Daniele Benedettelli:
- what inspired you to build the model, based on the black NXT?
The real (well, fictionally talking) is made out of metal, and so the white
LEGO parts are not the best to use.
This new NXT makes that piece of weaponry even more dark and
menacing. The Dark side of the Force...
- what is cool about the black NXT?
The black color is easy to "hide" under colored parts: if the NXT is built
under colored fairing panels and beams, it is easy to camouflage. The
classic white NXT is sometimes a punch-in-the-eye when integrated with
Technic models, from the aesthetic point of view. Now we need black
motors and sensors!!
The walker is made with the parts from the retail set 8527 plus the black
beams and connectors from the Bulldozer 8275.
Building instructions can be found in my book
called: Creating Cool
Daniele Benedettelli, 24 years.
Automation Engineering student, preparing MsC thesis
I have collaborated with TLG since the MDP (2006), and I was in the MCP1
(MINDSTORMS Community Partners), MCP2 and now MCP3.