LK 1 MBA kadija zangaya

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Malam Baba Ali

Labar ga Komno Bo Bole

Yobe Languages Research Project, 2007


Andi goru moi ga ga woli Pikka sunni Zangaya.

There was a town in the region of Fika named Zangaya.


Goru ye zoi ga ono inko ga anin mara godon ëyay ya memu


The town was pleasant to live in because for the farmers there were
many things that a person planted


mana kute, ba ma moro, ba duro, ba mao, ba ma odo shap a ishi

gollaka rankata.

like sorghum, or bulrush millet, or peanuts, or late millet, or beans,
all of them did very well indeed.


Andi balawo moi sunni Malam Musa ga monduni moi ga bassu

sunto Kadija

There was a gentleman named Malam Musa with his one wife and
their daughter named Kadija


mate a ono ga ga goru ye.

and they were living in the town.


Sheke moi ga shandal nakati,

One time in the very early morning,


nonti Kadija ga indato ko njele zowi boto jute batto boo ita ke

inde ko njele.

Kadija’s mother, upon arising from sleep, called [placed her mouth]
to wake her daughter up so that she to would get up from sleeping.


Malam Musa kala kaya ndi jini mashidi.

As for Malam Musa, he had already gone to the mosque.


Zajin ya aji pete ye zaka ilni

At the time that he was going to go out, he cleared his throat,


dashit uwwa zali lula inko kumantun il an onasu tishi.

and the goats began bleating because they had heard the voice of the
one who gave them food.


arkeni in siri ye deyu lula baa sa

His largest goat didn’t stop bleating quickly


kapa zajin ya il sheke boni m bono siladuwo.

until the time that the sound of the feet of her owner had


Kadija ga indato ita zari zalmato ga lawo tosum ga kosshi,

Kadija, upon arising, grabbed up her drinking calabash, her gourd
cup, and her head pad


ita koi goggo bozo.

and she headed on her way to the well.


Ko beyi gee ita zowi boto unde sobato in ko kara bono, sunto


From the entrance way she spoke up and called her friend next door,
named Aya.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Aya ye ati wula ammato ye kala bule saya zalma sa.

As for Aya, her thing for carrying water was a ewer rather than a


Mate a ga messhe a ga messhe

They were walking and walking


dashit mate tai gomi in dande goraji kossu kunum peten ko ga

nguro moi,

and then they met up with four young men who had come from
another neighborhood,


mate ke koan bozo ye bo kona amma.

they, too, had headed for the well to draw water.


Dande goraji maine ye moi sunni Madu, moi sunni Bukar, an

kununsu ye kala sunni Gimba.

Those boys, one was named Madu, one was named Bukar, and the
third, well his name was Gimba.


Ga Madu ga Kadija gattan ga goma ga zappe mana zajin besshe she

ba zalan wula amma.

Madu and Kadija had long since been [tired with] meeting each other
usually at this time when they started to carry water.


Madu a ewe ndolinka rankata in Kadija

Madu was ardently showing his love to Kadija


inko ba mate ndan bozo ye kapa ngomtita kulato za yane ishin

íyolle minni.

because when they went to the well, such that he would fill her
calabash for her and afterward he would draw his.


Dande shappinsu mate tubule ga zappe mate koi bozo.

The young people all of them went in a group together and headed to
the well.


Goggo bozon ye kala sur-sur, esse saro har a dano sheke memu ba

aji doppayi,

The road to the well was narrow. there was grass touching the legs of
a person when he followed it,


esse ke jam sato taka golla dangiran sa.

there it was, the morning had not yet become fully bright dangiran.


Mate a ga messhe a ga messhe dashit moi ko gasu dalte lula,

They were walking and walking when one of them cried out,


kana kurei wodutu Bukar ga bo bilini.

oh no, a snake had bitten Bukar on the heel.


Dande kala ga kume lula Bukar mate na le?!

The young people on hearing the cry of Bukar wondered what [they
should do]?!


Anya pa lelo zali dalta jo kapa bono.

Well now everyone began running as fast as he could back home.


Bukar ke a boisu íyoru sa a jo a shangio.

Bukar also was behind them, he didn’t stop, he was running and


Ga lomakinsun bono dashit eleni ga bani moi mbuzam onni sei


On their arrival at home then they took him to the house of the chief
of the hunters, he gave him medicine, and he drank it,


o bae ma loíyíyuntun lele kurei ye.

so that quickly he vomited up the poison of the snake.


Bukar ga ga zappeni ye, an ona labar ga zuro rankata.

Bukar was among his friends, and one told very funny stories.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Zappeni shap ndolan bei ya ga ishin.

All his friends liked being where he was.


Sheke moi ishin onsu labar kuyanga moi.

One time he told them a story of a certain girl.


Kuyanga osheyye kala gunyo rankata, ke ita monattukko ita gon.

This girl was very pretty, and she knew that she was beautiful.


Ko tana ita zali ewe hali jir-jir in bunjen goru ye.

Thereupon she began exhibiting all kinds of behavior to the young
men of the town.


Le are memu yalla ba peten bo zowwato ga kaibono kapa ita kutti.

No matter what kind of person, when he would come out seeking to
marry her, she rejected him.


Mamme-mamme har ita ngusse ga sara sinkau ya bonguru bo

bunga ishi kaito.

Things were going like that and finally she ended up in the hands of
a jinn who had turned into a youth, and he married her.


Ishi elettu dara godon ga bonsu, dashit mate ngori kaibono.

He brought much wealth to their house, and they performed the


Ko boi ngora kaibono mate inde koi gorni.

After they had the wedding, they went and headed toward his town.


Mate a ga messhe ndin dalla mala ishin bongire jini sinkau an suwa


They were in the midst of traveling, and when they came to the
middle of the bush, he turned into a jinn that looked like a person


kala shekeni poo konni ke mana ko dosho.

but he had four feet and his head was like a horse’s head.


Ishin ai ta onato nzuwa har zouto bo mbure lafiya.

He kept on scaring her such that she became sick.


Dole ji ita owi ga bone ye ba potin mai mojito ye bongire jini

bo kurei

Necessarily she lived in misery, some days her husband would turn
into a snake


ba ma nonti yawi ai ta bibiyaye ga dala bonsu ye.

or else an ostrich (that) kept whirling around in their courtyard.


Ko tana sinkau ye inna lawo ye attuk bako

After some time the jinn saw that the girl had regrets


dashit matitta ga bani boto ita zowwe yapo ga don miíyíyato

and he returned her to her father’s house and she sought forgiveness
from her people


za yane mate ito kaibono ga lawo bunga moi are in zappeto.

and subsequently then they married her to a young man of her
clansmen’s type.


Labar moi ke ya Bukar danutu onasu in lawo mondu moi kayau

ani jari duro.

Another story that Bukar had once given them was about an orphan
who traded in peanut


Poti salla laya, lawo kinak ndina maskani inko yakulu zotto in


On the day of Id el-Kabir, the girl couldn’t go to the communal
prayer because of the lack of a new wrapper,


dashit ita koni telle mandamito, ita íyori ga bo goggo bei gee


so she took her peddling of roasted peanuts, and she stood beside the
road where people were entering.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



A ga íyorno ita bongire a inne miíyíya godon koun nem ga ita,

As she was standing she looked around and saw a lot of people
heading near where she was,


kana moi goru ye aji ndako ga anin dowi godon a boini.

as it happened the chief of the town was coming with many
horsement behind him.


Esse monde ndorasu ga domni har ga anin buya alum.

Here wre women lined up in front of him and even horn blowers.


Moi ga lomakinni, zajin bei lawo ye ishi íyolle rigizam shap ga


The chief, on his reaching there, next to the place where the girl was
he pulled up the reins and stopped with all his people


inko inne lawo gunyo oshe mate íyori.

because he saw that girl, and they stopped.


Moi ye aji lajabi ga inne lawo mamme gunyo rankata

The chief was amazed at seeing a girl so beautiful as that


kala miíyíyato atitto jari poti salla.

and that her people had imposed trading on her on a holiday.


Ishin pori in kokinawani na mate oppeto,

He said to his courtiers that they should follow her,


ita ewesu bonsu ke louttu sun boton bono inko lawo ye kayau.

she should show them her home and ask her the name of the head of
her house because the girl was an orphan.


Mate oppe lawo kapa bonsu

They followed the girl to her house


mate boli an bonsu ye ma ke a ga guzur suan siri jumani ga bo


and they found the master of the house he too in a ragged gown
squatted at the entrance of the house.


Ga inani kele mate loe sunni,

On seeing him, they exchanged greetings and they asked him his


dashit mate mettu jisu mate elettu labar in moi.

then they came back and brought the story to the chief.


Ko boi kere i jini,

After the sacrifice had taken place,


dashit moi zaiyi ga bani lawo kayau ye na ndoltawo bo kaibono.

then the chief sent to the house of the orphan girl saying that he
wanted her in marriage.


Balawoto idu gariya rankata dashit ga kurako Juma in koíyíye

ngorsuti kaibono.

Her guardian was very happy about this and when the next Friday
came around, they were united in marriage.


Moi elettu dara gongani ga bani min mokirini,

The chief took much wealth to the house of his bride and others,


oni in an suaito ga monduni,

and he gave it to her upbringer and his wife,


mate ke bolo patan jisu ko ga yakulu har abada.

and they, moreover, departed from poverty forever.


Eme tekke are jir labar ya Bukar a ono in sobawani.

That is the end of the kinds of stories that Bukar told to his friends.


Ko boi Bukar loíyíyuntun lele kerei ye

After Bukar had vomited up the poison of the snake

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



dashit zappeni maijisu bo wula ammasu deini ga bo bani moi


then his compatriots went back to their carrying water and left him at
the house entrance of the chief hunter.


Moi mbuzam elettu dawun in Bukar gande jini bo nosso.

The chieft hunter brought a mat to Bukkar and he lay down to rest.


Ko boi nossoni ishin inde ndai bonsu.

After his rest he got up and went home.


Ga lomakinnin bonsu jam jojjo bei odi kurei ye inde,

Upon his arrival at home, before the pain at the place of the
snakebite has subsided,


Bukar zali umpo a wursungulu moini.

Bukar began to groan and was just depressed.


Miíyíya ai ta njakkani za yane ga lei-lei jojjo ye ririme, njele


The people kept massaging him before (then) little by little the pain
subsided, sleep took him (he slept).


Ko boi indani, ishi yante amma guda konni, zubbe ga jini za yane

kume laras.

After getting up, he dipped out some water by himself, poured it on
his body, and he felt better.


Ishin petettu bo bono owi jini ga nem ga boni, bolo jojjo kaya sila


He came out to the entrance of the house and sat near his father, now
the pain had already disappeared.


Are ya miíyíya monandun ishin,

As the type of person that people had known him to be,


dashit Bukar zali ona labar in jama,

then Bukar began telling stories to the people,


mate ke a zuro kapa lajabi na are labar maineyye ko ishin a weso ko


and they laughed and were even surprised wondering where was he
getting these types of stories from?


Ga bo bozo, beyi wula amma,

At the well, the place for getting water,


Madu zali ga ëyolla amma in kuyangani Kadija.

Madu began drawing water for his girlfriend, Kadija,


Aya kala bolo a gono zubbassuk ido

Aya however was silent and stared,


ita zali pora na ita ma ke

then she began to speak saying that as for her


ba a wenati memu ya a sowwato ga ëyollu amma ita a kua sa.

if she were to find someone who was showing interest in her by
drawing water, she would not reject (him).


Ga pora mamme dashit Gimba ewe boni na

On hearing that, then Gimba spoke up (opened his mouth) and said


ita ma angonto a romonto saya ai ishin,

as for her, her admirer is her dislike (she does not appreciate her
admirer) since, he,


le sotto ndolu sawwato ga wula amma ye kala ita a kuoti,

whenever he wanted to help her in carrying water, she would refuse,


a matoni bo lelen sa.

and she would not respond to him about anything.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Ita na ai mamme sa, ita a kuo ussa jito inko kawa.

She said that that wasn’t the way it was, she was unable to relax
because of embarrassment.


Dashit Gimba na,

Then Gimba said,


ìTo, ba mamme kala bolo shi deiti inko ina ndolshi rankata jir ya

shi tamanakko sa.î

“Well, if that’s how it is, then you should cease (being that way)
because I like you a lot in a way that you had not thought of.”


Ga kume mamme dashit Kadija ga Madu moti ga ko zuro

On hearing that, Kadija and Madu (just about) died laughing


inko monantungo Gimba ndolta rankata bo kaibono saya in gompo


because they knew that Gimba liked her a lot (and wanted her in)
marriage and was not playing around.


Ko boi ngomtantun ati wula ammasu,

After they had filled their water containers,


dashit dande goraji ate in dande monde ye za yane, mate jute in


then the boys helped lift (them) for the girls then they lifted their


Mate koi bono, dande monde a dom dande goraji a boisu.

They headed for home, the girls in front and the boys behind them.


Mate a ga messhe a ga messhe kana Madu zubbu idini am

They were walking and walking and Madu stared in silence,


aji inne íya sa kapa suwa halitta ya Allah onuwo in Kadija:

he wasn’t seeing anything except the form that Allah had given to


esse ita íyorato, sheketo íyutu woli, dai sa ke buíum sa.

there she was erect, her feet were straight and stable [clung to the
ground], she was neither fair-skinned nor dark-skinned.


Ishin kuu boo ngorsu kaibono sa le ma unso.

He would not have refused that they be married even today.


Ba innata-innata ishi oli íyule goríyok mana an shari inna lo.

As he looked at her and looked at her, he was swallowing saliva
gulp! like a greedy person looking at meat.


Zajin ya a ga inneto ye le ka koníyini a kume sa.

When he was looking at her, even if you pinched him he wouldn’t
feel it.


Madu aji kume jau lamar emeyye

Madu felt the pain of this matter


inko har elettu bessheshe boni kina ele dodo gabaga bentel ga bani

min Kadija

because up to this moment, his father could not bring the money for
marriage proposal [for white cloth and loincloth] to Kadija’s home.


bere ma har ai mbosa ngora kaibono.

much lesson being at the point of talking about arranging marriage.


Boti Madu kala soniye ishin a koíyíye sa ke a woli sa

Madu’s father, indeed this year he was neither up nor down


inko puzo burtu ishin mana le,

because the rainy season had badly thrown him for a loop,


esse íyala zaltu bawo ke pito íyoru jini,

here the grain had begun to form pollen and the rain had stopped,


bolo ga mbosa duro sa bere ma odo.

and there was no talk of peanuts much less beans.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Mamme palla soniye moini sa, tuan ga boi zani

This has happened not this year alone, they linked up (went like this
years at a stretch)


har soni kunum mate kuman zoi puzo ye sa.

and now for three years they had not enjoyed a good rainy season.


Mbosa zowwa tishi in le sotto íyatu bo damuta lelo andi sa ma

The matter of finding food for every day was the greatest concern for
everyone and there wasn’t anything else


bare messe bo na min lamar rina bin.

much less remaining (to be used) for things like wedding ceremonies.


Dande anin wula amma ye ga lomakinsun bo goru dashit lelo koi


As for the young people carrying water, on their arrival at the town
gate, everyone headed to their homes.


Shappinsu antun sheke kunum-kunum ga bozo za yane mate deyi

wula amma ye.

All of them went to the well three times each and then they stopped
carrying water.


Ko boi duwar ke, bo wula amma in dande olle-olle.

After the middle of the afternoon, carrying water was for small


Madu ndolu boo mate gomi ga Kadija ga poti,

Madu would have liked to meet with Kadija at midday,


kala yakulutu bei ya mate a gomadi ye.

but he lacked a place where they might meet.


Ko tana dashit zumettuyi

Thereupon he then had a thought


inko Kadija potin poti a ele caccanga ga bo puloti korya duro a


because Kadija, at midday, brought caccanga to the trading area for
measuring out peanuts and sold it.


Ga poti a dalla ishin koni dodoni sisi ga apu koidi puloti.

In the middle of the day he took his money, 7  pence, and went
with it to the trading area.


A ga messhe a ga messhe, dashit gomi ga sobani Gimba a messhe

ga rokkoni na

He was walking along when he met up iwht his friend, Gimba, and
he walked along accompanying him and said that


nonni zannikko boo gojjitto goro ga nake,

his mother had sent him to buy kolas and nake,


Madu porni na ishi ndai baa ba takatu serni ye

Madu told him that he should go quickly when he finished his errand


ishi bolni ga bo puloti beyi min Kadija.

and find him by the trading area at the place of Kadija & Co..


Ga lomako Madu bei puloti dallani garan sa ga bei ono min


On Madu’s arrival at the trading area it wasn’t far between him and
the place where Kadija and her friends were sitting,


dashit a inneto aji summana ga memu moi.

and he saw here talking with a certain man.


Ishi monu sa inko summanasu ye nossan ga inayi

He didn’t know it but their conversation, they had spent a long time
doing it

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



har ma alatu memu ye doggutu jari Kadija ye kirkir

and had reached the point where the man paid for all of Kadija’s


har ma onta dodo godon ya ita danak inne sa.

and he gave her money in an amount that she had never seen.


Sun memu ye Alaji Makkau, ke daman are rutani mamme,

The man’s name was Alhaji Makkau, and, you know, his type of
work was like that,


gattu ga ina in dande monde bo ëyolla ankalisu.

he had long been doing it to girls in order to attract their attention.


Potin mai ba aji inashi are eme,

Some days when he was behaving in this way to you (fem.),


boi moi kapa ishi tikke jini ga goggoshi,

one night he would separate from your path,


le innashi ko garam a konati konni

even if he saw you from afar he would bring himself


kobo ma shi ai tama a inashi mbosa ba ma ndai gamashi.

before you gave it any thought, he would be talking to you (asking)
whether he might come to your place.


Ga onato dodo uzet mamme, Kadija yakiliti bei ya a zowadi kotto.

Upon his giving her a bunch of money lit this way, Kadija didn’t
know what to say (lacked a place to put hersel).


Bongirak boito dashit a inne Madu, kawa ëyuti ita, ita nguniti kotto.

When she turned around, she saw Madu, embarrassment overcame
her, and she bowed her head.


Ishi na, ìWashi le shi ngunattuk kosshi ye?î

He said, “What’s the matter with you that you have bowed your


Ita na ga íyay ya wata sa.

She said there was nothing the matter with her.


Ishin Alaji Makkau sonni íyatu ko bai.

He, Alhaji Makkau, was more than 50 years old.


Ndi bo ndina Makka ye ma ndi ga sheke.

When he had made his trip to Mecca, he had gone on foot.


Ba mbosa dara kam lamarni ga laifi sa

If it was a matter of wealth, things weren’t bad with him


inko zajin dodo an ko mala ka zowati ishi ga ga anin dara.

because with respect to the money of a villager you would put him
among the wealthy.


Montuwo ishin an dara, yane kappa rutta biki tilni.

He knew that he was rich, to the point where he would speak


Esse ba aji messhe a taííama moini,

Here he was walking along strutting all by himself,


jam a tishi zarapi lelo ba ishi ndoluwoyi.

and moreover he would embarrass anybody if he felt like it.


Ko tana dashit Madu porto na yantini caccanga a ngaayi.

Thereupon Madu then said to her that she should dip out some
caccanga and he would eat it.


Ita yantinni tasa pilim, ishin na ishin ndoluwo in kobo kunum

She dipped out a full plate, and he said he wanted three kobo worth,


saya ishi ndolu tasa pilim sa, a inadi le mana a ele in anin surga?

he didn’t want a full plate, what was she doing as if she was bringing
it to a communical work force.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Kadija yakulattuk íyay ya ita a gani.

Kadija lacked what she would do about it.


Esse Alaji Makkau ontati dodo godon monak íyay ya ita a pora ga

bono sa,

Here Alhaji Makkau had given her a lot of money and she didn’t
know what she was going to say at home,


esse jam Madu yakkinati íyay ya ita a gani.

and now Madu was paying attention to what she was up to.


Ko boi nossa shim dashit esse Gimba lomungo.

After a little while then here was Gimba who had arrived.


Mate owi ga Madu mate ngai caccanga ye.

He and Madu sat, and they ate the caccanga.


Inko godomni mate gate oni in lawo pukara ya jumani íyan kisato

ga nem ga mate

Because of the its great amount they left some and gave it to a
Koranic student who had been squatted for a long time near them


aji ta dide lawo tosumni bo íyollako ankalisu.

shaking his little alms bowl in order to draw their attention.


Kadija yantissu amma ko ga rumpa an sikeli.

Kadiji drew them some water from the weighing shed.


Nem ga beyi jarito ye andi sobato ya a gojjito atti.

Near where she was displaying her wares, there was her friend who
was selling kunu.


Ita gojje jubbisudi ga ko amma ye,

She bought some and poured it into the water for them,


ai jini mana surki, ita elessu, mate dokilne,

it became like surki, she brought it to them, they gulped it down,


gare zille mate íyuwi summana jir-jir.

let out a belch, and took up chatting about various things.


Gimba ga ewe boni pori na ai ishi nossu kuma zoi caccanga are jir

eme sa,

Gimba spoke up and said that he had gone a long time and hadn’t
enjoyed caccanga of that type,


unso ma bolo ishi a gita tina otto in bonsu sa.

and now indeed he would not be able to eat tuwo at home.


Burtu santi.

He was deep into santi.


Mate a ga mamme ga bongirasu

They were going on like that, when upon their turning,


dashit a inne Aya koinsungo attuk danare ga jarito in mandami.

they then saw Aya approach them carrying a load on her head with
her wares of sesasame.


Ga lomakintango dashit Kadija ga Madu zali zowwa boto ba


On her arrival, Kadija and Madu began teasing her as they looked at
her from the corners of their eyes.


mate ngule Gimba mate a ga summana har mbosa elettu ko tunga

sobasu Bukar.

they scowled at Gimba and they were chatting until the talk came to
the mentioning of their friend Bukar.


Mate na kumantungo na ishin daru jini sarai

They said that they had heard that he had recovered completely,


har boni ma gojjini kare godon,

and his father had even bought him a lot of stuff,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



tubbutu ishin ga gama malum moi ga oli Zanzanti ga goru moi

and he had sent him to a certain Malam in Kanuri country in a
certain town


sunni Alagarno bo ngoza karatu Lukuram.

named Alagarno in order to learn to read the Koran.


In nem unda duwar dashit dane monde ye

Near the call for the midday prayer, the girls


na mate a mena jisu bono inko jarisu shap taka jini.

said that they were returning home because their peddling was all


Madu ga Gimba boltissuyi nem ga bannesu.

Madu and Gimba accompanied them to near their homes.


Ga gee paibono Kadija pouttu dodo ukkum sa ya Alaji Makkau

onta ye ita ewe in nonto.

On entering the courtyard Kadija brought out the not small amout of
money that Alhaji Makkau had given her and showed it to her mother.


Nonto ga inne dodo mamme ya batto danak alako areni sa,

Her mother, on seeing money like that of a type that her daughter
had never before brought,


ita íyuwi boto aji lajabi.

she grabbed her mouth and was amazed.


Dashit nonu loe batto na ita wen dodo godon mamme ko au.

Then the mother asked her daughter where she had gotten so much
money from.


Kadija ga ewe boto ita tunge sun Alaji Makkau na onta ishin.

Kadija spoke up to her mother mentioned the name of Alhaji
Makkau saying that it was he who gave it to her.


Nonto ga kume mamme konittu kalimbu zali lassadi batto ga ishin.

Her mother on hearing that took a whip and began striping her
daugher with it.


Lawo zali dalta bele inko jojjo dushe ye.

The girl began to break out crying because of the pain of the beating.


Ga kume lula banni ko bo bono,

On hearing the cries in his house from the entrance way,


Malum Musa garuttu ga jo in paibono

Malam Musa rushed into the courtyard


boluttu monduni ga batto lekitantun karai in dala bono ye moi-


and found that his wife and his daughter had scattered things here
and there in the courtyard.


Ga loayi, ita porni íyay ya banni a gani,

On asking about it, she told him what his daughter was up to,


esse elen dodo godon ko sara Alaji Makkau.

here she brought out the considerable money from Alhaji Makkau.


Malum Musa ga kume mamme ate sarani mukkidi banni ye,

Malam Musa on hearing that raised his hand to strike his daughter
with it,


dashit umbuleto in tana zazza har zewe jito.

Then he threw her (over) there stretched out to the point where she


Ko boi ewe idito mate zaiyi ga bani diyato ita ndettu kosi are bo

karai Kadija,

After she opened her eyes, they sent her to the house of her
grandmother, she went to collect Kadija’s things,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



mate tubule eleti ita ga bonto.

and they piled them up and took them to her house.


Kadija bolo ussiti jito ga bani diyato.

As for Kadja she relaxed at her grandmother’s house.


Sheke moi mate a ga ngune ga boi, ga duro bobonosu aji


One time they were chatting at night with their Bambara groundnuts
and they were eating them,


dashit diyato ito dindi in an ndulam ga monduni.

and her grandmother told her a tale of a greedy man and his wife.


Ishin gorzo ye mbuzam.

He, the husband, was a hunter.


Sheke moi ndi bo bara

One day he went hunting


dashit mettu bono ga turweshi bolou ya íyuwwo ga ga ashuta.

and he came home with two francolins that he had caught in a trap.


Miíyíya in ngurosu shap monantum ko mbuzam eme inko ndulam

ga shila.

All the people in their neighborhood were familiar with this hunter
because of his greed and miserliness.


Dashit koni turweshi maine ye oni in monduni boo ini inko


He took those francolins and gave them to his wife so that she could
cook him in the Bole way.


Lo ga zala nishi dashit bajinni tura-tura ngontiti pai bono

As the meat began to get done, its fragrant smell filled the house


har bo bono ma lelo a kumeyi.

such that even at the entrance everyone smelled it.


Mbuzam ga kume mamme

The hunter, on smelling this,


montuwo bajin lo eme a ji patako ko pai bonni,

knew that this smell of the meat was emenating from his house,


ishin inde shiok rai paibono,

he arose shib'ok and went into the house,


unde monduni zaito ga bonsu ga gama balawoto.

he called his wife and sent her (to her parents’s) home to her father.


Serni ye íya in jau sa, le lawo ole ma a gitati zenani,

That mission wasn’t anything important, even a small child could
have carried out his errand,


kala ishin ga íya moi bam a bo tilni.

but he had a different thing on his mind.


Mondu ye zari geleto, pai kotto ndai beyi serni ye.

The woman picked up her shawl, put it on her head and went on her


Ga peteto, an bono ye ai kuum-kuum

On her going out, the master of the house moved stealthily


unke gee in gabin inko yawtuttu doo ya lo yarinshe a gani


bent down, went into the cooking hut, picked up the pot that the meat
of the birds was in,


sore shap ga ga lawo kotum,

poured it all into a little food bowl,


koni koidi boi bin yurule ga saro ikko bunkidi ga dalla.

took it, headed behind the house, poked around in the thatch grass,
and hid it inside.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Mondu ye ga makintango koi don reen boo yautiti inko ye

koba usse jini.

The wife, on coming back, headed to the fireplace in order to take off
the cooking (food) lest it burn.


Ga juta doo a kume sanpiram,

On lifting the pot she felt it to be light,


awakko ke a inne messe biye tankalum ga wolwoli kua.

and when she opened it, she saw the rest of the miya in a very small
quantity at the bottom of the pot.


Ita poi garo, dide kotto inko monattuk hali mojito ga niya inato


She took a deep breath and shook her head because she knew the
habit of her husband and (his) intention of spoiling things for her.


Zak idito, dashit a inne bo sheke takani kou in boibi.

When she looked around, she saw the tracks of his shoes headed
behind the house.


Ita oppe, wilkie ga ikko,

She followed them, picked into the thatch,


dashit a inne lawo kotum a dalla saro.

and saw the little food bowl inside the grass.


Ga eweyi, a inne lo ye jogo danu sa.

On opening it, she saw the meat in a heap, he hadn’t touched it.


Ita koni koop, dashit zowi boto in ani kara bonto ita ontati bo


She picked it up quickly, then called over to her neighbor and gave it
to her for safe keeping.


Diyati Kadija a ga ona labar, íyan taka sa, dashit mate a kume


Kadija’s grandmother was telling the story, before she finished, they
heard a greeting.


Mate gone am, jam an salam ye sawwidi yane za mate lowi.

They became quiet d'am, again the greeting was repeated, and then
they answered.


Ita Kadija induttu zinge bobono in bo oriyo,

She Kadija got up and peeked at the outside door through a gap in
the fence,


dashit a inne Alaji Makkau.

and she saw Alhaji Makkau.


Ishin daman ba ndin bani kakaka, ba ke boluntun Kadija,

He, you know, when he came to the house of the grandma, and when
he would meet Kadija


a ona íyay ya elengoyi kapa bongire mai jini.

on giving the thing that he had brought, hw would then turn and go


Ba ma bonni a zena unduttu lawo moi in ga ngurosu ya montu


When he returned to his house [zena?] he called a boy from their
neighborhood who know how to write,


rubutini shap íyay ya onuwo in Kadija.

he wrote for him everything that he had given to Kadija.


Ko boi pete Alaji Makkau dau sa ke esse Madu ai sallam.

Not long after Alhaji Makkau had gone away here came Madu and
he greeted the household.


Ishi Madu íyay ya a alakinnin ga bono ye

He Madu, what he was bringing to the house

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



ndolinka in jijjire ya ndoldu Kadija.

the true love that he felt for Kadija.


Ita ke mamme ndolaknikko mana konni olti ishi ba innannikko.

She too thus she loved him like she would take him and swallow him
when she saw him.


Diyato kala ndolak Madu sa mana konni burni ga ga osi

But her grandmother didn’t like Madu, as she could take him and
throw him in a fire.


inko monattukko ishi ga íyanni sa, miíyíyani ke anin yakulu.

because she knew that he did have any means, his family members
too were paupers.


Kadija konuttu geleto ita umbule in ga ditto boluttu Madu,

Kadija took up her shawl, threw it around her shoulders, found


ita ngune ini kele ussiti jito a gariya moito mana onan bokku lo in


she bowed, greeted him, and was laughing all alone as if one had
given roasted meet to a hyena.


Madu ndi bo ndako unso ye gojuttun alewani ga goro in Kadija ga


Madu when coming today, he had bought his alewa and kolas for
Kadija and her grandmother.


Ita kakaka a kunani sa le shim.

She grandma didn’t express the slightest thanks.


A bikkati goro ye ke zali pulladi Madu ga jini.

She accepted the kola and began to abuse Madu over it.


Mate owi ai ta ngunesu har bei zalti shimo.

They sat and were chatting until the place began to be quiet.


Dashit mate zali kume kakaka mana aji dana bo garu bo penati.

Then they began to hear the grandma as if she as she was touching
the gate to close it


Madu ga Kadija ai sallama in zappe,

Madu and Kadija took leave of each other,


ishin íyuwi messhe baa-baa kapa bonsu.

and he began walking quickly all the way home.


Ga gee Kadija paibono,

Upon Kadija’s entry into the house,


dashit a kume diyato aji ngungurare,

she heard her grandmother grumbling,


zali loato na inko le ita a ina are ngune mamme har dalla boi ye?

and she started asking her why she was doing that kind of chatting in
the middle of the night?


Kadija kala boto oti, le lowato kuattukko inko ba lowattukko,

But Kadija kept her mouth shut, she refused even to answer her
because if she answered,


godon mbosa diyato ye a lada sa har shandal,

the longwinded talk of her grandmother would not stop until dawn,


esse ke unso Madu montutuwo ita kele sa.

and moreover, now Madu knew that she wouldn’t extend a greeting.


Le ma ba itawo a lowa sa.

Even if he did it to her, she wouldn’t answer.


Kadija ga geeto ita ewe ga godon goro, ita jute ashasha manshi ye,

Kadija, on entering, showed a lot of kolas, she lifted the old woman’s
burlap cover,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



zubbitadi goro ya Madu elentan ye.

and poured the kolas that Madu had brought to her there.


Sheke moi ko boi magiripu sap,

One time right after sunset


Madu ndettu jini bani min Kadija bo ngune.

Madu came to Kadija’s house to chat,


Mate daan sa ke, esse Alaji Makkau lomungo.

They hadn’t spent a long time when here comes Alhaji Makkau.


Ga lomakinningo, bei ye bikke bajin turpeshi ngura-ngura.

On his arrival, the place was redolent with the smell of perfume.


Za idini, dashit a inne Madu ga Kadija girinantun

When he took a look, he saw Madu and Kadija talking together


bo gawasu ga ko dagali an kara bani manshi ye.

between themselves on the bench of the old woman’s neighbor.


Ga inne su mamme, Alaji Makkau inde ga pulla Madu

On seeing them like that, Alhaji Makka set to abusing Madu


na ishi be talaka kala inko le a damuta lawo oshe

saying that he, the son of a pauper, why was he bothering this girl


ya memu mana ishi aji zowwa ye?

that a man like him was courting?


Ishi zue Madu nenet, Kadija bolo sato a ji boto.

He hurt Madu greatly, and Kadija her hands were against her mouth
in shock.


Madu ga ewe boni ke ishin zali ina kurba in Alaji Makkau.

Madu, on speaking up, he too began showing disrespect to Alhaji


Ko ga mamme har ilsu zali ena in koíyíye.

From acting that way, their voices began to get raised high.


Manshi ga kumesu ita petettu,

The old woman, on hearing them, came out


kapa ita kapa jotto moi a bo gawato,

with a wrapper around her chest,


ita nduttu aisu ga washi, na inko le mate aji are shawula eme ga


she came and jumped on them with a confrontation asking why they
were doing this type of hubbub at her doorway.


Ita porsu na mate lekite, lelo ndai bonsu.

She told them that they should break it up and everyone go home.


Madu ga kume mamme ishin zowi takani ndai jini bono.

Madu on hearing that, put on his shoes and went home.


Aljai Makkau i she mana aji inna jini

Ahaji Makkau acted as if he were going,


dashit kurettu in boi mettu jini bani kakaka.

then he turned around and came back to the grandma’s house.


Daman diyati ye akko mamme bo rokka Madu

You know, the grandmother acted that way in order to drive Madu off


saya boo ke rokke Alaji Makkau sa.

it was not in order that she drive Alhaji Makkau off.


Ishin ga makinningo jam ai ga ko pulla Madu ga Kadija shap.

Upon his coming back again he set to abusing both Madu and Kadija.


Ishin na njei inko le Kadija kaimaj jito ga ndola Madu ye.

He asked why did she have to persist in loving Madu.


Kadija ga kumeni zaltu zuasu ga an ndolinkato,

Kadiji, on hearing him, began to share pain with her lover,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



dashit gare ga jo ndai ko indi diyato kuriti awuto

and she ran off, went to her grandmother’s bed, lay face down


kapa bele har nem ga shandal.

and cried until near dawn.


Ga golla sato, har poti a jini ita kutti tishi,

As the morning came and the sun rose, she refused to eat


ga íyay ya ri ga boto sa.

there was nothing that entered her mouth.


Le urum sato ya diyato zattak ga nem ga indito ma sirkato,

Even the morning tuwo that her granmother put near her bed wasn’t
for her,


le ewe konni ma awakko sa.

even opening it she didn’t do (didn’t open).


Ga poti a dalla, diyato ye duwitto mbakum ga mezerkoila,

At midday, her grandmother pounded tuwo crust and sugar for her,


amma sakko sa.

but she didn’t drink it.


Ngai kanto íyay ya ri boto kapa nake la shim ya a ga lawo tosum ga

wolwoli indi.

I swear to God what entered her mouth was (nothing) but a little
nake that was in a small calabash under the bed.


Idito shap taan jisu.

Her eyes were all red.


Kapa asar rokko magiripu za ita ririme, poi garo

Only when afternoon had moved to sunset did she calm down, she
took a deep breath


na, ìAllah moini!î

and said, “Allah alone!”


íYan zajin ya Madu deidu bani min Kadija,

From the time that Madu left Kadija’s house,


ko potini ye bolo ishin sawwudu daíya bono ye sa.

from that day he did not step back into the house again.


Madu kam ankalni indu jini rankata

Madu indeed was very upset


yakulutu íyay ya ishin a inayi boo ji

and lacked anything that he might do about it


koba Kadija sukule jito ko ga sarani.

lest Kadija slip from his hand.


Ko tana ishi zumettu ga sobani Gimba,

Thereupon he thought about his friend, Gimba,


dashit inde ndai gamani.

and he got up and went to him.


Madu porti shap íyay ya palla ga dallani ga Alaji Makkau unso bani


Madu told everything that happened between him and Alhaji
Makkau today at the house.


Dande bunje ye nosse yakiliti goggo ya mate a oppayi ga lamar


The young men spend some time and lacked a path that they might
follow in this affair.


Dashit mate na íyay ya íyawo suwa

Then they said what would be best [what exceeds in appearance]


mate ndai pori in Malum ya a iwasu ba ji

they should go and speak to a Malam who might do soothsaying for

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



har Madu a kenati Kadija, ke íyay ya mate a doggani bo rutani.

so that Madu might marry Kadija, as well as what they might pay
him for his work.


Mate inde ndai bani goni in dai.

They arose and went the the house of a serious expert.


Malum emeyye an ruta rankata inko miíyíya a dappo ga gamani.

This Malam was a real worker such that people would gather at his


Biya goru zannin sun na ìGonin Daiî ye

The people of the town named him “Gonin Dai” [“Red Expert”]


inko lelo ba ndi gamani bo ruta onsu Allah,

because whoever is was that went to him relating to the work of
beseeching Allah,


ishin a pora in memu ye na ishin zowwutu gajan dai.

he would tell the person that he she should seek out a red rooster.


Min Madu gojuttu gajan dai ga pataka bolou elenni.

Madu et al. bought a red rooster for four shillings and took it to him.


Malum ye ko boi iwu ga lamar ye,

The Malam, after meditating on the matter,


dashit porsu na Madu kam a kenati Kadija amma ishin a sena bone


told them that Madu would marry Kadija but he would experience
great difficulty.


Madu ga sobani na mate kumantungo

Madu and his friend said that they understood


kapa Allah sawwesu ke íya ye ndettu ga laras.

may Allah help them that the thing come out fine.


Ga mena Madu bonsu dashit koi gama boni porni na le tan pa,

On Madu’s return home, he headed for his father and told him that
by whatever means,


suwa mate serniti gabaga bentel ga bani min Kadija

it was fitting that they send the marriage proposal money [white
cloth and loincloth] to the home of Kadija


inko ishi innatu alami Alaji Makkau aji lamar ye ga jijjire.

because he saw the sign that Alhaji Makka was serious about the


Boti Madu olte karaini mai,

Madu’s falther broke out some of this things,


ishin zowi nonti Madu ga arinsheto bolou,

he had Madu’s mother (contribute) a couple of her kind,


mate ele gabaga bentel ga bani min Kadija.

and they took the marriage money to Kadija’s family’s house.


Miíyíyati Kadija gariyandun ga lamar ye rankata,

Kadija’s family members were very happy about this event,


amma diyato ndolak sa le shim.

but her grandmother didn’t like it a bit.


Kadija ëyan potini ye gariya mana duti ita,

Kadija from that day was happy as if it had struck her,


mana ka onu bokku lo in zonge.

as if one had given roasted meat to a hyena.


Ba gomak ga sobato le yalla ita matito labar alako gabaga bentelto

ga bonsu.

When she met with each one of her friends, she told her the news of
the bringing of her marriage money to their home.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



íYan otan mbosa ngora kaibono sa,

Before they broke the word of arranging the wedding,


ita zali ina min rawu doka ga godon ngora ndale ga beshi goringo


she began doing things like plaiiting a doka hairdo, applying lot’s of
henna, and staining her teeth with goringo.


Diyati Kadija ga Alaji Makkau mate zali zumme goggo

Kadija’s grandmother and Alhaji Makka began thinking of a path


ya mate a oppayi bo sena ko Kadija.

that they might follow to win over Kadija.


Ishin ai ta alako karai ga dodo, amma bo pesie.

He set to bringing goods and money, but it was for naught.


Sheke moi yane Alaji Makkau pori in diyato ye

One day then Alhaji Makka spoke to her grandmother


na, ìSuwa mu ai sei bo tikka dalla Madu ga Kadija,

and said, “It’s best that we make medicine in order to create a divde
between Madu and Kadija,


ba she sa pa in wenato boo in kaito sa.î

if not that, I will not get her to marry her.”


Dashit ishin koi gama an sei moi,

Then he headed for a certain herbalist,


porniti shap íyay ya a dallani ga Kadija.

and told him everything that was between him and Kadija.


An sei koni biiki sei moi ngorni ga ga larinta guzur oni in

Alaji Makkau,

The herbalist took a certain medicine powder, filled a cloth pouch
with it, gave it to Alhaji Makkau,


porni na ishin ai lei ga sei ye inko geeu rankata.

and said to him that he should go easy with the medicine because it
was very powerful.


Porni na ba ishin ndi bono zowwe turare Binta Sudan,

He said to him that he should go home, seek out Binta Sudan


ndokue sei ye ga ishin.

and mix the medicine with it.


Ba poti ya ishi ga niya ndina gama Kadija,

When it was the day that he intended to go to Kadija’s place,


ishi seme lut ga ga sarani bollongi, ba mate a ga summana,

he should rub it lut on his two hands, and when they were talking,


le tan ishi semeto ga jito.

through whatever means, he should wipe it on her body.


Alaji Makkau ai cap mana an sei ye porni ishin ayyi.

Alhaji Makkau did everything as the herbalists had told him to do.


Dashit ishin inde koi bani min Kadija jini geeu.

The he arose and headed to the Kadija’s family’s house confidently.


Konuwo ga bo tilni na unso a wenati ko Kadija, konni moi.

He had taken it into his mind that today he wuld win over Kadija, he


Ga lomani bono ye,

On arriving at the house,


ishin zeke ilni na, ìAssalamu alaikum!î

he cleared his throat and said, “Assalamu alaikum!”


Kadija ga kume ilni mapiyo peti ita,

Kadija on hearing his voice, anger overcame her,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



diyato kala lowi salam ye, zinge bobono a inne Alaji Makkau.

but her grandmother answered the greeting, peered at the doorway,
and saw Alhaji Makkau.


Ishin loeto na diyato ji a bono pa?

He asked her whether her grandmother was at home.


Ita na a bono dongo takak tishi sonsone aji bine sarato.

She said tha she was at home, she had finished eating, and she was
washing her hands.


Ba sattuk amma a ndakoyi.

When she drank some water she would come.


Kadija kutti patako baa sai da til diyato ye jattuwo zayi.

Kadija refused to come out quickly and her grandmother became
annoyed then.


Ita ndak bo patako ma a mecce lei-lei mana alanshiri.

She went to come out but she was walking slowly like a chameleon.


Ga patakintango dashit íyori jito ga garan ga Alaji Makkau.

When she came out, she stopped at a distance from Alhaji Makka.


íYan mate an kele sa, ishin zali nzamako nem ga ita,

After they had exchanged greetings, he started moving close to her,


ita ke zali mena in boi-boi har ishin tapittayi rap ga sarato.

and she began going backward and he caught her a little by the arm.


Ita zali kamo bo bikka sarato, ishin kala ëyutuwo gergeeu.

She began struggling to withdraw her arm, but he grasped it strongly.


Jajin o ka bae, sara Kadija oli pel ga ga sarani.

Before you knew it, Kadija’s arm broke snap! in his hand.


Dashit Kadija zowi lula.

Then Kadija let out a cry.


Ishin ga inne eme, dashit usseto kiak-kiak jai jini bonni.

He, on seeing that, he let her go and sneakily rushed off to his house.


Diyato ga kume lula,

Her grandmother, on hearing the cry,


dashit ita zingettuyi a inne Kadija zeweto íyululu

she peered out and saw Kadija completely blacked out


aji bumbulale muskul-muskul ga ga woli.

and she was rolling around muskul-muskul on the ground.


Miíyíya dappe mate koni Kadija sanga-sanga kapa ko indi diyato.

People gathered and carried Kadija raised up sanga-sanga to her
grandmother’s bed.


Zai ga ji boto ishin ndettu ga Malam Audu an tua olo.

They sent to her father and he came with Malam Audu the bonesetter.


Malam Audu lomuttu ga lawo ngirkini gani shap sei,

Malam Audu arrived with his little bag completely filled with


ishin na yantinni amma ga ga jewi.

and he said they should dip him out some water in a gourd bottle.


Ishin muíyíye ga ga boni, ishi baye ga ji sara in olani ye.

He held it in his mouth, and he sprayed it on the fractured arm.


Ishin na mate juteto owi in bo sumbu ke íyuti ita rankata.

He said that they should lift her, seat her on her buttocks, and hold
her tightly.


Malam Audu ate sara ye in koíyíye a alariya moini.

Malam Audu raised the arm up and it was swinging by itself.


Kadija zali bele, yantuttu biiki sei moi ndokue ga shior yawi,

Kadija began crying, and he dipped some medicinal powder and
mixed it with chicken fat,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



dashit luito ga ji sara ye shap.

then he rubbed it all over her arm.


Mallam Audu na moi íyuti ga mbato,

Malam Audu said that someone should hold her upper arm,


ishin zali njakka sara in bolani ye,

he began to massage the broken arm,


a aduwa a seme sei ye, a aduwa a seme sei ye har ishin teke.

he was praying and rubbing ointment, praying and rubbing ointment
until he finished.


Ishin jam pouttu ogila showi olle-olle ishin ndori sara ye,

He then brought out small splints of wood and bound the arm,


elettu guzur ilitadi, elettu guzur lattar lonke in ga ditto,

he brought out a rag and wrapped her (arm) with it, he brought a flat
piece of cloth and hung it around her neck,


koni sarato soi in dalla guzur ye, dashit na mate usseto.

he took her arm and made an opening in the middle of the cloth, then
he said that they should let go of her.


Ishi na ba Allah iwoyi a dara jini.

He said that if Allah willed it, it would get well.


Ishin na mate oti ga onato lo sa ke ita deite ruwe,

He said that they should not break off giving her meat, moreover she
should refrain from going out visiting,


ita tai dom ga ono beyi moi,

she should continue staying in one place,


ishin porsu na a mako ko boi somboi kunum bo iwato.

and he told them that he would return after three days to examine her.


Ko boi jattu eme ya Alhaji Makkau iwo ye,

After this harm that Alhaji Makau did,


lamar ga duniya cap damutiti ishin.

the entire dealing with the world troubled him.


Yakulutu íyay ya a inayi.

He lacked what he might do.


Sheke moi har ishi zali zumme mana ishin deiti goruye

One time he even began to think as if he should leave the town


inko rutta ati kawa eme ya iwo ye la kala danan ina sa íyan kena

goru ye.

because this shameful deed that he did had never been done since the
founding of the town.


A ga lokkia zumme are eme,

He was entangled in this type of thought,


dashit a kume na Alkali zengo aji undani ga beyi shariya.

then he heard that the Alkali had sent and was calling him to court.


Ishin inde, ndaiyi jume ga dom Alkali, ke i shana sa,

He arose and went and knelt befor the Alkali, and he made no


ishin lowtu laifi ina kamo ga Kadija har oltitati sarato.

he answered to the charge of struggling with Kadija to the point that
he broke her arm for her.


Alkali taini dilo ishin dogge jaka basshimoi,

The Alkali imposed a fine on him that he should pay six pounds,


le kume jauni kumawo sa.

even though he did feel much pain from it.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Ishi zowi sara ga ga rubu jabbani, pouttu dodo, zubbe ga dom


He put his hand in the pocket of his jabba gown, pulled out the
money, and placed it before the court clerk.


Ko boini Alkali íyolle kumni na ga dom eme

After him, the Alkali drew to his attention [pulled his ears] that in


ba sawwudu rutta are eme, kapa ngortu ishin.

if he did that type of act again, he would have to imprison him.


Alhaji Makkau na kumatuwo ishin a sawwadi are eme sa.

Alhaji Makkau said that he understood and he would not do that type
of thing again.


Ishin ai kunani, inde toi suani íyuwi goggo bonni.

He expressed his thanks, arese, shook his gown, and took the road


Ko boi dilo eme, lawo oshe patak ko bo tili Alaji Makkau sa.

After this fine, that girl still did not leave Alhaji Makkau’s mind.


Ishin tai dom ga eleto yabbi,

He continued to take her chickens,


ga kondue ga min turweshi la ishi a gojjo ko gama mbuzzumi

cooked cowskin, and things like bushfowls that he bought from


ba mate men ko beyi bara,

when they returned from hunting,


mana maji a dinato zowannin bo dole.

as if he was doing it for her by force.


Kana ishin aji zumme are jir dara ya duwwo ga kotto.

And, of course, he was thinking of the type of wealth that he had
spent upon her.


A ga mamme, a ga mamme, sheke moi

It was like that, it was like that, when one time


ishin owi am zali bongira ga ga kata tilni,

he sat and began turning over in his mind


na ai le sonsone na ba Kadija darak ma gonto a sikita jini,

that now even if Kadija had healed, her beauty will be decreased,


ke jam bai sarato a ngola jini.

and maybe her arm may be crooked.


Dashit na kai! ngalko ishin ??? goru ye mayi ankalini gande.

Then he said, “Hey!”, it would be best that he leave the town so that
his mind be put at ease.


Daman mondeni kunum ga dande bawulo,

Of course he had three wive and seven children,


dashit mate tubule karaisu ga boi korowa mate datte jisu gor moi

so they gathered up their things on the backs of some donkeys and
they moved to a town


na sunni Gabai ga ga woli Gujuba.

called Gabai in the area of Gujuba.


Diyati Kadija ga kume na Alhaji Makkau deitu goru ye,

Kadija’s grandmother, on hearing that Alhaji Makkau had left town,


dashit ita zali poa barkani,

began to disparage him,


a íyollani Allah manawo na

drawing onto him that Allah was enough (to take care of all matters)
in that

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



inko esse oltutu sara Kadija ke burtati kawato ga ga idi algi in

goru ye.

because here he had broken Kadija’s arm and had disgraced her in
the eyes of the townspeople.


Madu kala le sotto ka bolakinni ga dom digili Kadija

As for Madu, at all times you would find him by Kadija’s bed


a ono am ke a summanasu aren bunge ga gumaya.

seated and they would be making conversation of the boyfriend and
girlfriend type.


Sheke moi dashit a kume Kadija poak garo ita dide kotto,

One day he heard Kadija take a deep breath and shake her head,


Madu loeto na, îPalla le shi ak garo mammeyye?î

Madu asked her, “What happened that you took a breath like that?”


Ita na aji zumme sarato ye a dara sotto boo har mate ai kaibono.

She said she was wondering when her arm would heal so that they
could get married.


Madu na, îGanditi ankalshi, lele kapa íyay ya Allah iwoyi.î

Madu said, “Rest your mind, whatever it may be is what Allah has


Ko boi tere bolou, dashit sara Kadija tue jini,

After two months, Kadija’s fractured arm knitted,


ka kanta ga Allah ka pora kana sara ye ma danu ola sa.

you would swear by Allah and would say that the arm had never
been fracturered.


Esse jam ji gonto sawwuduwo inko ngomak jito jajin kaibono


Here it was that her beauty increased because she had completed the
time for the marriage of a virgin.


Esse ke ita gunyo, esse jam daíya idito petila pok,

Here she was, beautiful, her eyeballs were pure white,


ditto ke gara, sowwo kotto ke ukkum sa.

her neck was long, the hair of her head was not inconsiderable.


Madu ke ba ka innaniwo ka pora

Madu too, if you looked at him, you would say


kana halitta bo tuaini mana in turum,

indeed that form of the parts of his body was like that of a lion,


esse ishin gara ke a nzuwa sa,

here he was, tall and daring (did not fear),


ga jau ka kumeni aji godon mbosa in saraini.

hardly would you hear him doing a lot of silly talk.


Potin mai ba ndi bo mbosa har a mbeum.

Some days when he went to talk he would even stammer.


Ba mana ma ji shana ga ishin ba kina mbosa ka inneni ala goushe.

If it was as if you (pl) were arguing with him, if he lacked words you
would see him coming to blows.


Ba puzo soruwo yane, ka inne Madu ko beyi mara.

When the rainy season fell (upon them), you would see Madu out


Ga ishin ga zappeni ba aji mara,

He and his peers, when they would farm,


ka inneni a teketi terini deyissu ga mala.

you would see him finish his row and leave them in the bush.


Sheke moi ga dalla boi gorwu shimu jini,

One time in the middle of the night the town was quiet,

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



dashit anin jokor geettu ga goru ye.

and some armed robbers came into the town.


Mate rai banne godo mate wulta karai,

They entered a lot of houses and carried things off,


duwi miíyíya har ga monde ga dande.

and they beat people including women and children.


Ga goruye shap birkite jini lelo petettu ga are jir ati kosin

The entire town was embroiled and everyone came out with various
kinds of weapons


ya ishin ga ishi mana jankar ga roni ga pocco ga taa ga min adda

ga min gariyo.

that he had, like spear with “ears”, flat spears, arrows, quivers, and
things like machetes and boomerangs.


Miíyíyan goru ye zowi anin shiri maine ga don rokke su pata-pata

The townspeople put those robbers out ahead [chased after them],
chased them pata-pata


elesu har don gusho ar ga goru.

and took them before the monolith east of the town.


Ko boi rokka anin shiri ye, kana Madu ankalini gandu sa,

After chasing the robbers off, Madu’s mind was not at ease,


ai ta pora ga ga tilni na ishi ndolu oppesu le ishin moini.

he was saying to himself that he wanted to follow them even if it
were he alone.


Dashit ishin inde kiak-kiak a ibba kobo boni inneni.

So he arose steathily and snuck away lest his father see him.


Ndi bo pete bo oppa anin shiri.

He went went to the exit gate to follow the robbers.


Dashit ada anin kara bonsu zali oppani har mate rai ga gusho ga


Well the dog of their neighbors began to follow him, until they
entered (area of) the monolith together.


Potini ke petire bilungo, ba ka za idiko ka inneti íya le ko gara.

That day the full moon shone brightly, if you looked around you
would see things even from a distance.


Mate a ga messhe, a ga messhe har lomuttu beyi kushi moi,

They were going along and going along until they reached a certain


a undo kushi ye na kushi gungu.

the baobab was called “Leopard Baobab”.


A undoto mamme ye inko sheke moi anin bara rokkun gungu,

They called it that because one time some hunters had pursued a


dashit ita koi kushi ye íyuwi na bo ena.

and when it approached the baobab it grabbed the baobab in order to


Ga zena sheketo ga ji kushi ye,

Upon putting its paw on the baobab,


dashit kurum sheketo poongi kae jisu ga ji kushi.

the claws of all four of its feet became lodged in the baobab trunk.


Mbuzzumi bollittayi le dide bolo ita a gito sa,

The hunters found it, and it wasn’t even capable of moving,


mate ndandaeto, lelo ndai bono ga lo,

so they chopped it up, and everyone went home with meat,


amma ishito ye alantun ga bani moi mbuzam.

but its hide they took it to the house of the chief of the hunters.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Ga loma ko nem ga kushi ye dashit ada ye zali ngungurare.

On arriving near the baobab, the dog began growling.


Madu ini bariya boo gone jini.

Madu gave him a scolding so that he would be quiet.


Madu a ibba, a ibba

Madu was creeping along and creeping along


dashit a inne anin shiri ye jumasu ga wolwoli rewe tenni moi siri.

when he saw the robbers squatted under a big taura tree.


Ishin gotire koisu, Allah oniti sa,

He lept up toward them, but Allah didn’t give (them) over,


dashit dadume an srisu ye njakkiti ishin, zali imani ga dembi.

he clenched the biggest one of them and pinned him down and began
raining blows on him.


Maine in bolou ye ga gotirasu, dashit sile jisu.

The remaining two, on jumping up, they disappeared.


Kana moi ye ndi garan sa, kurettu in boi Madu,

But the one had not gone far, he came back around behind Madu,


zeleni ga showi moi daltum.

and lambasted him with a stick daltum.


Madu bolo sirnittu ko ko an shiri ye,

Then Madu then slipped down from over the robber,


sore zazza ga ji woli.

and he fell on the ground stretched out.


An shiri ye ga kume Madu bolo a boi awuni sa,

The thief on feeling that Madu was not on top of his belly,


ishin gare ga jo zani ke a boi ni mate koi ga bumbu.

he took off at a run with his companion behind him and they headed
into the forest.


Ada ye a boisu a wodi, a wodi har mate sile jisu ko boni.

The dog was behind thm barking and barking untl they diasapearred
from his view.


Ga mako ada beyi Madu bolinni le dide jini a gito sa

On the dog’s coming back to where Madu was, he found him, he
wasn’t even able to move


a nesum moini, ishin ke jume jini nem ga ishin.

he was breathing all alone, and he sat next to him.


Ko ga Madu a ji wursungulu har njele konni ga ishin ga ada ye.

From when Madu was writhing in pain, he slept, he and the dog.


Madu ndi bo gotira sa kapa ga nem ga shandal.

Madu didn’t manage to set off until near dawn.


Ga ewe idini, a inne ada ye ke a nem ga ishin,

On opening his eyes, he saw the dog near him,


dashit zowi shekeni dideni.

he got to his feet and moved.


Mate koi bono.

They headed for home.


Madu a messhe a batumo inko goushe ya annigo.

Madu was walking and stumbling because of the blow that had been
dealt to him.


Kana jajin ya an sri anin shiri ga zani koandun ga bungu ye,

As it happened, when the leader of the robbers and his companion
headed into the bush


ishin kina tina dom ga messhe.

he was unable to keep walking.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Ko ga mamme, dashit sore in awo-awo.

As a result [from within thus], he fell face down.


Zani kala kutti íyora, tai dom ga jonni.

His companion wouldn’t stop, he kept on with his running.


An sri ye ga sorani dashit zewe jini zazza.

The leader, when he fell, he completely passed out.


Ga lomako Madu bono dashit, boni ai gariya rankata,

On Madu’s arrival at home, the household was very happy,


geeni boni outeni ga bo digili.

on his entering his father seated him on the bed.


Ko boi Madu owu jini,

After Madu had sat down,


satu amma dashit koni labar íyay ya palla ga dallani ga anin shiri.

he drank water and took up the story of what had happened between
him and the robbers.


Shap porti in boni, ishin pori na,

He told it all to his father, and he said,


ìIm pou tama sa an siri anin shiri ye,

“I haven’t given up hope that the leader of the robbers,


a ndina garan sa ko bei ya mu andun kamo ye inko in guttutu ishin


he wasn’t going far from where where we struggled with them
because I injured him severely.”


Boti Madu ga patakinnin ko ga mashidi dashit,

Madu’s father, upon his exiting the mosque,


ndai pori in an goru.

went and told the mayor.


An goru ye baa-baa zai pori in barde na

The mayor quickly had the war comander told that


dappe miíyíya anin kume ga kossu boo oppe bo sheke.

he should gather people who are up to the task in order to follow the


Lelo mai bono petettu ga ati kosin ya a bonni,

Everyone went back home and came out with the weapons that were
in his house,


mate koi goggo ya Madu porsu ye.

and they headed for the path that Madu had told them about.


Mate a ga mecce o ka bae har lomun jisu nem ga kushi gungu.

They were walking and before you knew it they had arrived near
Leopard Baobab.


A ga iwa, a ga iwa dashit a inne beyi kamo har ga min okko


They were looking and looking and then they saw the place of the
struggle as well as drops of blood.


Eme ke ji bei ya Madu idu kamo ga an shiri ye.

This indeed was the place where Madu had wrestled with the robber.


Mate gee dom ga meshshe.

They forged ahead with their walking.


A ga messhe, a ga messhe dashit, mate a kume il ngorum memu,

They were walking and walking when they heard the sound of a
person snoring,


kana an shiri ye ko boi zeweni ye,

and there was the robberr, passed out on his back,


ishi ti dom ga njele har ga ngorum.

and he was sleeping away and snoring.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Anin oppa sheke ye dashit ndettu íyori jisu ga ga konni.

The trackers came and stood surrounding him.


Moisu na mate juteni,

One of them said they should lift him,


dashit barde ngeti ishin na mate anni zori dongo,

but the commander prevented and said that they should put a rope
around him first,


koni ngorti sara an shiri ye bollongi in boi-boi.

and tie the robber’s two hands behind him.


Har barde tekedi ngora sara ye, ishin awa idini sa.

Even when the commander finished tying his hands, he didn’t open
his eyes.


Mate yane dideni za ishin ewe idini.

They jostled him and caused him to open his eyes.


Ga idini shap duwani, esse íyule íyululu aji zubbo ko ga boni.

With his eyes tight shut, there he was with saliva dribbling from his


Ga ewe idini dashit,

Upon opening his eyes,


ishin zali mbosa aula mana memu ya sa mosin.

he started nonsensical talk like someone who had drunk alcohol.


Ishi zali lula na mate deini layi.

He began crying out that they should please leave him alone.


Mate íyorteni in ga sheke, mate zali tubba njulani kapa ga goru.

They stood him up on his feet and began driving him forward all the
way to the town.


Ga lomakinsun bo goru kala dande na, ìWango!î zali kuyyo in an

shiri ye

On their arrived at the town gate the children were like, “They got
him!” and began to gather about the robber


har mai zali umbulani ga gusshe.

and some even began pelting him with stones.


Dogari in dai koni kalimbuni lekite dande ko bo dii an shiri ye.

A palace guard took a whip and dispersed the children from around
the robber.


Ga lomakinsun bo bani an goru,

On their arrival at the house of the mayor,


dashit miíyíya godo ai ta pora na ai an shiri emeyye

many people set to saying that indeed THIS was the robber


danutu inasu shiri ba ma ji laifi jir-jir.

and he had previously stolen from them as well as (committing)
various other crimes.


Lelo a punsani.

Everyone was cursing him.


Ishin bolo nguniti konni, kine inne ga idi jama.

As for him he bowed his head, he couldn’t look the people in the eye.


An goru dashit pori na eleti ishin ga bani pursina,

The mayor said to take him to jail,


ba balte awo a eleni ga dom diwo (D.O.).

when late morning shone, they should take him before the D.O.


Ga patako diwo beyi ruta dashit,

On the coming out of the D.O. to the office (place of work),


an goru ga Madu ga messe miíyíyani goru ye

the mayor and Madu and the rest of the townspeople

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



zowuttu an shiri ga dom koidi opis diwo.

put the robber ahead of them and headed for the D.O.’s office.


Madu koni pori shap are íyay ya palla ga dallani ga anin shiri ye.

Madu then told everything that had happened between him and the


Diwo ngorti an shiri bo soni bolou ga bilala ko bolou ga poo.

The D.O. sentenced the thief to prison for two years and 24 lashes.


Ko boi eme miíyíyan goru, assensu ga ollensu,

After this, the townspeople, great and small,


lelo zali kunna are jir momoji ya Madu iwoyi

all began expressing thanks for the type of bravery that Madu had


har anin aru ganga burni aru na,

and the praise singers bestowed a song on him saying,


ìMadu kai moiko ma surga,

“Madu you are communal labor all by yourself,


Moi anin shiri le ri ga sarga,

The king of the robbers even if he enters a latrine pit,


Ka bolani ka poinniyi wari surga,

You will find him and extract him without the help of others,


Eleni ga dom moi kapa ga yala.î

And take him before the Moi even in chains.”


Le zajin are dappi yalla, ba ji ga anin aru ganga kapa buran aru


At the time of any type of gathering, if there were praise singers,
they presented that song.


Dande gumaya, ba kumangoyi kapa goppa gua.

The young women, when they heard it would just break out ululating.


Ko boi somboi mana bimbai dashit,

After something like ten days,


Madu zali kume ga jini zaltu damutani mana zompuro-zompuro.

Madu began to feel that his body started to bother him like a fever.


Kana jajin ya mate an kamo ga an shiri ye,

As it happened when he had fought with the robber,


kaya ga jini mbukunuwo.

already his body had become seriously injured.


Konni zali jojjo, a kume mana aji gaíyíya ga gani.

His head began to throb, he felt like one was chopping inside him.


Ko boi jojjo ye jam zali kume zuwena ido.

In addition to the throbbing he also began to feel dizziness.


Ba aji messhe a inne mana a sora jini.

When he walked he saw it was like we was going to fall.


Eme zowwo bolo Madu le pete bobono kinatu ishi.

This caused that Madu, even going out of the house was too much
for him.


Le sotto ka bolakinnin gandani.

Whenever you would find him he was lying down.


íYan eme jututu ankali Kadija rankata.

This thing upset Kadija a lot.


Le sotto ka bolakintan ga gama Madu.

You would always find her with Madu.


A messhe bono ye mana sheke bai ga ga bushi poti moi.

Going to the house was like five time in the daylight period of one

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Boti Madu ga boti Kadija shap ankalisu indu jini.

Both Madu’s father and Kadija’s father were concerned.


Esse mate ndolan ngorti kaibono dande ye,

Here they wanted to complete the marriage of their children,


esse kala íyay ya Madu a gani.

but here was the way it was with Madu.


Zompuro Madu kuttu ririma, le sotto kapa sawwa jau.

Madu’s fever wouldn’t subside, it kept getting worse.


Mamme har alatu algi shap poantun tilsu ga dara Madu,

Thus is was such that it reached the point where all the people gave
up hope about Madu’s recovery.


konango maji mana sonsone a pora na zouni a pete jini.

They even thought that as of today one would say that his life would
leave him.


Kana jiresu le sati iwo sa dashit, zou Madu pete jini.

And they were right, not even a week passed when his life left him.


Dan-dan, dan-dan, dan! Moto Madu eme didatu ji miíyíya in goru

ye shap.

Oh my God! This death of Madu shook all the townspeople.


Boni ga nonni kapa kunna Allah,

His father and his mother only thanked Allah,


amma Kadija inko ita lawo ye,

but Kadija because she was young,


zali lula ga bumbulale na ita a zowa kotto ga au.

began to sob and roll about wondering how she could deal with it
(where she could put herself).


Beleto kina dara, idito shap kabban jisu

Her crying defied relief, her eyes were completely swollen


inko poti ga boi ga rutato sa kapa pattak íyelum.

because day and night she had no activity except pouring out tears.


Ita ai ta zowa ga bo tilto na ba ita sore jito ga ga bozo

She kept putting it into her mind that if she would fall into a well


ba ma rai jito mala yatto, ita pute jito.

or if she went off into the bush, she would find respite.


Mamme-mamme ko boi somboi shim,

Things went like that, but after a few days,


zumme moto Madu sile jini ko ga kata tili miíyíya.

the thought of Madu’s death disappeared from people’s minds.


Ankali Kadija zali mako jito.

Kadija’s senses began to return.


Gonto zam ji zali ewe, esse ke sawwadduk siri.

Her beauty again began to show, and one saw that she became taller.


Sonsone bolo inko Madu andi sa,

Now because Madu was no longer there,


bunje in goru petettu zuu bo zowwa Kadija bo kaibono.

the young men of the town emerged zuu to seek Kadija in marriage.


Ita ba iwak eme, a inne soba Madu,

She, if she looked at this one, she would see a friend of Madu,


ba innak eme ke ma shap moi.

if she looked at that one it was the same thing too.


Godon dande bunje in goru ye shap sobawa Madu.

The majority of the young men of the town were Madu’s friends.


Ita yakiliti gorzo ya a íyuwayi.

She failed to find a husband that she would take.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Esse ke miíyíyato ke damutantun ita

Likewise her family members were pestering her


boo ji ita pouttu gonito íyan ga nadini kobo mate ito kaibono


that she bring out her suitor ??? lest they impose an arranged
marriage on her.


Mate a ga mamme, a ga mamme dashit,

They were involved that way when


potin moi Malum Bomoi unde abaganati Kadija ga rapato,

one day Malam Bomoi called Kadija’s aunt and uncle,


mate owi boo mate íyimtiti mbosa kaibono Kadija.

and they sat down in order that they propose an arrangement for
Kadija’s marriage.


Mate iwan ga lamar ye shap ankalisu íyori jini.

They had examined the situation and their minds were ill at ease.


Amma ko boi alako dalil jir-jir dashit,

But after bringing all kinds of solutions,


shappinsu louti na suwa unduttu Alhaji Makkau loeni

they all responded that it was fitting that they call Alhaji Makkau and
ask him


ba ji har sonsone ishin ndoltu Kadija ga kaibono.

whether up ’til now he wanted to marry Kadija.


Mate unduttu sobani sunni Ba ole

They called his friend by the name of Ba Dole


mate zaiyi ga ko mala ya Alhaji Makkau maduwo ye

and they sent him to the village where Alhaji Makkau had gone


boo ishin ndettu baa-baa Malum Bomoi aji zowwani.

that he should come quickly, Malam Bomoi was seeking him.


Ga loma Ba ole gama Alaji Makkau, ishin na ishin shirye baa

On the arrival of Ba Dole at Alhaji Makkau’s place, he said he
should get ready fast


mate ndai Zangaya inko Malum Bomoi aji zowwani.

and they should go to because Malam Bomoi was seeking him.


ìUndu emeyye kala bo le?î ishin loe an serni ye.

“What’s this call about?” he asked the messenger.


Dashit ishin porni na, ìAi, a gee mbosa kaibono Kadija sa

Then he told him, “Well, it is nothing other than Kadija’s marriage


inko boto ga nonto shap shiryan jisu

because both her father and her mother are prepared


kala mate wan gorzo ya íyaka sa bo suwe kaibono emeyye.î

but they haven’t found a husband who is better than you and who is
suitable for this marriage.”


Alhaji Makkau dongo moti ga ko zuro,

Alhaji Makkau for his part (just about) died laughing,


ishin a zuro a daka shekeni, gariya shap dutu ishin.

he laughed and slapped his legs, happiness overwhelmed him.


Ko tana ishin zali zumako mbosa ya malum moi porniwo na

Thereupon he began to recall the words that a certain malam had said


letan potin moi kapa ishin ka Kadija,

no matter how, one day, he was destined to marry Kadija,


ke dallasu ga lawo gorzo mate a layi.

and between them there would be a boy they would bear.

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Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya



Ba ole ga Alaji Makkau íyuwuttu goggo terem-terem kapa


Ba Dole and Alhaji Makkau took to the road one following the other
to Zangaya.


Mate koi bani Malum Bomoi, boti Kadija.

They headed for the house of Malam Bomoi, the father of Kadija.


Ga lomakinsungo boti Kadija elessu dawun,

On their arrival Kadija’s father brought them a mat,


ke zowi Kadija boo elessu amma.

and he sent Kadija to bring them water.


Ga ndakintango, ita jume ga don Alaji Makkau zeni amma,

On her coming, she squatted before Alhaji Makkau and put down
some water for him,


dashit bongire bo mena jito.

then she turned around to go back.


Ishin porto na ita ëyori,

He told her to stop,


ishin zowi sarani ga ga rubuni pouttu kolba turare Binta Sudan,

he put his hand in his pocket and took out a bottle of Binta Sudan,


dashit onto, ita kutti bikkayi.

he offered to her, but she refused to accept it.


Ishin ai ta onsato za yane ita bikke, kotto ngunani.

He kept beseeching her and finally she took it with her head bowed.


Ga bura boito bo ndina jito,

On her turning her back in order to go away,


ishin zubbito ido ga boito a inneto am.

he stared at her back and saw her standing silent.


Ko boi Alaji Makkau satu amma,

After Alhaji Makkau had drunk water,


dashit Malum Bomoi ndettu gamani mate ai kele.

Malam Bomoi came to him and they exchanged greetings.

620 Ba

ole ke ndettu jume ga nem ga mate.

Ba Dole came and squatted next to them.

621 Ko boi kele, Malum Bomai porni na ishin za ga jini

After exchanging greetings, Malam Bomoi told him that he had sent
for him

622 boo ishin ndettu ye inko íya sa.

that he come not because of nothing.

623 Ndolu ji boo ishin monti

He wanted to know

624 ba ji har sonsone ishin ndoltu Kadija ga kai bono.

whether up ’til now he wanted Kadija in marriage.

625 Alaji Makkau na ai ga íyay ya ndoluwo ga duniya eme ya íyatu

kena Kadija sa.

Alhaji Makau said that there was nothing that he wanted in the world
more than to marry Kadija.

626 Ishin idu gariya rankata,

He became very happy.

627 Boti Kadija porni na to owu jini, ishin inde ndai bonni

Kadija’s father told him that it was settled, he should arise and go to
his house

628 ishin ittu shiri bo zako miíyíya bolo a kaibono

and make preparations to send his followers and get on with the

background image

Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya


629 inko ke ko boini a nossa sa kapa ngora kaibono.

becaue it would not be a long time afterward they should perform the
wedding ceremony.

630 Alaji Makkau inde ga rokkoni koi gorni

Alhaji Makkau arose quickly, headed to his town

631 ishin tai dom ga shirye-shirye.

and went ahead with the preparations.

632 Zaiyi ga gama luwarni porni íyay ya cap mate ango ga Malum


He sent to his representative and told him everything that they had
done with Malam Bomoi.

633 Ishin luwarni ye a ndina ga memu moi

He the representative would go with another person

634 bo

loako potin ya a ngoradi kaibono ye.

to enquire as to the day that they would perform the marriage.

635 Ga ndinasu dashit, mate otiti boni,

On their coming, they fixed the time,

636 na a ngora ga ga tere salla dushe ga somboi dir bai.

that the wedding would take place on the twelveth day of the second
month of Islamic calendar

637 Alaji Makkau zaiyi ga goru in siri dapputtu karai godo in


Alhaji Makkau sent to the big city and gathered a large amount of
presents for his bride,

638 gojjuttu


moi-moi ga kellebi in mondeni in bono.

he bought a wrapper each and headscarves for his current wives.

639 Poti ngora kaibono, Alaji Makkau dattutu jini ga bonni in Zangaya,

On the day of the marriage, Alhaji Makkau moved to his house in

640 jam sawwidi sola bin moi bo in monduni in poyo.

and he built another building for his new wife.

641 íYakko ga memu la ga dodoni,

You know how it is with a man who has money to spend,

642 ai ina mamme konu lokaci sa, ramutu bonni ijini gollaka.

he was doing things that way and it didn’t take much time, he
remodeled his house and it became very nice.

643 Poti ngora kaibono, miyíya dappe rankata ga bo bani Malum


On the day of the marriage, people gathered greatly at the doorway
of Malam Bomoi

644 har anin ganga poun tere.

and the drummers began the celebration.

645 Zabiya ani aru ai ta goppa aru.

Zabiya the singer was performing songs.

646 Anin

gua ke ai ta inayi. An aru ye na,

The ululators too kept doing it. The singer said,

647 ìDija

am wattuk mitto,

“Dija indeed has gotten her due,

648 Zato kala aji buíum tilo,

Her peers indeed are unhappy,

649 Suwa shi deyi ba she sa,

Better you leave it as such or else,

650 Tilo duti shi wari dilo,

(A broken) heart will kill you with no charge,

background image

Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya


651 Bowu ga nonu zubbe ido.î

Father and mother are staring.”

652 Bunje ga gumaya mate ai ta wona har poti sore za mate lekite.

The young men and girls danced until the sun fell and then they

653 Ga

boi elettu mokiri, monde owi ai ta wona tangarwai,

At night they brought the bride, the women stayed and danced the

654 ko boi mate lekete deyi Kadija ga diyato ga lawo mondu moi


and after they dispersed they left Kadija and her grandmother and a
small girl.

655 Ga sato jam monde dappe mana le mate ai inko godo,

In the morning the women gathered greatly and did a lot of cooking,

656 poi otto damasar ga biye gombira ga bo bono bo sipapi in goraji.

they brought out corn tuwo and okra miya to the doorway for
distribution to the men.

657 Dande pukarawa dappe har otto ai alasse.

Koranic students gathered and there was even tuwo left over.

658 Ga magiripu diyati Kadija dappe karaito maijito bonto,

At sunset Kadija’s grandmother collected her goods, returned to her

659 deyi Kadija ga lawo girza to.

and left Kadija with the attendant girl.

660 Ga dalla boi, Alaji Makkau unduttu mokirini

In the middle of the night, Alhaji Makkau called his bride

661 mate

owi ai ta summana, ita a mbosa a bele.

they sat and conversed, but she was talking and crying.

662 Bele ye kala gani ye íya bolou:

This, crying its cause (arose from) two things:

663 moi ye ita aji zume am moto Madu,

one was that she was remembering the late Madu,

664 moi ye kala gariya ina kaibono ga tikka ga ono ga bani diyato

ani ole mbosa.

and the other was happiness at getting married and leaving off
staying at the house of her grandmother of few words.

665 Alhaji Makkau zubbiti shekeni, bolo ankalini ganduwo.

Alhaji Makkau relaxed, his mind was at ease.

666 Ko boi tere bimbai, dashit mokirini leyi lawo gorzo kamiram.

After ten months, his bride gave birth to a healthy son.

667 Sati kurengo, dashit zai sun lawo na Madu ole.

When a week had passed, he gave the child the name Madu Dole.

668 Sun eme ya Alaji Makkau zawo in beni ye

This name that Alhaji Makkau gave to his son

669 i lajabi in miíyíyan goru ye shap har ga mokirini Kadija na

astonished all the townspeople and even his bride, Kadija since

670 inko le Alaji Makkau zadu sun emeyye.

why would Alhaji Makka bestow this name on him.

671 Ba miíyíya loanningo ishin na zawo ye boo til monduni gande,

When the people asked him he said he bestowed it so that the mind
of his wife would be at rest,

672 le sotto ba innak lawo to a inne mana Madu.

always when she saw the child she would see he was like Madu.

673 Ina mamme itu paida

Doing thus was useful

background image

Malam Baba Ali, Kadija Zangaya


674 inko ita Kadija íyattuk lelo bo gariya ga bikka sun emeyye sara


because she, Kadija, was happier than anything to accept this name
with both her hands.

675 Madu

ole ai jini an ndolinka ga gama boni.

Madu Dole became a favored child for his father.

676 Le sotto ka inne ni kus-kus a gama boni.

You would always see him very close to his father.

677 Ba salla ndingo Alaji Makkau rinkiinni karai mana le.

When a holiday came, Alhaji Makka dressed him in wonderful

678 Madu

ole ga mayabani rankata ga gama goraji ga monde.

Madu Dole was very popular with both the men and the women.

679 Ko boi Madu i soni bai, dashit Alaji Makkau siye jini.

After Madu reached five years, Alhaji Makkau died.

680 Moto in eme damututu Kadija har íyatu moto Madu.

The death of this one troubled Kadija even more than the death of

681 Ita bugi bele mana ita a oppani.

She cried as if she would follow him.

682 Ko


ole ita haure, tai dom ga ono ga beto.

After awhile she accepted it, and she continued living with her son.

683 Maine ya mottan ye, Allah yapesu,

For those how have died, may Allah forgive them,

684 Allah ke bunkito beto Madu ole.

May Allah protect (hide) her son, Madu Dole, for her.


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