House zdania angielskie(1)

House - Kitchen

Put the kettle on and make some tea

We use cutting board not to destroy the kitchen table.

I can't make coffe in the coffee maker as it is out of order.

Woule you like a cup of tea or coffee?

What are you cooking in this saucepan? (saucepan - garnek)

Shall we drink a glass of wine?

I can't open this bottle. Where is the corkscrew? (corkscrew - korkociąg)

For breakfast I drink two mugs of milk.

A kitchen is a place where meals are prepared.

Put the ice-cream to the fridge! It is too hoot in here.

We eat soup with a spoon.

You can quickly cook dinner in a microwave oven.

A blender is very useful in the kitchen. (blender - robot kuchenny)

When you have grained coffee, you mill it in a coffee-mill.

This knife is very sharp. You can cut yourself.

This frying pan is too big for pancakes. (frying pan - patelnia)

Take the dustpan and the broom, and sweep the floor. (dustpan - śmietniczka)

We throw all the litter to the dustbin. (dustbin - śmietnik)

Put the cutlery on the table. The dinner is ready. (cutlery - sztućce)

A plate is a flat glass dish. (plate - talerz)

A grater is for grating vegetables and fruits. (grater - tarka)

In thermos drinks are hot for many hours.

This toaster burns toast. Don't use it.

A whisk is for beating eggs.

You can weigh food on the kitchen scales.

A rolling-pin is for rolling paste for dumplings and noddles. (rolling-pin - wałek)

We eat fish with two forks. (fork)

Dishwashers are becoming more and more popular these days.

Wash up the dishes after dinner. We will need them for supper. (dish - naczynie)

Turn the gas down. The flame is too big and you will burn the saucepan. (flame - płomień)

Lay the table. The dinner will be ready in five minutes.

House other

Most houses are made of bricks. (brick - cegła)

A door opens or shuts the entrance to a boilding.

Children go up and down on a seesaw. (seesaw - huśtawka)

A key is for locking or unlocking doors.

A watering can is for watering plants in a garden. (watering can - konewka)

A lawnmover is for for cutting grass when it is too high. (lawnmover - kosiarka do trawy)

People sit on benches in a park to rest. (bench - ławka)

Cats like waking on a fence. (fence - płot)

A postman puts letters into a letter-box.

You can slide down on a slide. (slide - ślizgawka)

Bring me a bucket of water. I will water this tree. (bucket - wiadro)

Science - world

Africa is considered to be a wild continent.

Asia is the largest continent.

Kangoroos live in Australia.

Poland is in Europe.

North America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

Warsaw is the capital of Poland.

South America is the fourth largest continent.

Great Britain is an island.

Science - space (wszechświat)

When there are no clouds, you can see many stars in the sky at night.

A comet looks like a star with a bright tail. (bright tail - świecące ogony)

Planets move in the outer space. (outer space - przestrzeń kosmiczna)

The Moon shines in the sky at night.

The Earth is a planet that goes around the Sun.

The Sun provides the Earth with warmth and light.

Signs of zodiac

Capricorn is the zodiacal sign of all those born between December 22 and January 19.


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