To: corlonel Brown,CO From: private XYZ Date: November 16th 2002 Subject: Mine awerness training

Introductiom: The aim of this report is to assess the mine awerness training Place: The mine awerness training was conducted in Cesna Vlika, at the Centre of the area, which was a good choice Facilities: Although the training was conducted at the Municipol, there were poor acoustics, and too few seats. Translation and Audience interest: General english of the interpreter was on a high level, but on the other hand the military terminology was not apropriate. Nevertheless, there was a high interest of the audience and a lot of questions on the subject. However there were too few breaks Model mines on show: There was not enough variety of mine models. Equipment: The equipment was sufficient for the subject. There was a screen, a slide projector, slides and photos. The Only problem was broken VCR Problems: On the talk there was nothing about children and teenagers Conclusions: Mine awereness training conducted in Cesna Vlika was a necessity, and the city chosen for the training was very suitable. On the on hand there was a high interest in the subject , but on the other hand the Municipol was not a good choice Accommendations: Next training should be conducted in a bigger hall and the speach should contain more things about children and teenagers protection from mines. Moreover a military interpreter should be hired for the task.

To: Maj. Smith, FROM: Cpt.Atkins, SUBJECT:Visit of English officers.

Sir, In reply to (w odp na ) your letter I am writing to give you some necessary information's (troche koniecznych inf) about preparation (przygotowanie) for expected visit of English officers. Also (takze) I would like to ask about some vital details from your side. Firstly, The date and place of arrived are know but We don't know when the officers will arrive and the number of flight ( lot) is also unknown (takze nieznany). This info are necessary so Could you tell me when the visitors will arrive ? Furthermore, We have received copies of passports but one of them is invalid (niesprawny). Passports have to be attached (dolaczony) to whole documentation. Could you tell me when you will be able (mozliwosc) to send new, valid (nowych)passports ? Finally, the security clearance are agent needed. This documents have to be send NLT (nie pozniej niz do) an 2 of August. Thanking you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. (czekam na odp tak szybko jak to jest mozliwe)

I am writting to ask for information- pisze do ciebie zeby zapytac o informacje I would be grateful for any further details- bede wdzieczny za dalsze szczegoly Could you tell me whether- czy mozesz mi powiedziec czy I would like to ask- chcialabym zapytac I need to know- potrzebuje wiedziec I would appreciate it if you- bede wdzieczny jesli ty Could you inform me whetker- czy mozesz mnie poinformowac o

Can you tell me- czy mozesz mi powiedziec, Do you know- czy wiesz, Could you tell me- czy moglbys mi powiedziec, How can I know- czy moge wiedziec, I have no idea- nie mam pomyslu, Tell me-powiedz mi, Nie mam pojecia-I dont know, nie pamiętam- I dont remember, zastanawiam się-I wonder

Nie wiem gdzie mieszkacie- I dont know, where you live. Powiedz czy chciałbys troche kawy- Tell me, if you would like some cafe Skad mogę wiedziec, czy widziałeś kiedykolwiek ducha- How can I know, if you have ever seen a ghorst czy możesz mi powiedziec dlaczego nie zrobiłeś zakupow?- Could you tell me, why you didnt do the shopping nie wiem, kiedy Wilsonowie zamierzaja się wyprowadzic- I dont know were the Wilson are going to move czy masz pojecie, gdzie położyłeś wczoraj moje okulary?- do you know where you leared glasses yesterday zastanawiam się, czy lora upiecze ciasto- I wonder, if Lora will coke bake. czy nie wiesz, jak dlugo oni się znaja- Dont you know how long they long eachoder. czy wiesz która jest godzina- Do you know what time it is now. nie mam pojecia, gdzie oni wczoraj pojechali- I dont know where thay went yesterday. Czy widzisz co oni teraz niosą?- Can you see what they are carring now. Nie pamiętam jak się nazywam.- I dont remember what my name is. Nell nie pamieta, czy on jest żonaty.- Nell doesnt remember if he is married. nie mam pojecia, gdzie on chce mieszkac.- I have not idea, where he wants to live. betty chce wiedziec ile Peter zarobil w tym roku.- Betty wants to know how much Peter eormed this year.Nie wiem czy chciałbys zjesc kanapkę.- I dont know whetter you would like to eat sandwich. Czy możesz mi powiedziec co wlasnie ukradłeś?- Could you tell me, what you have allrealy stollen.

Dear Sirs,

I am writing with reference to the advertisement concerning the Second Annual Defence Industry Conference, which is supposed to take place in November. I would like to ask you for more specific information on the event .

Firstly, I would like to know the detailed programme of the conference. I would be extremely grateful if you could send me a full list of topics that are to be covered and a list of the delegates who will deliver the speeches.

Secondly, the advertisement has not included the exact location of the conference. I would find it very helpful if you gave me some information on the subject and possibly sent me a map with the location marked on it.

Moreover, I would like to ask what exactly is included in the delegate fee, when I should make the reservation to get the price reduction and whether some additional military discounts are possible.

Finally, I would like to know whether the participants may expect some help in finding a hotel or organizing the journey, and whether there will be some interpreters to aid the individuals who do not speak English.

Thank you in advance for the information,

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs,

I am writing with reference to the advertisement about the course in command, which has recently appeared in the NATO's newsletter.

I am interested in enrolling on the course. I have worked in the NATO's military personnel for four years (daj więcej szczegółów, bo ja nie wiem co tam się robi e. g. on an administrative post …. ?? może być?? )) If my experience is enough to participate in the training, I would like request the detailed programme of the course.

Moreover, I would also like to know which category of military clearance is required from the participants, and who of them could demand a refund of the course's cost.

Furthermore, I would like to ask you where the participants of the course will be accommodated and what are the conditions and the exact cost of the accommodation .

Finally, I would be extremely grateful if you could explain to me the difference of prices between the January and February course.

Dear sir/ madam I am writing with reference to your advertisement in the.. offering classes in Italian. I am very interested in your intensive course for beginners and would like some furthest information. Firstly, I would like to know a little more about the course schedule. For instance, could you please tell me how long the course lasts, and how many hours a week it involves? I would also like to know weather there are classes on Saturday. In addition I would appreciate information about the organized trips mention. In your advertisement. I am interested to know witch cities you will visit. Could you also inform me if students are allowed to invite their friends and family to join them on these trips. Thanking you for time and assistance. Yours faithfully

I am writing with reference to your advertisement in the… offering… .i am very interested in your course because I am working in army and I have always interested in… I have some question about it. Firstly I would like to know when and were you are organizing the course. For instance could you please tell me how long the course lasts. I must know that because I should take a leave for this time. I would also know how many classes are include. Could you tell me something about an accommodation. The last but not the least thing is how I can apply. Could you send me some brochures about the course. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. Furthermore I would like to ask what kind of food is available on holiday. In particular as I am vegetarians I need to know whether you offer a full vegetarian menu. Finally I would appreciate it if you could send me complete information on the cost of the holiday. For instance could you inform me whether there are any special rates for soldiers. Could you tell me if I can pay by credit card

The aim of this report is to describe the enemy attack on our patrol and to recommend changes to avert similar situations in the future.The patrol was attacked on 13 th December at about 11:00 am 10 km north base.The patrol was moving to the base when suddenly it was attacked by at least ten men. They used machines guns and hand grenades. The patrol returned fire and counterattack. After ten minutes of the fight the assassin(zabójcy) were forced to escape. They are thought to be People's National Army soldiers. We returned to the base at about 12:30 pm.Fortunately , as a result of the fight there were no casualties or injures. Only one truck was lightly damaged.It is recommended to increase a number of patrols in the area to control it more carefully.To sum up it was a bad incident which could not here taken place. It would be very useful if you could accept my recommendations to decrease a number of such situations in the future.

The aim of this raport is to describe the incident, which took place during last patrol on the 29 November 2006 on the route between Bagdad and Bosra.Like I above mentioned this attack was conducted on our patrol near Al-Kot and it was very immediate and surprising. For these reason I don't remember number of attackers and who they were. At the beginning attackers used machine gun and a lot of grenades. Our fire back lasted about 30 minutes. Finally, attackers escaped by truck. I would like to add that our patrol tried find of enemy but it failed.Unfortunately, after come back on the place of the attack I noticed a lot of losses and damages among our patrol. First of all, one of our soldiers was died. Besides, two other were injured in stomach and leg. What is more, we had many damages of equipment. Two lorry and trucks brook of during the attack.Summing up I would like to stress, that we executed everything procedures, which are scheduled(planować) and daties(określane) during conducting of patrols. I would like to add that should be done a lot of changes so that improve level of safety on patrols such as increase a number of patrols and changes route of patrols. Taking everything into consideration I suggest conducting these changes in near future.

Subject: Delay in repay 1. the aim of this memo is to describe my strong dissatisfaction about servicing the vehicles.

2. repairing of vehicles will take two months. I have arranged it to be repaired immediately. 3. vehicles will be

necessary on Monday so I propose to borrow some cars from the 6th battalion. 1. the aim of this memo is to

describe an incident between fighting of soldiers. 2. there was a battle on the company between two soldiers.

One of them has a broken leg. They have agreed about their place of birth . 3. I propose to control more often

barrack rooms to avoid such situations.

Could you tell me when the last message in this matter came Are you sure where this plane is flying to

I'd like to know if the price includes breakfast I'm calling to find out why you haven't given back us our money yet.

I'd like to know who I have to send the registration form to. could you tell that the dates for the conference are


THE AIM OF THIS REPORT IS TO DESCRIBE THE organization a polish day in next month. Plan of Events polish day will start from the presentation about Poland. I want bring our country forward to officers from different country. Next they can hear some information about Polish armed forces or they can watch photo exhibition. I choose this subject because I'm sure everyone are interest about the army. During the exhibition people can taste a polish food and drinks. Volunteers can play the quiz for the parcipants. On the night people can dance and listening polish songs. Problems. I have got one problem because in the base we have not got a photo from Poland. Conclusions. In my opinion the polish day will be a very interesting and everyone will be satisfied.

the aim of this report is to assess the field exercise training at.. in which my platoon participated between 2 Februart and 3 march. The exercise went according to schedule. The platoon fulfilled all the objectives. The soldiers improved their combat skills. During the exercise there were neither casualties nor damage to the equipment. In the first part of the exercise the soldiers practiced live firing with all the platoon weapons. In addition they improved skills in using individual protective equipment, teamwork as well as coordination with other subunits. During the second part of the exercise the soldiers were treined in a night patrolling and attacking heavily fortified enemy position. It is concluded that the FXF at was well organized. However there were some problems with accommodation and food supply.

The aim of this report is to describe the enemy attack on our patrol and to recommend changes to avert similar situations in the future.The patrol was attacked on 13 th December at about 11:00 am 10 km north base. The patrol was moving to the base when suddenly it was attacked by at least ten men. They used machines guns and hand grenades. The patrol returned fire and counterattack. After ten minutes of the fight the assassin(zabójcy) were forced to escape. They are thought to be People's National Army soldiers.We returned to the base at about 12:30 pm. Fortunately , as a result of the fight there were no casualties or injures. Only one truck was lightly damaged. It is recommended to increase a number of patrols in the area to control it more carefully. To sum up it was a bad incident which could not here taken place. It would be very useful if you could accept my recommendations to decrease a number of such situations in the future.

The aim of this raport is to describe the incident, which took place during last patrol on the 29 November 2006 on the route between Bagdad and Bosra. Like I above mentioned this attack was conducted on our patrol near Al-Kot and it was very immediate and surprising. For these reason I don't remember number of attackers and who they were. At the beginning attackers used machine gun and a lot of grenades. Our fire back lasted about 30 minutes. Finally, attackers escaped by truck. I would like to add that our patrol tried find of enemy but it failed. Unfortunately, after come back on the place of the attack I noticed a lot of losses and damages among our patrol. First of all, one of our soldiers was died. Besides, two other were injured in stomach and leg. What is more, we had many damages of equipment. Two lorry and trucks brook of during the attack.Summing up I would like to stress, that we executed everything procedures, which are scheduled(planować) and daties(określane) during conducting of patrols. I would like to add that should be done a lot of changes so that improve level of safety on patrols such as increase a number of patrols and changes route of patrols. Taking everything into consideration I suggest conducting these changes in near future.

INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to describe mine awareness training and to recommend better solution in similar training.

The training took place on 16th November 2002 in Cesna Vlika. This location was a good choice because it is in the center of area.

The talk was simultaneously translated and general English was on high standard. However military terminology was not satisfying standard.

I got equipment: a screen, a slide projector, sliders, photos. Unfortunately a VCR was broken. The Municipal Hall, place of the training had poor acoustics and there was only few seats. The audience interest was very high. People were asked a lot of question. Educating in the mine awareness was very usefully to local people. However, I was not said nothing about children and teenagers, who have highest death rate with mines because I could not found any information about this case.

In My opinion this training is the good way of educating local people in mine awareness. It is recommended to continue such training often in the area where is problem about mine.

Dear Mrs Crown,

I am writing to apply for the position of a nursery school teacher which was advertised in this week's issue of “ The Herald”.

I am a twenty-nine-years old nursery school teacher. Between 1993 and 1996 I had a Nursery Nurse course at the Standford Collage.

I have also completed a six -month Dance and Drama course for pre-school children at the Beton College of Performing Arts. I have had few months' experience of working which children. I have worked as a nursery assistant in Somerville Nursery School.

People say I am a hard-working and creative person. As my references show, I have a good relationship with children.

I enclose my CV and would be glad to attend an interview as soon as possible.

Your sincerely

May Luke

The aim of this report is to describe mine awareness training and to recommend a better solution in similar training. The training took place on 16th November 2002 in Cesna Vlika. This location was a good choice because it is in the center of our area of responsibility. The talk was simultaneously translated and general English met/maintained high standards. However, the knowledge of military terminology was not on a satisfactory level . I received the following equipment: a screen, a slide projector, slides, and photos. Unfortunately, a VCR was broken. The Municipal Hall, the place of the training had poor acoustics and there were only few seats. The audience's interest was very high, so people asked a lot of question. Educating in the mine awareness was very useful to local people. However, I said nothing about children and teenagers, who have the highest death rate in mine accidents because I could not find any information about such cases. In my opinion this training is a good way of educating local people in mine awareness. It is recommended to continue such trainings often in the area where the problem of mines is very serious.


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