Elementary Statistics 10e TriolaE S Creditspp855 856

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Chapter Openers

Chapter 1: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon © AFP/Getty Images

Chapter 2: Academy Awards: Best Actress Age © AP Photo

Chapter 3: Academy Awards: Best Actor © Getty Images

Chapter 4: Job Interview Drug Testing © Corbis

Chapter 5: Jury Selection: Benjamin Spock © Digital Vision

Chapter 6: Passenger Safety © Thinkstock

Chapter 7: Touch Therapy © Beth Anderson

Chapter 8: Career Networking © PhotoDisc Red

Chapter 9: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment © Stockbyte Platinum

Chapter 10:

Old Faithful Geyser © Digital Vision

Chapter 11:

Detecting Check Fraud © Corbis

Chapter 12:

Poplar Trees © Corbis

Chapter 13:

College Ranking © Comstock

Chapter 14:

Aircraft Altimeters © Digital Vision

Chapter 15:

Cookies © Medio Images

The following margin photos are all copyright PhotoDisc, Inc.

Chapter 1
p. 5, The State of Statistics
p. 13, Literary Digest Poll
p. 17, Publication Bias

Chapter 3
p. 79, Class Size Paradox
p. 94, Reliability and Validity
p. 99, More Stocks, Less Risk

Chapter 4
p. 140, You Bet
p. 141, How Probable
p. 151, Boys and Girls Are Not Equally Likely
p. 171, Composite Sampling
p. 174, Probability of an Event That Has Never Occurred
p. 180, The Number Crunch
p. 181, Making Cents of the Lottery
p. 183, How Many Shuffles?
p. 184, The Random Secretary
p. 185, Too Few Bar Codes

Chapter 5
p. 202, Picking Lottery Numbers
p. 215, Not at Home

Chapter 6
p. 271, Prophets for Profits
p. 293, Is Parachuting Safe?
p. 303, States Rig Lottery Selections

Chapter 7
p. 339, Estimating Wildlife Population Sizes

Chapter 8
p. 388, Lie Detectors
p. 392, Large Sample Size Isn’t Good Enough
p. 419, Commercials

Chapter 9
p. 458, The Lead Margin of Error
p. 460, Does Aspirin Help Prevent Heart Attacks?
p. 473, Using Statistics to Identify Thieves
p. 487, Do Air Bags Save Lives?
p. 497, Lower Variation; Higher Quality
p. 499, Research in Twins

Chapter 10
p. 522, Student Ratings of Teachers
p. 543, Postponing Death
p. 567, Predictors for Success
p. 568, Making Music with Multiple Regression

Chapter 11
p. 609, An Eight-Year False Positive
p. 612, Home Field Advantage

Chapter 12
p. 656, Polls and Psychologists

Chapter 13
p. 690, Gender Gap in Drug Testing
p. 711, Direct Link Between Smoking and Cancer

Misc. Photos

Chapter 1
p. 26, Prospective National Children’s Study; Copyright PhotoDisc Red
p. 29, Should You Believe A Statistical Study?; Copyright Jeff

Chapter 2
p. 47, Growth Charts Updated; Copyright Kelly/Mooney Photgraphy/Corbis
p. 52, Missing Data; Copyright Brand X Pictures
p. 59, The Power of a Graph; Copyright Stockbyte Gold

Chapter 3
p. 96, Where are the 0.400 Hitters?; Copyright AP/Wide World Photos
p. 121, An Outlier Tip; Copyright Reuters NewMedia, Inc./Corbis
p. 126, Human Lie Detectors; Copyright Getty/Image Bank
p. 145, Most Common Birthday: October 5; Copyright Dora Kingsley

Chapter 4
p. 164, Perfect SAT Scores; Copyright Taxi/Getty Images

Chapter 6
p. 261, Clinical Trial Cut Short; Copyright Seits/Photo Researchers, Inc.
p. 270, Do Boys or Girls Run in the Family?; Copyright Anthony Redpath/Corbis

Chapter 7
p. 326, Curbstoning; Copyright PhotoDisc Red
p. 356, Estimates to Improve Census; Copyright Corbis
p. 357, Estimating Crowd Size; Copyright Beth Anderson


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background image

Chapter 8
p. 393, Win $1,000,000 for ESP; Copyright PhotoDisc Blue
p. 408, Process of Drug Approval; Copyright Digital Vision
p. 428, Lefties Die Sooner?; Copyright PhotoDisc Blue
p. 430, Metaanalysis; Copyright Beth Anderson

Chapter 9
p. 459, Author as a Witness; Copyright Bill Wisser/Getty Images
p. 474, Expensive Diet Pill; Copyright Lance Manning/Corbis
p. 476, Super Bowls; Copyright Comstock

Chapter 10
p. 545, Predicting Condo Prices; Copyright Comstock
p. 558, Super Bowl as Stock Market Predictor; Copyright PhotoDisc Red
p. 570, NBA Salaries and Performance; Copyright Marc Asnin/Corbis Saba
p. 572, Icing the Kicker; Copyright PhotoDisc Red

Chapter 12
p. 643, Ethics in Reporting; Copyright AP/Wide World

Chapter 13
p. 719, Sports Hot Streaks; Copyright 2002 NBAE Photo by Noren
Trotman/NBAE/Getty Images

Chapter 14
p. 739, Costly Assignable Variation; Copyright NASA
p. 740, Don’t Tamper! Copyright Davis Lees/Corbis
p. 743, Bribery Detected with Control Charts; Copyright Owen Franken/Corbis


The following margin illustrations were rendered by Bob Giuliani.

Chapter 1
p. 16, Detecting Phony Data
p. 24, Hawthorne and Experimenter Effects

Chapter 2
p. 44, Authors Identified
p. 63, Florence Nightingale

Chapter 3
p. 110, Cost of Laughing Index

Chapter 4
p. 139, Probabilities that Change Intuition
p. 152, Shakespeare’s Vocabulary
p. 177, Monkey Typist

Chapter 6
p. 262, Sensitive Surveys

Chapter 7
p. 340, Captured Tank Serial Numbers Reveal Population Size
p. 351, Excerpts from a Department of Transportation Circular
p. 355, Estimating Sugar in Oranges

Chapter 8
p. 427, Ethics in Experiments

Chapter 9
p. 462, Death Penalty as Deterrent
p. 486, Crest and Dependent Samples

Chapter 12
p. 642, Poll Resistance

Chapter 14
p. 736, The Flynn Effect
p. 749, Six Sigma in Industry

The following margin illustrations were rendered by James Bryant.

Chapter 1
p. 7, Measuring Disobedience

Chapter 3
p. 119, Data Mining

Chapter 4
p. 160, Independent Jet Engines
p. 163, Convicted by Probability
p. 170, Coincidences?
p. 182, Choosing Personal Security Codes

Chapter 6
p. 286, The Fuzzy Central Limit Theorem

Chapter 8
p. 439, Push Polling

Chapter 9
p. 461, Polio Experiment

Chapter 10
p. 519, Palm Reading

Chapter 11
p. 613, Survey Medium Can Affect Results

Chapter 13
p. 680, Class Attendance and Grades

Chapter 14
p. 748, Quality Control at Perstop

The following margin illustrations were rendered by Darwin Hennings.

Chapter 5
p. 231, Queues

Chapter 6
p. 285, The Placebo Effect

Chapter 9
p. 477, Better Results with More Class Size

Chapter 10
p. 577, Statistics: Jobs and Employers

Figure 2.9
p. 63, Copyright 2003 by Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. Yonkers, NY 10703-1057, a

nonprofit organization. Reprinted with permission from the April 2003 issue
of Consumer Reports


for educational purposes only. No commercial use or

reproduction permitted. <http://www.consumerreports.org/>


Tufte Illustration:

p. 64, Losses of Soldiers in Napoleon’s Army During the Russian Campaign

(1812–1813): Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative
(Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 1983). Reprinted with Permission



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