By Kazimier Grzesiak
Phyałc* Department, Nicb*«U* Copcrtmu* Uni«i>ity. Toiuń
(re&dcttl Saz*ti%b*i 24, 1933)
A Circuit t.wrd on tbc nrgatbe fecdback pnnciple unng «cric% cnnncctrd majrnrtic Ampl&?f« and a non*l.ixir bridgr ha> l^<*n <:on*tiuctr«! and chcckcd. The contro! bridge consim of Iwo irou-hydrogec current Kolatora and two cnnaunian wire - wmir.J rc-M*tor.«. Thb bridge dclirera a velt*gr pro port u*, ul to any deyiation of the *ut.Lxcd coltigc from tbc \cve\ lor *h>ch thm bridge b btbnccd. Tłu* voltagc b transformed up, rcetified, unJ fed to the grid ciroiit of a wmim trłode. Tbc anod© currcnt of tbb uiode b ihea uted to conrrol tbc a.r. voltag© drop acroM both magnetie amplifiers in such a mamwr ihat tbe «tabilum! vo!tage floctualioni ©auaod by tbc mai na v«llig« and loail diange* nc minicnized. Kxpcri* mcnral rc^ulta are gireo and aome detign problem* brieFty di^uwrd.
Aniony tbc circuil* u$«d lo dny for a* c. \oltag<* Mahilization, thosc bascd oa the negativc fccdback principia have the hc$t aubiltzin# propenie*. The mus*, effident and pcrhups ihr simplwt of these curuil* eon tai n a >pecial aaturated diotlr for the
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