Zd. Twierdzące :

0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic
Pod + Orzeczenie + Resz. Zda.

Czs w formie

Pods. 3 os l.poj

+ -s (-es)

I go to school

She cooks dinner

Zd. Pytające :

Do / does 3 os l.poj

0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic
Nie ma końc. s



Do I go to school .

Does She cook dinner .

Zd. Przeczące :

do + not = dont't reszta

does + not = doesn't 3 os l.poj

I don't go .

She doesn't cook dinner

Is / are ..... + ing

  1. What's hisw name ?

  2. Is he from ?

  3. What's his address ?

  4. What's his telephone number ?

  5. How old is he ?

  1. What's her name ?

  2. Where is she from ?

  3. What's her address ?

  4. What's her telephone number ?

  5. How old is she ?

  6. What's her job ?

  7. How many sister her good ?

number 42 .

I am a student

Am I a student ?

I am not a student

She is a nurse

Is she a nurse ?

She isn't a nurse .

He's 5 . - How old is he ?

He's a driver - What is his job ?

From France - Where are your from ?

In a garden - wher is he ?


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