AVR CDC 2008 01 27 Changelog

This file documents changes in the firmware-only CDC driver for atmel's AVR
microcontrollers. New entries are always appended to the end of the file.
Scroll down to the bottom to see the most recent changes.

* Release 2006-06-28

- Polling instead of using interrupt at UART processing (ATmega).
- Adapted to higher baud rate setting (ATmega).
- Reduced interrupt cycles in software UART (ATtiny).
- Removed zero-sized receive block in usbFunctionWriteOut().
* Release 2006-07-18

- Added Rx_interrupt version for high speed transfer (ATmega).
- Changed maximum packet size to 6 for stable connection (ATmega).
- Configured USI to transmit data (ATtiny).
- Added test report.
* Release 2006-08-28

- Adapted for new AVR-USB and WinAVR20070122.
- Modified to use maximum BULK_IN packet size in main.c.
* Release 2007-04-07

- Adapted for new AVR-USB and WinAVR20070525.
- Shortened the polling interval of interrupt endpoint to 2mS.
- Avoided duplicate response at SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE request.
- Sent zero sized packet on bulk-in endpoint after SETUP request.
- Enforce data toggling to DATA0 on interrupt and bulk-in endpoints after
* Release 2007-07-07

- Fixed bug on ATtiny inverted version. (Thanks to Klaus Weglehner)
- Updated to the newest AVR-USB.
* Release 2008-01-27


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