exam test 1

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Upbeat 2.

Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny.

Zestaw 1


2 Who is the woman talking to?

a) A neighbour.

b) A gardener.

c) A baby sitter.

3 What does the woman want the man to do?

a) Wake her up.

b) Talk to the neighbours.

c) Be quiet.

4 Where are the speakers?


Zadanie 1

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery dialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania.
1 What food does the woman order?









Zadanie 2

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z dyrektorem szkoły. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań 1–4 są zgodne
z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).
There are no places in the school for next year.
2 The assistant’s name is Davis.
3 The telephone number is 1223455677.
4 The journalist is asking questions about the best school in 2007.



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Upbeat 2. Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Zestaw 1


Zadanie 3

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź Tiny. Przyporządkuj każdemu etapowi życia Tiny odpowiednie
stwierdzenie, wpisując litery a–e w kratki 1–4. Jedno stwierdzenie nie pasuje do żadnego etapu.
When Tina
was a child,
2 was sixteen,
3 was in high school,
4 was after her first day at school,
a) she wanted to return to Jamaica.
b) she moved to the USA.
c) she had a lot of friends.
d) she lived in Jamaica.
e) she was the best student in her class.


Funkcje językowe

Zadanie 4

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy wypowiedzi. Przyporządkuj każdej z nich właściwą reakcję, wpisując litery a–d
w kratki 1–3. Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.



a) Of course. What’s wrong with it?
b) Not bad.
c) You should ask your mum for some ideas.
Yes, of course. My number is 0142 34432.


Zadanie 5

Przeczytaj poniższe minidialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą wypowiedź jednej z osób.
1 X: It’s time to go to bed.
Y: ______________________.

a) At about ten o’clock.

b) OK. Good night, mum.

c) But I’m still tired.

2 X: What’s your new teacher like?
Y: ______________________.

a) He teaches us on Mondays.

b) He seems quite nice.

c) He’s quite handsome.

3 X: Could I borrow some sugar, please?
Y: ______________________.

a) Of course. How much do you want?

b) We don’t sell it, I’m afraid.

c) Two spoons, please.




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Upbeat 2. Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Zestaw 1



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Zadanie 6

Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą
1 Chcesz zapłacić za posiłek w restauracji. Co powiesz do kelnera?

a) Can I have something else, please?

b) Can I have the bill, please?

c) Can I look at the menu, please?

2 Przymierzasz w sklepie spodnie. Jak poprosisz sprzedawcę o większy rozmiar?

a) I’m afraid they’re too big.

b) I don’t like this model.

c) I think I need a bigger size.

3 Znajoma rodziców bierze ślub. Jak jej pogratulujesz?

a) It’s wonderful news. I’m so happy for you!

b) Good luck with your new job.

c) I’d love to go to your wedding but I can’t.

4 Kolega przeprasza cię, że zapomniał przynieść ci książkę, którą obiecał ci pożyczyć.

Co mu odpowiesz?

a) Not really. I prefer detective stories.

b) It doesn’t matter. I’ve got lots of books to read anyway.

c) I’m sorry. I haven’t read it.



Zadanie 7

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań 1–5 są zgodne z jego treścią (T),
a które nie (F).


time capsule is a box full of objects which represent the

times we live in. The idea is that in a thousand years

people will open the box and fi nd out about how we lived our

lives. So what should go in a box to represent the fi rst decade

of the 21st century? Most people chose mobile phones to be

put in the box. Other ideas included MP3 players, with a lot of

songs from the last few years, a collection of computer games

and a fl at-screen TV. However, not all ideas were technology-

related. Other suggestions ranged from a skateboard to a photo

of David Beckham.

1 A time capsule is a box with many things inside.
2 A time capsule will be opened in the 21st century.
3 In the time capsule we should put things that are typical for our times.
4 Not many people chose technology-related objects to be put in the capsule.
5 This text is about new technology.


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Upbeat 2. Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Zestaw 1



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Zadanie 8

Przyporządkuj każdej informacji 1–5 odpowiednie zdanie a–f. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej informacji.

Odeon presents




Time 2.15 p.m.

Screen 4

Row 5

Seat 31

Row H

Seat 21

The Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra

conducted by Sergei Rastov presents

a selection of classical works.

Saturday, October 10th 7 p.m.

This ticket allows you

to visit all exhibitions

including Transport

Through the Centuries.

A special fi lm show about

musical instruments

in the cinema on the fi rst fl oor

is charged separately.


Mon–Sat 10 a.m.–7 p.m.

Thursday April 10th

We ask all parents

not to stand up when taking photos

during the performance.

7.30 Sports hall

Friday May 1st


Jaques Du Pont’s

newest work.

Some paintings will be available for sale from

the shop downstairs.

a) This ticket comes from a concert hall.
b) This text informs about an art exhibition.
c) This will let someone see a fi lm.
d) This is a ticket to a museum.
e) This will let someone see a play in a theatre.
f) This is information about a student show.







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Upbeat 2. Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Zestaw 1



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Zadanie 9

Przeczytaj poniższe teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią danego
1 Jenny is writing to:

a) complain about the conditions in the hotel

in Bulgaria.

b) advertise the hotel in Bulgaria.

c) recommend the fi ve-star hotel in Bulgaria.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing about a holiday in Bulgaria I have

just returned from which I booked through your

There were a number of problems mainly

because the hotel which you advertised as

a ‘three-star hotel next to the beach’ was, in fact,

a two-star hotel about 1km from the sea. The

photo in the brochure was not even the correct

hotel, it was a fi ve-star hotel at the same resort.

Your advertisement also promised ‘full board’ but

there were no lunches. And can you tell me why

breakfast was served at 6 a.m.?
I loved Bulgaria and the Black Sea but I was very

disappointed with the hotel and would like both

an apology and some of my money back.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Jenny Stevens

The small town of Cortez was woken at

fi ve o’clock this morning. That’s when

a powerful earthquake struck. The centre

of the earthquake was just 50 km from

the town centre. That’s not far considering

that the earthquake measured 8.2 on

the Richter Scale. That’s the largest

earthquake in the country this century and

bigger than any since 1921. That was the

year in which over 100,000 people were

killed in a massive earthquake measuring

8.7. Luckily, nobody was killed in today’s

earthquake. However, many buildings

have been damaged and there is no water

or electricity. People are now waiting for



ŚRoDkI językowe

Zadanie 10

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1–3, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a, b lub c, tak aby
otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

2 Today’s earthquake

a) was smaller than the one in 1921.

b) was more powerful than the one in 1921.

c) killed 100,000 people.

1 a

) worry

b) worries

c) worrying

2 a

) good

b) best

c) well


a) go to

b) wake up

c) get up


Be realistic. You don’t have to be the



in your school. As long as you know that
you have tried your hardest, you can be
proud of yourself.

Get enough sleep. Staying up too long on the

night before an exam is not a good idea. Take
a relaxing bath and


_____ bed quite early.

Good luck!


Students in British schools are



more and

more about their exams. What can you do to relax?
Here are a few tips from our experts:

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Upbeat 2. Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Zestaw 1



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Zadanie 11

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Spośród podanych w ramce wyrazów a–f wybierz właściwe uzupełnienie luk
1–3. Trzy wyrazy nie pasują do żadnej luki.

a) listening b) meet c) more d) fi nd e) playing f) most


/ 12

Funkcje językowe

/ 10


/ 12

Środki językowe

/ 6


/ 40


The Taj Mahal restaurant is situated
on a housing estate 2 km from
the town centre. It’s not easy to


_____________ but the food and

atmosphere is certainly worth the

The fi rst thing you notice as you
walk in, is the real atmosphere of
India. The colours, the furniture,
the paintings on the walls and
the music


_____________ in the

background all transport you to
another continent. The moment
you step inside, a smiling waiter

welcomes you and shows you
to your table. Of course, the


_____________ important thing

about any restaurant is what you
get on your plate. You won’t be
disappointed. Everything is fresh
and delicious and the choice is
amazing. The only small problem
with the restaurant is that it leaves
your wallet a lot emptier than
when you walk in. It certainly isn’t
cheap but as a treat on special
occasions, it’s the best place in



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