor.ng In ner tubes from trać tor tires can break the boredom ani possibly an arm or leg Two peopłe can eaaily sit on an inner lube. or one persor can sit or lie down on the tubę Thns* morę daiing should try standing on the tuhe while breezing down the hill Piec es of plastic can be used as a type of sled 7!* plastic is escellent for stiding nr the <now and is easy to carry up the hill With nocne imagination. you can u*e many things around the house as a sled

The beat type of snów for sledding is usualiy a dry snów. whKh is very

Kwdery and requires cold nperatures. A wet snów. or melting snów. causes too much fnction agamst the sled and slows U down The ideał conrfflmo a for nocne of the snów to meh. and (hen freeze again. making it a cc*-nMnation of snów and ice This condiLon creates the highest speed for sleds. Tłus is why many peoole enjoy sledding at night. The snów melis during the day and freezes again at night with colder tempera UJ res.

The most important part of sledding is. of course. a good hill Golf courses usualiy haveexcelłent hills to sled down Many parks offer steep hills Giant City is an eacellent place to sled in the locai area.

Sledding. like any winter sport, can be dangerousat limes ^'jeet-sleddi ys ts an esample. Though thr Street often prosndes a slńk sur<a*-e. cars cannot stop in U me U a sled approaches them rapidly. Trees are ar.otber possible hazard. You only have to hit one once at top speed to remem ber it the second hm.e.

Drewing appropnateły is important tor sledding SomeUmes sledding on a course or in a park wiU leave you far om mdoor shelter. and fint bite can be very painfuł and possibly cause permanent dama^e.


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