* II> i J%*r. wrwr.    nt.KO WnOnc^-day. Apr.t 10. ISffJ


Chinese students demand democracy

UKUINfi #APf - Thmi*amt* uf

Ktudent* dctiumiiitg dcfUUCMO tncrl to starni ('«xnntuni»t Porty hr.idguar-ter* Ttortlay nijehl in om* uf thr biggcst display* of studml di-cmitrnl mtii »n iłu* Capital h.unclothr* palio- repeatedł/ *hovrd thcm Iwck.

Tlicrc is no w»y lo g»t in!' oiim* of thc *!JXI0 Ktudcnt* cn«*d a- their flowcrtd wrmtłt* wtrc i«»ni t*» piece* in thc struritlr

The wrrat h* wrrr in bonur uf farmer C*minuni>t Part) chief lin Ytotang, urho died Sotardny at 73

Soccer deaths duc to barriers against violence

Tlić liultinico* Sun

LONDON — A combmalion of psy-cholapcal .md phyncal betom — tlić cvcr*pre**ent thrrat «f fan vfolencc and thc fena** and tarriem dedgned to contoin il — produceti thc tragedy that leli W proph* cniftbrd to deatn List wvck-ctta. accurding to ciperts herc    —

Tłu* dend ;irul injuivd were uclim* of.a fata) i remy: TTw Itarrirr* a! thc HilUbormigh Mndium in Sheffield, crcctcd to contain thc nftrn danger* ou* conthinulioit of ritunl .ind vio-lencc of wicccr ’tribr*‘ that ho* plogucd llriludi soccer for lUcadcs turncd thc stadium into n droth trap.

' Quite cleuriy thc rcosoji why fon* on? penited in thr wny they orc . i* rcolly a respeoM* tń thc football hoołi* gnn problem." sold Patrick Murphy. rwcarther ni thc Norman Chester Center for Soccer Vmlence n: lcia*s* ter Uiuver*itv.

RcH*arth by thc center *tw*U that soccer konłi|;unt*jn. which wa* first defim-d as a nerioiui problem in thc I9fi0f, i* rooted in thr lowctff strnta uf socicty. w herc y-ming men can ctitablidi Ihcir scciul .status only

throuch ntf£r**Mon. ...............

They otabhsh hierarchie* kiscd on age and physical strength," >nid Murphy. They Ret grat t (kation from bcing iiblc tu defend themsehe* They cxprc*s thcmsrłcc* not only in lighls willi other communities. hut downtown. and vcry puhlicly in thc soccer contcst.

The rescarch shuws that thc tron* hle-mnker* arr a smali minurity of socctf f.ms. hut they havc givw thc en tire igofl. a.droadjuł piihlk image

Mir vacant to save money, say Russians

MOSCOW fAPi — The .Mc* dr odcd tu lirira; borne thc cu.-mtxut:i> from ihcir iipacr station nc.\t werk-and leavt- it trmponirily varam to snvc money. lmt a nr* crcw will l»c launchcd in Augu-t, thr deputy flight dircctor said TW-day.

Viktor I). Blngnv said no tcrhmcul problem* had cropind up in tik* Mir. thc :hycar-old i>rtiit:nR coitip!i*x that is thc showcasc of thc Societ >parc proRtam He said plnns to k« q» Śivi-rU akiard the stntion coniinontisly wrre abandoncd for M*veral rrasun* "lł> this nrtion. we arc uf coursr i'amomi/.ir.i: M»n\c sum which can lv usisl for other purposi*< said IUoriw. sprakinc m a trlrplhinr mtrmrw frnm thr Mi-sam (Vntrnl (Vntrr i:» Kaliningrad, north uf Momow Ile did not identify thr arr.i> whrrc nwmry wuuld U* divirti*d »»r fav how* much wuuld U* Aitcd. Im: thr puldic ha** callrd fur thi* uru-itd tnillKins uf mblr.N S|n*nt un spure to U* tafRrtii! tu md chrome shurtaRr* uf cirbumrr Ro«k and fuod lłlnpuv nUi -..ud Sovu*t •oentist* were swamprd nnaU/inj; mf.*rni.rti»n Ratherał frum Mir thr Ku^suit word for "peoce — sino* it* launrh Fch 20. IHH1. Tliry now mu>i pan>e to rtvicw* what we lian* jituhi-plished and iheulr what * nnt

TentaCne plan* cali fur a moduU* the Sitnie si/e Mir to hi* attachal tu thc *tation at y. ar - cnd. and umil then thrrr i^ iki no d fur a errw*. lir raid. Wednesday * srhrdulrd latmch of u rcplan*nient errw ha- kon can-cctcd

North Sea rig closed after gas release

LONDON «AP> - A North Sea.nl ng w;t> fhut down T*.n-da> aftrr p-w>is releiisrd dunm: w..rk on unr uf the platform lejjs. an ml compain rpukesman sciuk

The situntmn' was^mtler cucHml at thr Curniurant Alpha. Un atu! akiut 100 milcs nurthrast uf lemick »n Shrtlar-d. >a»d a .-pukrsuun for Shell Kxpro, uwnrr> of tlie riR.

Ciu* was disonrrrd Irakin^ fruin thc platform after a pluR w a- dis-


Hu wns i*u-trd frum pnwrr m carly l!W7 for faihr.R to stup an out break of pro-dcmocmcy student mllirs

Dozens uf platnfkithrs polkę stood i;uard at thr odtrttc tmdilMMUil red Iaa|tu?red Ratę to Zhwtjinanlwi. the McnwtiKt compound ofOiinns leader* and hr.id«|uartrrs of thc Contimi* nisl Party

It was thc first mąjor dcmonatra-liun tlicfe siner the l%6*G7 Colt urn! Kceolutinn. whrn radicnl Red Cuanis youth* trii-d to mirr tlir compound to draR out Ir.^lrrs they uccused of rapitak*! crimrs.

Duzens of połicc c.irs patrollcd Chiuntjri Ikiulrvard. IłeijiiiRs mnin thomufthfarr Othcrwisc. alt six bnrs were bbckcd by studenU. Ilmnclotlws pulio? tock \idco film of the student* and minjtled in the rnmd.

This is thr mc.-t scriucs dcmon-stration in thr pa.< lOyrars. said a student wbo t<*»k part :n th*' 1M6-B7 protest s.

'IIk* students marchcd and bkytled tu /JmoRiutnluti shurtly łicffire mid-hipht By 4 n m ihcir numben had thinnrd taaliout I .>00

~i>~~ ~~    .

Arms dealer Khashoggi arrested

BERN,.Switzcrłnnd IAP> — Ad-nan KłmshoRRi. thc flamboyant Sotidi financicr or.ee reputed to be thc world’* wcolthicst man. wa$ arrested Tbcsday on chnrjtcs hc hclpcd Ferdinand and imclda Mar* cos hidc nehea stolcn froro thc Phtlippines.

The jct-sctting arms mcrchont, nllcgcdly thc man who brokered tik Iron-Contra arms dcal. was scized by polio? ot an elegant Bem hotel and jailed, said Piorre Schmid. os*

Hstant diro:tor of thc Swiss Feder* al Police Office.

Schmid said the arrcsl camc bhortly uRer the U.S. Emlassy bpped ofT Swiss authonties that Khaslwgin wiu in the Capital and demandcd his orrrst.

The United State* plan> tu sub-mit a deLmlcd cstraditcon reuuest within 60 days as reguired by treaty. - said U.S. Embassy spokenman Michacl KorfT.

Khashoggi. the Moittnes. fivc

other pcoplc ar.d a Califomia bank were indicted in October by a U5. Dbtnct Court in New York.

The mdietment tocuscs thc attlt-ed Phiłipp:r.cs dictator and his wifc of ^teahng morę than $100 million from the Philippinc treasury to buy rcal estate and cxpcnsivc art ob-jects in New York

Oycrull. thc Philippiou sa>*s thc couplc took $3.5 billion in cash and pmjKrty




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