iTNC Programming Station
TNC Programming and
Training on a PC
November 2003
The iTNC Programming Station
Programming, Archiving, Training
Why a Programming Station?
It’s well known that it is easy to create
part programs on iTNCs at the machine,
even while another part is being ma-
chined. Nevertheless, it can often happen
that short reloading times and other
machining tasks hinder any prolonged or
concentrated programming work.
The iTNC programming station now
enables you to program in plain language
just as you do at the machine, but away
from the noise and interruptions of the
workshop. If you already have a CAD
workstation, the iTNC programming station
can be an excellent complement to it.
Creating Programs
The fact that you can program, test and
optimize the HEIDENHAIN conversational
or ISO programs for the iTNC 530 on the
programming station reduces the idle
machine time. You need not adjust your
way of thinkingevery keystroke fits. On
the programming station you program on
the same keyboard as at the machine.
Storing Programs
Even though the iTNC 530 has a large
memory capacity on its hard disk, you
should also back up your programs on an
external system. With its RS-232-C and
Ethernet interface, the iTNC 530 has all
you need to connect it into your existing
network or directly with the programming
Training with the iTNC Programming
Since the iTNC programming station
is based on the same software as the
iTNC 530, it is ideally suited for appren-
tice and advanced training. The program
is entered on the original iTNC keyboard
unit. Even the test run functions exactly
as it does on the machine. This gives the
trainee the experience needed to
enable him later to safely operate the
TNC Training in Schools
Because it can be programmed in ISO as
well as in conversational format, the iTNC
programming station can also be used in
schools for TNC programming training.
The Workstation
The iTNC programming station software
runs on a PC. The programming station
closely resembles the iTNC provided
with a machine tool. The keyboard
remains unchanged except that it also
includes the soft keys, which are
otherwise integrated in the iTNC's visual
display unit. You connect the iTNC
keyboard at your PC’s USB port. The PC
screen displays the familiar iTNC user
The programming modes provide the
same features as an iTNC integrated to a
machine. This means that you can create
part programs
· in HEIDENHAIN conversational format
or according to ISO,
· with graphic support during program-
ming and for program verification,
· with all other proven iTNC features,
such as FK free contour programming.
With the programming station you are
working with the original iTNC software.
This ensures complete compatibility: the
part programs you create with the
programming station are guaranteed to
run on any machine tool equipped with an
iTNC 530. A prerequisite is that the
programming station software be
adapted to the machine.
The cycle structure can be switched via
MOD function to the following controls
for downwardly compatible program-
• iTNC 530 with preset table
(software no. 340 422-xx)
• iTNC 530 without preset table
(software no. 340 420-xx)
• TNC 426/TNC 430
(software no. 280 476-xx)
• TNC 410
(software no. 286 060-xx)
You can also use the iTNC programming
station for machines with old TNC
controls, provided that you are ready to
do without features that were not yet
available on those TNCs.
The iTNC Programming Station
Application Data
Items Supplied
The iTNC programming station consists
• the programming station software on
• the TE 530 L keyboard with additional
keys for the soft keys
System Requirements
The iTNC 530 software can run on the
following PCs:
• Standard PC with Windows 2000
or Windows XP
• Min. 128 MB RAM
• Min. 15-inch XGA screen
• 350 MB memory on the hard disk
• USB interface
• Graphic card with at least 1024 x 768
pixels resolution and
16-bit color
Conversational languages
You can install the iTNC programming
station with several languages and switch
among them during operation. All dialogs
and soft keys are then displayed in the
respective national language. The follow-
ing languages are available:
• Czech
• Danish
• Dutch
• English
• Finnish
• French
• German
• Hungarian
• Italian
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Swedish
• Spanish
Windows 2000, Windows XP are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation
For more information on the
iTNC 530, refer to the brochure:
iTNC 530
373 070-21 · 20 · 11/2003 · F&W · Printed in Germany · Subject to change without notice