310 rue Paradis – 13008 Marseille
Téléphone 00 33 (0)4 96 10 24 60 – Télécopie 00 33 (0)4 96 10 24 69
Site :
– Courriel :
Etablissement Privé d’Enseignement Supérieur – RNE 0133666P – SIRET 782 886 576 00027 – APE 8559B
Déclaration d’Activité n°93131187913 pour la Formation Professionnelle Continue
Levels: B1 and B2
The course applies to medical professionals or B1 medical students who choose to work in a French speaking
country. The course is based on medical books and authentic documents (texts, audio, video…)
DFP Exam Preparation (Diplôme de Français Professionnel) Legal B2
Duration: 12 classes 2 hours
Hours: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Beginning of the course: when a group of 8 people minimum is constituted
Day 1: Medical Consultation
Day 2: Diagnosis and prescription
Day 3: Medication (Consumption and Purchase)
Day 4: Vaccinations
Day 5: Medical Tests
Day 6: Working in a Hospital
Day 7: Emergency
Day 8: Teamwork
Day 9: Dealing with the patient’s family
Day 10: Note Taking, reports, letters...
Day 11: Cardio-Surgery
Day 12: Oral Presentation and Discussion about a medical article
Visit/Conference at Timone Hospital.
NB: The course remains a French course and is NOT a medical course!
Fees : 264 euros (Enrolment fees and books included)