Organizacje Mnd, OM7

Organizacje Międzynarodowe VII

Pokój i bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe w działalności INGOs:

  1. Charakterystyka przedmiotowego zakresu działalności INGOs

  2. Wybrane INGOs:

a) Peace Brigades :

„PBI is an international NGO that has been promoting nonviolence and protecting human rights since 1981. Our work is based on the principles of non-partisanship and non-interference in the internal affairs of the organisations we accompany.

We believe that lasting transformation of conflicts cannot be imposed from outside, but must be based on the capacity and desires of local people. Therefore we do not take part in the work of the organisations we accompany. Rather our role is to open political space and provide moral support for local activists to carry out their work without fear of repression.
Our unique access to information and our objectivity increases our credibility with all parties to the conflict and gives us access to authorities nationally and internationally.”

=is an NGO, founded in 1981, which "protects human rights and promotes nonviolent transformation of conflicts". It primarily does this by sending volunteers to accompany human rights defenders whose lives are at risk in areas of conflict and to provide training in conflict resolution. They only set up operations in a new country upon the invitation of a local organization.

PBI is a team-based organization that uses consensus decision making. Volunteers live, strategize, draft reports, and travel together. Prior to acceptance, each applicant's teamwork abilities are reviewed and judged. Every three years, a meeting is held, attended by members from across the organization, to analyze and modify the direction of each country's program.

b) Institute of World Affairs :

„Founded in 1924, IWA is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization working across cultural and political boundaries to advance creative approaches to conflict analysis, conflict management, and post-conflict peace-building.

Since its founding, the Institute of World Affairs (IWA) has been actively engaged in studying the sources of conflict in the international arena and in   developing approaches to conflict management that attempt to address root causes. IWA's efforts focus on critical issues in access, participation, rule of law, and security along a pre- to post-conflict continuum.

Distance Education: content and technology - Web-based courses and professional development programs on a range of topics from conflict analysis and mediation to inter-agency processes in decision-making.
Professional Development and Policy Analysis - Professional development workshops for the international diplomatic and security communities on conflict analysis, negotiation, peacebuilding. 
The Institute sponsors roundtable discussions and publishes occasional  monographs on contemporary issues in world affairs. 

Applied Conflict Management - IWA has worked with partners in conflict prone societies to increase local capacity to address the structural causes of violent conflict. IWA projects have been sited in Southeastern Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.

The work of the Institute of World Affairs is supported by grants, contracts, and individual donations.

c) War Resisters International :

= is an international anti-war organization with members and affiliates in over thirty countries. Its headquarters are in London, UK.

War Resisters' International was founded in Bilthoven, Netherlands in 1921 under the name "Paco". WRI adopted a founding declaration that has remained unchanged:

„War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war and to strive for the removal of all causes of war.”

It adopted the broken rifle as its symbol in 1931.

War Resisters' International is a network of member groups. An international conference takes place at least once every four years.

d) International Peace Academy :

„The International Peace Institute is an independent, international not-for-profit think tank with a staff representing more than 20 nationalities, located in New York across from United Nations headquarters.  IPI is dedicated to promoting the prevention and settlement of conflicts between and within states by strengthening international peace and security institutions.  To achieve its purpose, IPI employs a mix of policy research, convening, publishing and outreach.”

= (IPI) is an independent non-profit research and policy development institution based in New York. IPI specializes in multilateral approaches to peace and security issues, working closely with the Secretariat and membership of the United Nations. IPI's primary objective is to promote effective international responses to new and emerging issues and crises through research, analysis, and policy development.

e) World Peace Council :

( WPC) is an anti-imperialist, democratic, independent and non-aligned international movement of mass action. It is an integral part of the world peace movement and acts in cooperation with other international and national movements. The WPC is the largest International Peace structure, based in more than 100 countries.
Since its creation in 1949-50, the WPC stood for peace, disarmament and global security; for national independence, economic and social justice and development, for protection of the environment, human rights and cultural heritage; solidarity with and support of those peoples and liberation movements fighting for the independence, sovereignty and integrity of their countries, and against imperialism.

= is an anti-imperialist, non-aligned international peace movement. As an non-governmental organization (NGO) member of the United Nations, the WPC cooperates with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), International Labour Organization (ILO) and other UN specialized agencies, special committees and departments. It also cooperates with the Non-Aligned Movement, the African Union, the League of Arab States and other inter-governmental bodies.

f) Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs :

= is an international organization that brings together scholars and public figures to work toward reducing the danger of armed conflict and to seek solutions to global security threats. It was founded in 1957 by Joseph Rotblat and Bertrand Russell in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada, following the release of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in 1955.

Rotblat and Russell jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 for efforts on nuclear disarmament. International Student/Young Pugwash groups have existed since 1979.

The first conference was held in July 1957 in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, hence the organization's name. It was organized by Joseph Rotblat, who served as secretary-general of the organization from its inception until 1973. The Russell-Einstein Manifesto became the Pugwash Conferences' founding charter.

Officers include the president, secretary-general and executive director. Formal governance is provided by the twenty-eight-person Pugwash Council, which serves for five years. There is also a six-member executive committee that assists the secretary-general. Jayantha Dhanapala is the current president.

The four Pugwash offices, in Rome, London, Geneva, and Washington D.C., provide support for Pugwash activities and serve as liaisons to the United Nations and other international organizations.

There are more than forty national Pugwash groups, organized as independent entities and often supported or administered by national academies of science.

The International Student/Young Pugwash groups works with, but are independent from, the international Pugwash group.

g) PAX Christi :

„Pax Christi International is a non-profit, non-governmental Catholic peace movement working on a global scale on a wide variety of issues in the fields of human rights, human security, disarmament and demilitarisation, just world order and religion and violent conflict.

Pax Christi International was started in 1945 as an organisation of Catholics in Europe who wanted to promote reconciliation at the end of the Second World War.

Pax Christi International is made up of a number of autonomous Member Organisations, affiliated, local groups and partners spread over 50 countries and 5 continents. Most of the regular work at the international level is done through regional and continental consultations and special sessions on specific issues.

Pax Christi International's governing bodies include a Triennial World Assembly, an Executive Committee with an International Co-Presidency, currently held by Marie Dennis and Msgr. Kevin Dowling. The day-to-day operations are carried out by the Secretariat's office in Brussels.

Representation and advocacy are integral to Pax Christi International's work. Pax Christi International is recognised and has representation status at the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna, UNESCO in Paris and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.”

= was established in France in 1945 as a reconciliation work between the French and the Germans after the World War II. As of 2007, it exists in more than 60 countries. Pax Christi constitutes a non-governmental organization (NGO) according to the rules of the UNESCO, the United Nations, the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva and the Council of Europe.

Its philosophical foundation stems from the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus and the tradition laid forth by the older Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC (leaders of which founded Pax Christi in 1945), and Pax Christi strives to play a pioneer role in the research of solutions of armed conflicts. In 1983, it received the Prize for Peace Education of the AFL. It is member of the International Coalition for the Decade of the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence.


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