- I am very pteased wilii this room
- Oh, how marve!ous
- Oh, ifs wonderful
* I am very dellghled
- It gives me great pleasure
• I can't say how pieased I am
- Great
I am glad you llke it I cant say how delighted I am
Task 3: Complete this dialogue with expression of pleasure >
1. Jemmy imd
2. Mrs.Faza Wiwid
3. Mr. Ga Rizal
Hey, this Is a good news. I've passed the entrance test at a favourite universlty Really ?.......Your parents.......
Wid, this Is a present for your blrthday.
It is a nlce watch, I need it so much.
This is your finał test result, you are the best. Congratulation !
Task 4: Match the situation in A with the suitable cxpression in B
1. You have sprained one of your antóes
2. A friend of yours was saved from a terrible accidents
3. You łiave been tooking for motorcyde key and now you have found It
4. While swlmming, your left leg suddenly was getting cramped.
5. YouVe been waitlng for a bus to come for almost a hatf hour. At iast, the bus has arrived
6. You pass your nabonal test with ftying colors.
7. The doctor give you an injection
8. Your friend is telling you that he ftas been accepted at a unlversity.
a. I am delighted to hear »t
b. Ouch ! That hurts !
c. This is a great, isnt it ?
d. What a relief. It's Corning at Iast
e. Ouch «It's very painful
f. Thank God He was saved
a Thank hcaven, I need it very much ii. 1 cant stand it The pain is getting worse and worse
Task 5: Make sentences from the following words.
1. Independent
2. Freedom
3. Author
4. Poet
5. Readabie
6. Patience
7. Beautify
8. Lengthen
9. Surgery
10. Standardize
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