Meridian teacher gets recognition

BOISE lAPl — A Meridian molher of sit cłuldrcn is the winner of ihf 1&59 lłS West Outstandmg Teacher Award.

Gov. Cccii Ańdru* and GE "Gett?" lliil. IS West Communtealions Idaho vico proiident and chief. cxcconve cfftcer. prrscntcd Jnnri Kuwc. kindergarten teacher at Mc.Milłcn Elomentnry Schód in Mcndian. with ihc award on Tue&iuy. She reccncs $0,000 lo be uscd in her school program.

"Janct Rawę reproonts the outsuindir.g teacher* in Idaho who reach beyond cbssroom wnlls to mukc a dilTcrence in the community and the futurę.* wid Hill,

Mrs. Ru we also will compctc for three onc-yoor snbbutical* sponsorrd by the tdephone company. Onctcachor has ocen nomlnatcd from eoch of the 13 ctaten *crvcd by US West.

Mayor pleads guilty in driving case

LKWISTON (APl — Cceur d*Alcne Mayor Ruy Słone plcadctl guilty Tucsday to u rcduced charge of inattcntsvc driving. was fmed and los! his dnver*s łicemr fer six months.

Słone origmally was chorgod with dming while tvttoxicatcd nfter hc was pullcd ovcr for failing to dim his lights for oncoming car* carly in the moming of April 2 on U«S. Highwajr 16 near Lewiston.

He was arrested for dnvmg while in!oxicatcd nfter refusing to takc n breath test. In court Tursday. Ncz Perec Councy Magittrotc Darrcl Pcrry ngreed to the statc‘s rccommendation of reducing the dnu;k dming charge to inna:tcntivc drivmg.

State settles 1986 welfare lawsuit

BOISE (APl — The stato of Idaho has ngreed to pay $26.325 to scttlc a lawsuit filed by welfare rccipients late in 19S6 when a ncw stale Computer system couldn t proce** welfare chccks.

But thg scttlcmcnt^was far less expei\3ive than it could have been The lawsuit originally was filed as a closs-action lawsuit. which mcans it could havc bccn certificd ns a lawsuit on bchalf of the 60.000 pcoplc rrcciving wcfnrc bcr.efits at tho time.

Instcad. the htate Department of Health and Welfare agreed to pay the eigh: origtnal plointiffs $2.000 to settlc nil claims. The agency n\*o will pav the Idaho Legał Aid Societv up to $10,000 for its somces plus

$325 coita.

Fundraiser to stump for mansion

MOSCOW <APi — Formcr Univcrsity of Idaho fundraiser Arnie Schaid. w ho was p.nd ncarlyS20.000 by the srhool nfler ho guit last Septcmber. has bccn hired to raise maney for construction of n ncw sUKic-owncd homc for the Idaho govcrnor

But while Schaid was cnlislcd by a group of Boise businessmen to help solicit donutions for the $1.7 milllion ppijcct. the stale rejccted a proposnl lo let ham live in the formcr govemor* resideocc while hc run* the campaign

The nging two-siory homc wcal of the Capslol in Boise will bc sold at nuction thi* sumrner with the moncy going townrd the oew residcoce.

Court overturns drug conviction

BOISE (APi — The Idaho Court of Appcatl has thrown out the drug convietion of o Conyon County man. ruJing thaLpplicgJmpropoiły madę the conncction bcewcen him and a ncarby parked car which containcd a conccaled wenpon.

Juan Rodriguezplended pulty to a charge of po**c$sion of tocaiftc. conditional upon his motion to suppress two vials with tracę*'<»f cocaine found when hc wa* scarchcd

Arrcsting ofTicers snid they bclievcd Rodrigue* drovc o vehiclc to a convenicr.cc storę and went insidc. AnofFicer said hc didnt *ee who drovc the car but thought it was Kndngoc?

Orofino inmate faces murder charge

BOISE lAPi — An inmate ol the Idaho Corrcetiona! Institulion in Oroflno has bcer. chnrgrd with firot-dcgrtr murder in the Februan 1968 slnying of n Boise pft shop manager

Zanc Jack Fitlds. 30. i« schcdulcd for arraignment Thursdny in Ada County Magistratc Court. Hc is accuscd in the sloying of Mary Cathenno Vanderford. 69. who was stabbed in the ncck. che>t and back durmg a robbery at the Wishing Weil Cifl Sltop on Fcb I1.19S8

State merit pay program off to rocky start

State, Nez Perce to renew wildlife talks

BOISE tAP) — Rcpublicnn stale Sen. Rachel Gilbert of Boise is pressing her attack on Democratic CTov. Cccii Andrus — on assnult Andrus has shrugged ofT as poiiticel posturing from a potenlial ch.illcr.gvr.

*Mr. Andrus ha?» uscd his position ns govemor lo coerce and threaten otherw inu> ogrccing with him und to pay retnbution lo those pcoplc who hone^tly disogrco with him." Ms.

Gilbert ^aid Tuesduy os she renewtd her occusations of lust week thnt the governor ho* obused the power óf his uffice.

She ngain boscd ł>er chor ges on the governor barring Idaho Cnttle Associntion Exccutivc    Vico

President Gnr^CIcnnfrom hi*ofTico during laat wcck'a mccting with SEN. RACHEL GILBERT association lenders. But the vetcran Blosts Andrus for abuses lawmakcr.    considcring the allows hm persor.nl viodktivencMi tu

-pp^ibilitVH)f-challong;ptf w\adrux^n^intnrTgr^-\Li;K >Jafr    nnA 1

the 1990 clcclion. daimed that just highlighu d a pnttcrn of abuse of power nnd intimidntion by Andrus.

"Andrus holds personal and political grudgv> agninst nur pcoplc or.d interes! groups and I bclicve


COBUR DALKNF. IAPl -Problem* have surfaced in the way ot least somc stale agcncics intcod to implemcnt the ncw merit pay ronię program for stale workers, according to perfonne! ofTiciaU and members of the !egishtivc committce that drafted the plan

‘This First year will be n littlc rocky." admitted Rep L. Ed Brown, R-Pocatcl!o. But we will get bclter at it and we'11 sec employees n bu morc satisficd “

State Pcr^onncl Dircctor Richard Hutchison. who serres a* an ndvisor to agencie* on the new pay plan. said he had rcvicwcd implementing policics from fuur agencie* sa fnr and found two failing tu mcci the Legislaturc * intent. Ile declincd u>

LEWISTON (APL— Idaho statc ond Ncz Perce tribol ofFicial* may bc rcady to renew ncgotiation* toward a system uf enforcing Fish and wildlife law* on and off the Nez Herce Indian Reservation    J

Attorncy General Jifn. Jones cxtcndcd an offer to Ncs.Pęrcc ofTicials on Monday to renew talks. which started about two ycars ago but hnvC stalled ovcr disagreenent on n draft memorandum óf • • • •• • •

Mining companies ordered to pay fines

MOSCOW (APi - Two Las Vc«as-h.iscd mining companies nnd their operator* havr been ordered to pay fines for Yiolntirm of Idaho sccuritic* laws.

Second District Judgc John Ber.gston induded tiie fines of $5.000 per Yiolalion in his judgment ngmnst Ogon Mining Co. Inc and Smith Mining Co. Inc and operator* Peter Kurii* and AAV. Martin, nil of Lnu Vcgns.

The *utc Departmcnl of Finance went lo court against the defendants IMmontksngo.

idrntify either

'My role only. in this case. an udvi5ory one. Hutchison said. I can tell them it docs not comply with lcgi«lativc intent The Personnel Committce will undoubtcdly he looking into the matter."

Under the ncw lcgisiative approach to stntc employcr pay hikcs. agency superyisors will the performance of cach worker and award pay rnises bnscd on merit. Lawmakcr* intended uli employcr* performing udcquntr)y to receive merrases nf around $ perccnt while lhoic with cxcmp!ury performance would rcceiYc mure and those nut performing satisfacturily would rcceiYc no raise.

The program. cffcctive July I,

i—    i


In the meantime. cr/orccmcnt has contmued to be spotty and led 16 argumenes ovcr jurisd:ction.

"Wc've done some and they*ve dor.e somc. But there'* rcally no proceduro." Jones said aftcr at a Clnrkslon, Wa*h.« cunferenco sponsored by the Ne/ Perce Tribc on Columbia River fishing nghu.

Allen V. Finkbam. chairman of the Ncz Perce Trfbal Exccutive

BOISE (APl - In 90 days. Idnhonns might ł>e able to buy the fir>t instant winner’ tickcU in the ncw stale lottery.

The Idaho lottery Comraission on TucmŁi) adopted operat i ng rules and regulations and .iwarded major (ontract*. moving closer to launching the stale lottery :ipprovcd by votcr> six month* ago Lottery •officials have been predicting a startup at lenst by Septcmber. bul Dircctor Walluce Hetlrick said ihings h;tve bccn going hi wdl that the likcly Martup could be mid-July to carly AuguM The five*mentber Lottery CnminisMon .iwarded major contr.icts on nn admini*trntive sysariu. adYcrjsing Mii.br. ihc fir*t_ batchof ticket> that will bc sold.

Anderson Consulting, a braoch of the national Arthur Anderson and fu. firm. will proYidc the admini>trative Computer system. The rontrart can be uorth $963.009. aiui will łv >wiiched from a lease to purchasc as guickly us the lottery system stan< generating rwenue Dittlcr Brothers. Atlanta, won u bid tu Mipply the tickets at a prke of l.Gcents pi r ticket. Lottery ofTic:al> estiin.ited the State will spend for tickets ihe fir>t year Idaho plans to offrr on!> “scratch" and "instant" winm*r tickets umil the lottery system can afTord to mvest in sophi*tiCiiud Computer games.

ntarks the fir*t time the Legislaturc has liased the annual stale eropłoyce pay raise on mcnl ulone.

One Panhandle Hi>u*e member. Mafv Vfindenlx?rg uf Coeur d AIcne. said the Land* Department implcmcritation plan is bnscd <otely on job clastfification. not performance, and fails to mcci the iegislatiYe standard

Sen. Rod Beck. R-Boi*c. who hradcd the joint committce that drew up the merit plan. agreed thr Lando Department proposal was off the mark. but he also conceded the new policy could re*ult in niisimerpretation* that lawmakcr* will ItaYc to ndda-ss nett wimer.

Despite the glitchcs. howevcr. Beck said. "We are allowing

Committce. praisrd the nttornoy generał'* efFori to renew the talks.

Tm glad Mr. Jones has brough: thi.i issue up again." Pinkham said. "Maybe we can como to on ugreement; moybc we cant.*

Jor.es said the stale is proposing thnt the tribc handle Hsh and wildlife v>olatiofts by tribal member* on the rc*crvation and the stntc handle Yiolations by non lndians bo:h on and off thr resen ation.

think lhnt*s serious/ Mn. Gilbert told roportery

*Obviou5ly. she doesn t think much of me." Andrus Mid after making a passing refcrcnce to the Henatur s nttacks dunng a noon speech tu the

Elgin Syfcrd Drakę Inc., Boise; was awardcd an advcrti>ing contmct which could go as high as $875.000 per year. Advertising Dircctor Ikib Cooper said the amoun: to be spora on «ds woukl depend on sale* and the typcs of gantes inclodeil in tłu* fd.ihn lottery.

Aatronics. Inc.. Boise, will pronde security system* for the lottery office* and wntrhBiise. with a Ud of $19 JIM

Lottery olficials estimate First-year sules at $25 million. which would generale a stale profit of $6 million Aftcr the First $209JUl) Iwlps go toward paying for the Victnam Wterans Memoriał at Idaho Kulis. Kiilf of thi* rest will go into a stale constructinn fund

The other hiilf uf the profil s will go into a fund to help public sclnml construction.

Sole* Manager Bill Applegate said as of Mund.iv. the stale bas received 1.09H upplications Co >e)l lottery lickcts. with a gnoił gengraphic habnee .icruss thr >tate.

Opposilmn lo tIm- lottery ir. two cieci ion> was Mrongesi in southeastern Idaho, but lottery officialssay there appears to Ih» nu shortage of retnilers in-that aren willing co sell lottery tickets

'U appears to lic a husiite** decision fur them." said llulnck

The original estimate was that 1.000 retailers would sell tickgt*. hut manager* to manage — a norcl nppru.ich to statc goYernmcnt."

Kcp. Pam Bcngson. R-lloisr. who hcods the joint Committre on Personnel Mauer*, said the panel will focus un how agencie* handle the poy lukc.

There urc going to be some that will go off on their own und givc raises acruss tht: board." Bengson said.


Netu Polio Plosticiuore

f or OulOoor f nimor«v^ ongnilj pnnl* eO *oiu*i. pachcri. ond kt-tnxXii» n fruit. flor*, weleimełon OftJyn ond moro. Nru» jewtfloo* O

tOcrtKl cotorrć frytut O Irwp* toa

*11 Ot tomflc DfUot I

134 A%w. NtfflK •



"I m not going to get into a dehuting socicty with ^omconc who s running for higher office.* Andru< snid. UathcAhan bnscd in fact, they tthe chnrges) are bosed in politics."

Ms. Gilbert shrugged the reaction off. claimiitg whnt she cnllcd the goYcrnors discourteous behavior was u srnous matter thnt "the pcoplc of thi.> ststc necd to talk alx)ut it.*

She li»ted a r.umbcr of incidents she daimed rcinforced her chargcs against the govcrnor. spccificolly cuntcndmg Andrus threatened to celo bills bncked by the Cuttlc Association becauae of*Glenn s involvement and by the Idaho Assnciution -of Commercc and Industry bccnuse formcr Rcpublicnn congrcssional aide Grcg Cascy is its dircctor.

_ Andrus said lhose claims are fiatly not true, pointing that hc wo‘rlccd~ with IAC1 dunng the last lcgislativc session for paasage of n number of mensures its business members ^upported. In fact, Cnsey nnd the govcrnor etchnngcd complimcnts

Hedrick said it now nppears thnt there will be 1.200 to 1J00 outłets for lottery tickets in the suito.

Retailers get 5 perccnt of the ticket prucceds ond Hedrick said hc i* working on n sales incentivc program that will uword top rrtailem on cxtnt 1 perccnt bonus. A packel of informntion going out to prwpcctirc retailers estimates the yearly snles commission nt $1.250.

U costs $25 to opply for n snles pi-rmit. with nn cxtro $10) lo pay for security and Financial btickground chccks.

With staff addilions opprovcd by

Rncquc(s by: PRINCE & WILSON Tennis Wear by: TAIŁ & PRINCE




Idaho djgł

lo*t month during tho Mgmng of a mn;or reduclion in unemployment benefit tuxe* that IACI had engineered.

'There is u group of Repubhcan pnrtiaans. irrbusiness and out of business, that didn t support mc las: time and won’t support me ncxt time." the goYcrnor said. "Bu: I ve nwer pul the gun to theiriwads. ‘

The senator daimed there werc cven morę exnmples of Andrus vmdictivcncss but those dircetly involved in them declincd to let her une their nomes for fenr of retnbution from the govornor.

"The only pcoplc nllowed in this office nrc hi* political friends," the Ycteran lawmakcr soid. There is a patie rn of nbu>c.“

But just btforc the First fnce-off between the governor and Ms. Gilbert last Fndny's in his outer office. Andrus had met with members oF the ApplcT6nTnm*ion7 including the brother and the campaign munager of conscrvAtivc Rcpublicnn U.S Sen. Słcvo Symms whom Andrus lios rcpcatcdly been at political odd» with.

the Lottery Commisaion on Tuesdty. tho stntc lottery now has 3$ cmploycctt. When the 19S9 Legislaturc npproYcd somc mostly minor law changc*. it dccrecd that lottery employees should bc covcred by the siatc mccii syslcm ctccpt for the salcs and security staffs.

HoweYcr, Hedrick said most of his employees fali into the cxcmpl cntegorics.

"We necd to havc the 0cxibility of hiring the best pcoplc for the job without the time nnd problem* it tnkos to go through the stntc pcrsor-ncl system7 hesoid.

Shoes by:


- M

now baiarco

Gilbert continues attack on Andrus

Lottery plans move State launch closer

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