exam test 1

Upbeat 3.
Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Poziom podstawowy. Zestaw 1.



CD Track 12

Usłyszysz fragment audycji radiowej. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań 1-3 są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

1 Wild animals have never been seen in the UK. T / F

2 Wolves live in the wild in the UK. T / F

3 The Wild Beast Trust wants some animals to return to the forest. T / F

4 Some people don't like this project. T / F

5 This programme is going to be about animals in danger. T / F



CD Track 13

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

1 The speakers

a) haven't finished preparing a meal yet.

b) have just finished preparing a meal.

c) haven't started preparing a meal yet.

2 Where is the boy going to wash his hands?

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3 What's the main topic of the conversation?

a) The weather.

b) New furniture in the house.

c) Sleeping problems.



CD Track 14

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie fragment wykładu. Przyporządkuj poszczególnym elementom ich opis, wpisując litery a-e w kratki 1-4. Jeden opis nie pasuje do żadnego elementu.

1 Ancient burial chamber _____

2 The height of the legs _____

3 The top stone's width _____

4 The top stone _____

  1. is 3 metres.

  2. is 2 metres.

  3. is 2,000 years old.

  4. is very heavy.

  5. consists of 4 stones.

  6. 4

    Funkcje językowe


    CD Track 15

    Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi. Przyporządkuj każdej z nich właściwą reakcję, wpisując litery a-e w kratki 1-4. Jedna odpowiedź nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

    1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____

    a) Don't worry! It was really old!

    b) That's a good idea!

    c) Yes, I'd like fried chicken with rice, please.

    d) No, I can't stand it!

    e) If I were you, I would ask the teacher for help.



    Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą reakcję.

    1 Dzwoni do ciebie przyjaciółka mamy. Prosisz, aby nie odkładała słuchawki.

    a) Call me back, please.

    b) Hold on, please.

    c) Can you put me through, please?

    2 Chcesz zaproponować koleżance / koledze pójście na mecz piłki nożnej.

    a) How about going to a football match?

    b) What do you think about football?

    c) Why are we going to a football match?

    3 Chcesz zapytać nieznajomą osobę, jak dojść do opery.

    a) Excuse me. How long is the opera?

    b) Excuse me. How long does it take to get to the opera, please?

    c) Excuse me. How do I get to the opera, please?



    Przeczytaj poniższe minidialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą wypowiedź jednej z osób.

    1 X: Why don't you ask the teacher to go to the cinema with you?

    Y: ______________________________________

    a) You're kidding!

    b) Look out!

    c) It's nothing.

    2 X: I'd like a hamburger but I'm broke.

    Y: ______________________________________

    a) Don't worry! I'll lend you some money.

    b) Can you lend me some money?

    c) Don't be so rude!

    3 X: Madonna is the best singer.

    Y: ______________________________________

    a) Well done!

    b) It sounds great!

    c) Come off it! She's terrible!




    Przeczytaj opisy pięciu zawodów oraz pytania dotyczące tych opisów. Przyporządkuj każdemu pytaniu właściwy opis, wpisując litery a-d w kratki 1-5. Jeden z opisów pasuje do dwóch pytań.


    In this job you have to like driving and meeting different people. You never know who you will have in the back. One day you might take someone famous to the airport.


    In this job you have to deal with customers. You can't get annoyed when they call you over to their table and you've got three plates in your hands. The best thing is the tips which people leave at the end of their meal.


    In this job you have to wear a uniform. It must be the only job where you're happy to say goodbye to people you like, seeing them going home again when they get better after they've spent time in the hospital.


    In this job you don't get much money and spend hours each evening planning lessons for the next day. But, the kids are always interesting! Sometimes, they work really hard. Other days they can be more difficult! But all in all, I enjoy teaching them.

    Which job is best for someone who:

    1 is very patient? _____

    2 likes working with students? _____

    3 likes being in the car? _____

    4 doesn't mind wearing special clothes? _____

    5 would like to earn some extra money? _____



    Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań 1-5 są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F).

    A page from Mary's diary

    It was my birthday today. Ken took me to our favourite café and gave me a beautiful bracelet. Everything seemed like every other birthday; three years and Ken hasn't forgotten. So, what's wrong with me? Why am I so worried? Something was different. He didn't know what to talk about. He didn't listen to me when I was talking. He didn't even want to drink his milkshake. That was very strange. The cake was superb as always but Ken had just a small piece of it. He was lost in his own thoughts all through the evening. Is there someone else? I can't believe it. He studies so hard, he hasn't got time for me and for friends, certainly not for anyone else. Has he got school problems? No, he would tell me. I must talk to him tomorrow.

    1 Mary liked the present she got from her boyfriend for her birthday. T / F

    2 Mary and Ken had a lively conversation during the meal. T / F

    3 Although the cake was delicious, Ken didn't seem to enjoy it. T / F

    4 Mary thinks that her boyfriend is in love with someone else because
    he is always very busy. T / F

    5 This fragment from the diary suggests that Mary is disappointed
    with her boyfriend because he is not nice to her. T / F



    Przeczytaj poniższe teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b, c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią poszczególnych tekstów.

    Save Our Planet (SOP)

    What can you do to help save our planet? Read on and find out how easy it is.

    Share a car.

    You and your neighbour leave at the same time, drive to the same place, sit in the same traffic jams and spend the same amount on petrol. Why not go together? It's cheaper, the road has one less car on it and you have someone to talk to.

    Shop `green'.

    How do you choose which products to buy? By price? By quality? Why not by environmental friendliness? Look for the ECO sign whenever you buy soaps, washing powders and other products.

    Eat `green'.

    Does the chicken taste strange? Do the vegetables look beautiful but have no flavour? Modern scientific progress can give us perfect looking food but it can't make it taste like it should. Try naturally grown food and taste the difference.

    1 The leaflet was written to

    a) tell people to do something for the environment.

    b) ask people what they do for the environment.

    c) list the biggest dangers to the environment.

    There was a huge crowd at Old Trafford for the first match of the season. They were here to see the champions and the four new players bought this summer. The teams came out onto the pitch, Manchester United in their famous red shirts.

    Their opponents were Reading, a small team with unknown players. No one thought they had a chance. No one except the Reading fans and their brilliant young manager, Steve Coppell. As the whistle blew to start the match, he smiled a secret smile.

    Even when the Red Devils attacked, he didn't show any nerves. In fact it was the crowd who grew nervous. As the minutes passed, they grew impatient. They couldn't understand why the score was still 0-0 at half time.

    The second half was no different and, when the final whistle blew, the only noise came from the Reading supporters celebrating the team and the genius of their manager.

    2 Manchester United

    a) scored many goals.

    b) scored only one goal.

    c) didn't score any goals.



    ZADANIE 10

    Przeczytaj poniższy list. Uzupełnij luki 1-3, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a, b lub c, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

    Dear Editors,

    Lots of schools complain that they don't have money for facilities such as computers or sports equipment.

    1___________ about schools organising sponsored activities to raise money? Our school organised a sponsored silence event last Saturday. The children asked as many people as possible: family, friends, neighbours, to sponsor them for a certain amount of time - one pound an hour. All the children sat in the room with a teacher watching them, and they 2___________ be totally silent. The teacher wrote down how many hours they kept silent and then the money was collected from their sponsors. I didn't say a word for five hours, so I got 5 pounds from each person - 25 pounds total! All this money went to the school. It was worth 3___________ silent for some time! The school bought five DVD players and six new computers, which makes it easier to surf the Internet and watch films during lessons. It's a great idea! I think other schools should copy it!


    1 a) Did you hear b) Have you heard c) Can you hear

    2 a) must b) had to c) have to

    3 a) be b) to be c) being


    ZADANIE 11

    Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Spośród podanych w ramce wyrazów a-f wybierz właściwe uzupełnienie
    luk 1-3. Trzy wyrazy nie pasują do żadnej luki.

    1. rucksack b) having c) holiday

    d) handbag e) visit f) wearing

    This is a photo of my friend getting ready to go on her 1 _________with some school friends. She doesn't look very happy. On her back she is wearing a large and very full 2_________. She's also got a big suitcase. She's got curly, fair hair and big eyes. She's quite plump. She isn't 3_________ any jewellery and she hasn't got make up on.



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    Funkcje językowe

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    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT






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    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT



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