Angel Joy or

Angel Joy or "The Little Girl"

By Mary Collette

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Jump to new as of June 7, 2003

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Posted on Thursday, 16 November 2000

Author's Note: To all my faithful readers, the following comes to you through the courtesy of my very perverse muse, a conversation I had in chat yesterday with Leareth about where our story inspirations come from, and last but, certainly not least, the subtitle of this story comes from the song by John Michael Montgomery of the same title, I will admit, that I am not sure just how accurately I will be following the story contained in the song. LYLAS, YGA.

"Thanks Dad, I'll tell him right away." said Elizabeth Bennet Darcy, her voice shaking as much as her hand, as she attempted to hang up the phone. In the process, she knocked the phone book off the counter onto the floor, the brought both her husband, William, and Minerva, a rather badly behaved Great Pyrenees puppy that belonged to the couple into the kitchen.

William Darcy, noting the agitated look in his wife's fine dark eyes, agitation, he knew, that was brought on by the phone call she had just received from her father, William Darcy immediately enquired what her father had wanted.

Elizabeth took some deep breaths in order to regain her composure, and began, "William, what we feared most has happened, last night George came home in a drunken rage a. . . a . . . and heeee shot Lydia, and then himself. Liddie was dead on arrival at the hospital, and George died instantly." replied Elizabeth, trying to stay composed, but the explanation made tears fall from her eyes anew, yes, she cried for her lost little sister, but most of all for the innocent soul, who had been caught up in that ugliness. Elizabeth knew that her husband would be just as concerned.

"Dear G-D! I am so sorry Elizabeth. Was Ange. . . . . . . is. . . . ?" asked William Darcy, as he held his young wife close to comfort her.

"No William. Angel Joy is safe. The police found her hiding behind the couch, the way she always did when George was beating Liddie. William, Dad wants us to come to Meryton for the funerals, but more than that, in spite of the fact that my Dad and Mom are right there, Protective Services wish to make her a ward of the state. We just can't let that happen, we were supposed to be her godparents, even though George took Liddie and the baby before she was to be baptized. We just can't let them give Angel Joy to strangers. William, I just wish we could have gotten Liddie away from George, especially right after Angel Joy was born. Liddie had stopped taking drugs while she was pregnant, it was after Angel was born and George took them away again, that she started back up again, and when we found out about his abusing her." replied Elizabeth, as her husband held her even closer, as she finally lost her composure and began to weep bitter tears over the loss of her unfortunate, wayward youngest sister.

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Posted on Saturday, 25 November 2000

"Liz, I am truly sorry about Lydia and Angel Joy, but are you sure you want to do this? It's not that I don't want to have her here. She should have a decent home, the Good Lord knows you tried to get her into one that last time, but it is too soon." said William Darcy in a concerned tone, as Liz wiped her eyes and tried to regain her composure.

"William, I know how you felt about George and Liddie, but you can't blame Angel, she is innocent in all this. You know that Mom will badger Dad into taking her. Mom will try to spoil her, and make her over in Liddie's image, that's why that last time she was in Meryton, trying to get away from George, she went to Jane and Charles, and you know what happened then. We can raise her decently with some self-respect. William, I knew that you would say that is too soon after we lost Cassie Anne, we will always have her in our hearts, but here is someone who truly needs us. We are the only ones who can take in Angel Joy." replied Liz, in a passionate tone.

As William was about to reply, Georgiana, his seventeen year old sister, known to him and Liz as Giana entered the kitchen.

"Good morning William and Liz." Giana greeted her well loved family members, but noticing the serious expression on her beloved brother and seeing that her sister-in-law had been crying, she enquired of them what was wrong," William, what is wrong? Have you gotten some bad news?"

"Yes Giana, some very bad news. Before we tell you, I just want to tell you how proud of you I am. You overcame what happened to you two years ago. You have done well in school this year, having told you this, I really feel that this news will affect you, so we shall tell you before you here it from someone else. Giana, Liz has just found out that George and Lydia Wickham died last night. It was very tragic, because George shot Lydia and then turned the gun on himself. I know that this is shocking news, but we must be thankful that their little girl is safe." replied William.

"Oh Liz, what your family must be going through. Angel Joy must be so terrified and confused, you and William must go to Meryton right away. You must bring Angel Joy back to Pemberley. They probably have her in the Children's Home, that is no place for her. She needs to have her family, Will. Yes I know it means we will have a reminder of Mr. Wickham here but, Angel Joy is innocent. I know that it has been four months since you lost Cassie, but truly William, that little girl needs you and Liz now." replied Giana.

"My baby sister has truly grown-up. We will be getting ready to leave for Meryton, and while we are there I will do my best to bring Angel Joy home to Pemberley." replied William, as Giana, Liz and he shared a comforting hug.

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Posted on Saturday, 30 December 2000

Some people from the city, took the girl far-away. A new mom and a new dad, kisses and hugs every day.

From "The Little Girl" written by Haley Allen and sung by John Michael Montgomery

"Dad!" cried Liz, as she hurried into the library and hugged her Father, surreptitiously handing him his handkerchief. "How is Mom, holding up?"

"Your Mother has taken Lydia's death very hard, Liz. She is blaming everyone concerned, and I am afraid that she blames you the most. She doesn't want to see you. Doctor Allen has prescribed complete bed rest for her. He is afraid that she is on the verge of a breakdown, but she will not let him admit her into the hospital. Jane has been here every day since that night, but your Mother just cries for Lydia, and the little girl." replied Daniel Bennet, as he wiped his own tears for his wayward youngest daughter.

"Don't worry, Dad. William and I are pretty sure that we will be able to convince Protective Services that we are quite capable of taking Angel Joy in, even Giana is behind us, and you are aware of what happened between George and her. We just came to see how you and Mom were, and then we were going to go over to Jane and Charles' house." said Liz, as she gently kissed her Father's forehead, and quickly left the library with her husband.

It was when she and William were back in their car that she began to cry once more, and William Darcy slipped his arms around Liz and brought her closer, and held her tight, whispering words of comfort into her hair. As he thought back to the day when Liz had informed him that George Wickham, his late Father's protégé had run away with Lizzie's youngest sister Lydia. He had helped to find the pair, and saw to it that they were married. What he had not foreseen, nor for that matter anyone else foresaw that George Wickham would turn out to be an abuser. Six weeks into the marriage, was the first incident. Lydia spent two weeks in the hospital. He and Liz had done everything humanly possible to convince Lydia to leave, but she was, as abused women are everywhere," sure that she could change him." Then it also became evident that George Wickham was also abusing alcohol and other drugs, and had since involved Lydia. Yes, as Lydia had said, they had gotten her away from George during her pregnancy, she even kicked the drugs, but a week after Angel Joy was born, George Wickham showed up at the hospital, just before the little girl was to be baptized, and he once again took Lydia and his baby daughter away with him.

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Posted on Thursday, 8 March 2001

Liz had cried herself to sleep, and Darcy continued to reflect back on his efforts on the behalf of his sister-in-law, he also thought of tragedy that had occurred while he had searched for Lydia and George Wickham. He had been in Florida, at the time that Liz had awakened that terrible morning that she discovered that their daughter, Cassie Anne had become a victim of SIDS. He knew that Liz had been devastated, and he wasn't able to shield his wife from his maternal Catherine, who had been opposed to his marrying Elizabeth Bennet, so opposed that she had ceased communications with him. She had since been attempting to reconcile with him, until that sad morning. While he was trying to track down the Wickhams, Elizabeth had tasted his Aunt Catherine at her most vituperative. He had been given to understand from Giana, that his aunt had blamed Elizabeth for Cassie Anne's death, and once again, communication had ceased between William Darcy and his aunt. His only communication from that quarter came from his cousin Anne, who delighted in rebelling against her mother's mandates against writing to him and Elizabeth.

Arriving at Netherfield, the home of Charles and Jane Bingley, the couple was welcomed by Jane. Jane held her next younger sister, while they cried together. Jane recovered quickly, and showed her sister and brother-in-law to their room. After getting ready for bed, Liz began looking through her purse for an item that was obviously important, finding it, she crossed the room, and slipped into bed, as she did, it was a puzzled face that met Darcy's.

"What's troubling you, Liz" Are you worried that we won't be given even a temporary guardianship? Liz, I told you that my lawyer will do all that he could to convince the judge to give us the guardianship, but already it looks as though someone is trying to keep that from happening." said Mr. Darcy, as he brought his arm around his wife's waist.

"William, I don't know if this will help, but just after Angel Joy was born, Liddie gave me this." said Liz, indicating the envelope.

"Do you know what is in this?" asked Darcy, taking the envelope from Liz.

"Yes, I do know, but I just can't bring myself to read it once more." replied Liz, in a trembling voice.

William opened the envelope, took out a folded sheet of paper, and read the following:

Letter from Lydia Wickham to Elizabeth Bennet Darcy

Dear Liz,

Thank you for doing all you could to help me. I know you won't believe me, but I am sorry I caused trouble for you and Mr. Darcy. I know he loves you very much. Right now, I am worried about my Angel Joy. I know that George is going to defy the restraining order, and come after us. Liz, I want you and Mr. Darcy to take her if anything bad happens to me. You are the only one I trust to take my little girl in. You and Mr. Darcy are the only ones who can raise her properly, that's why I wanted you and him to her godparents. I know that Mom will want to take care of Angel Joy, but I know that will be impossible. I want to be a good mother, and I will try, but I just can't get away from George, no matter what I do. I love my little girl and I love you, you are the best of my sisters no matter what Mom might say. You are the only one I trust to take my little girl in if anything bad happens to me. I love you Liz.



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Posted on Friday, 8 June 2001

William folded the letter and returned it to Lizzie, who looked at her husband with concern, knowing his wife as he did, Darcy knew what her question was. Would Lydia's letter requesting that they take their niece if any thing happens to her would cut it with Protective Services. He also knew that when Lizzie was determined to do something, she would succeed in doing it.

"I know George did all that he did to get his revenge on you, after you did all you could to protect Giana. He made you chase him and Liddie clear across country, and made him marry my her. I know you did all that for me and I thank you, now we must take Angel Joy in. I know that you really don't wish to have a reminder of George, but she is our Goddaughter, and we have not seen her since the night she was born, remember William? She reminded me of Liddie when she was born, but Angel Joy was not so tiny. Liddie was premature. I remember Mom dressing Liddie in baby-doll clothes. Oh William, we must go to the Children's Home tomorrow to see Angel Joy." said Lizzie, as she began to cry once more.

"Elizabeth, I am sure that the letter will help us in our case. I am sure that protective services will agree that even your sister wanted Angel Joy with us." replied Darcy, as he brought his arms around Lizzie and held her close while she cried.

It would be, as both he and Elizabeth knew a big step, to take in their niece, someone whom they had not seen in two years. She had to be about four years old now. He could barely remember the night she was born, as he had, had to take himself from the delivery room that night to help prevent George Wickham from entering the hospital room, thereby defying the restraining order. Somehow, he had posted bail, and heard that his wife was at the hospital in labor. That time he had succeeded, but it was only two weeks later that Wickham had once more taken Lydia and his daughter from the hospital, and thus began another cross country search. It was during this search that Elizabeth had wakened that morning to discover their daughter Cassie dead of SIDS. He wasn't even able to be there to comfort her. Yes, he agreed that they should go to the Children's Home in the morning, and yes they would do more than see their niece.

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Posted on Saturday, 9 June 2001

The following morning, after sharing a very subdued, if not silent breakfast with William, her sister and brother-in-law, The Darcys readied themselves to go to the county Children's Home, where their niece, Miss Angel Joy Wickham was brought the night her parent's died. They were just about to leave, when a car bearing the logo of Forster's Message Service pulled up in the driveway at Netherfield. The driver was, as Liz recognised him, Christopher Denny. The message was for Mr. Darcy.

"It appears that Judge Ainsley came through for us, Elizabeth. We now have sole temporary custody of Angel Joy until further notice." said Mr. Darcy reading the short note, showing the newly signed Court Order to an overjoyed Liz.

That was something she was dreading, for Mr. William Collins, her least favorite relative ran the Children's Home, and he had the least knowledge of children and their needs. Liz was in hopes that her friend, the former Charlotte Lucas, now Collins would be working, perhaps they would be able to take Angel Joy from the home with her help, for she knew that Mr. Collins was going to try her best to prevent that.

Arriving at the Children's Home, the Darcys entered the building. Seeing the office door open, and that her friend Charlotte's back turned, called her name. Charlotte Lucas-Collins hurried out to her friend and embraced her warmly and made her condolences." Liddie was Liddie, but no one should die that way."

"Char, are you absolutely sure that Angel Joy is okay?" asked Liz, in a concerned tone.

"Yes Liz. They took her to the emergency room, and a doctor examined her before they brought her here." replied Charlotte Lucas-Collins, as she picked up a phone, punched in a number, listened, and asked her sister Maria, worked as a volunteer at the Home, to bring Angel Joy to the office. Very soon, Maria Lucas entered the office with a little girl about four years old, with the dark brown hair and eyes of poor Liddie, and curls that came from her Father. Liz noticed that her niece was shy at first, and had her back to her, but when Liz spoke her niece's name, the little girl turned round and ran to Lizzie's outstretched arms. Both Aunt and niece held each other close for quite some time.

"Aunt Liz! I was waitin' and waitin' for you. Mommy said that if anything ever happened to her, you would come for me and that you and Uncle William would take care of me. They told me that you wouldn' come, but I knew you would." said Angel Joy, in a happy tone.

"I can just guess who they are." thought Liz to herself, just wishing that her least favorite relative would show himself, so that she could give him a very large piece of her mind.

Just as this thought entered her mind, the door to the inner office opened, and William Collins entered the outer office, noticing his Cousin Elizabeth and her husband in the outer office with Miss Angel Joy Wickham, otherwise known to him as Case#0242127. He also knew that his cousin was not to see her unless there was a court order, and he doubted there was a court order, because he was a man who tended to underestimate his cousin-in-law.

"What are you doing here Cousin Elizabeth? Charlotte, what is Case#o242127 doing here? Have your sister return her to the dormitory immediately. You have no right to see her." said William Collins.

"We have every right to see her and take her from this establishment. I believe that this gives us the authority to, as it is a Court Order giving Elizabeth and myself sole temporary custody until further notice." interjected Darcy, as he took the document from the inner pocket of his suitcoat, and gave it to Mr. Collins.

"Char, I will go help my niece pack her bag." said Liz, as she followed Maria in the direction of the dormitory.

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Posted on Wednesday, 6 March 2002

As Lizzie started after Maria and her niece, William Collins made an attempt to prevent his cousin to collect her niece's clothes and personal items. At this, Mr. Darcy quickly intervened. "Collins, do I have to read you the whole of this order? I told you, this gives Elizabeth and myself the right to take her niece from this establishment. We now have sole custody, until such time as we are told differently, do you understand?" said Mr. Darcy, in his most dangerous tone.

That "worthy" gentleman gulped and hurried back into his office, as their was no one who could go up against Mr. William Darcy when he spoke in that quiet tone he had when he was especially angry, and he had been this angry once before at Mr. William Collins, for he had been in the employ of his Aunt at one time, a time that he did not care to dwell upon, as it was during the time just after the horrible morning when Lizzie had gone into the nursery to discover that their six week old daughter Cassie Anne had died of SIDS. He hadn't even been there to protect Lizzie from his aunt, but when he had returned with George Wickham and Lydia Bennet, he walked in on a similar scene, but, Mr. Collins had attempted to hit Lizzie in some way, and then he had to fight back, and Mr. Collins went flying out the front door of his house.

"That takes care of that difficulty," Mr. Darcy thought to himself, as awaited Lizzie's return." How the other difficulties will go, I am not so certain, as he thought of two very disparate personages who would see taking the child of Mr. and Mrs. George Wickham as being quite distressing. One, whose opinion he did not care the snap of his fingers for, the other person was someone for whose opinion he cared deeply, even though he had complimented her on her maturity in this case, he was still afraid that the child of the man who had almost destroyed his young sister's life living with them at Pemberley made him worry just what Giana's true reaction would be.

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Posted on Friday, 17 May 2002

Lizzie soon returned from the dorms with her niece and what little clothes she had. Most of the clothes appeared to have been those given to her after she was brought to the Children's Home. She would soon remedy that situation, Lizzie thought to herself. One day, she was going to tell her cousin William Collins what she truly thought of him, but now was not the time, for she had her niece to consider.

Lizzie sat the small suitcase down next to her and attempted to pick her niece up, but was soon surprised by her Dearest William, who scooped the little girl up in his arms.

"She is too heavy for you, Elizabeth. I will carry her." said Mr. Darcy. This gesture, brought both a smile to Lizzie's lips and a tear to her eyes.

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Posted on Saturday, 17 May 2003

When Mr. Darcy's car turned into the drive at Netherfield, he got out of the car and opened the door for his wife and helped her out. He then opened the passenger door to discover that his niece was sound asleep, so he carefully picked the little girl up and carried her into the house.

"I will carry Angel Joy up to our room, Elizabeth," said Mr. Darcy." She was so exhausted, she couldn't keep her eyes open for the short ride here."

Mr. Darcy was just about to go upstairs, when a voice spoke from the doorway of the living room," I was right Louisa, it was Mr. Darcy I just heard." said Caroline Bingley, who, when she noticed who was with him and who he carried in his arms, made a sour face." How Jane can let that child into the house, is beyond me, Louisa."

"Caroline! She is Jane's niece and you heard Jane herself, she will be living at Pemberley." replied Louisa Hurst, in a scolding tone.

"How can Mr. Darcy allow that person's brat live at Pemberley, with Georgiana? I imagine that Eliza was the one who brought that about." said Caroline, in a not happy tone.

"My Sister-in-law may not have behaved properly, but she did choose myself and Elizabeth as her Godparents." replied Mr. Darcy, as he started up the stairs.

Elizabeth followed her husband up the stairs, thankful that the funerals would be in the morning and then she and Mr. Darcy would be returning to Pemberley. When Angel Joy was comfortably settled on the bed, Lizzie freshened up before dinner, a dinner that would not be comfortable, given that her brother-in-law's sisters would also be guests at Netherfield, but Lizzie would not let Caroline annoy her, as this situation was hard enough. Yet Lizzie knew that her young Sister-in-law was more mature then Caroline Bingley. Giana had promised to help her with her niece, when they returned to Pemberley.


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