test angielski2(2)


Ilość uzyskanych punktów..................

Numer identyfikacyjny egzaminowanego: ...................

I. Uzupełnij luki w tekście wyrazami znajdującymi się w tabeli poniżej. Każdy wyraz może być użyty tylko raz.

required interested much successful shift another complete candidates step experience guarantee with live often before

Customs prefers ………………………………….. with a background in the Customs Service for dog handler positions. The first …………………… for anyone ………………………………………. in a dog handler position who is not already a Customs Officer, is to join the Customs Service. Dog handlers need a thorough understanding of Customs' operations and need to be confident interacting …………………… the public. Generally you need determination and a strong work ethic to be a …………………………………… dog handler. Previous …………………………. with dogs is not necessary. Dog handlers need good people skills - …………………………. of their work involves interacting with the public and handlers are ………………………… to search and question people. Being a Customs detector dog handler involves 24/7 commitment and ……………………. handlers are required to work outside of normal working hours, ……………… work is also involved. Detector dogs …………………… with their handlers and dog handlers cannot have ……………………… dog living in their house. A trainee handler is required to pass a detector dog-training course ………………… becoming operational. All operational Customs detector dog handlers must later ……………………………. the University course on 'Principles of Canine Behaviour' in their second year as a dog handler. Completing this course before applying for a dog handler position doesn't automatically …………………………… applicants a position as a Customs detector dog handler. ./15

II. Proszę wstawić słowa w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie z zachowaniem prawidłowego szyku zdania:

16. Don't make any noise! Tim ………………………………(sleep) right now.

17. I…………………………………(know) Mary since childhood.

18. That cocaine……………………… (seize) by Customs Service a week ago.

19. After …………………………………(cross) that line, you will be in danger.

20. Where……………………………………(you buy) such a nice dress? It's wonderful!

21. We ……………………………………(eat) the dinner, when the telephone rang.

22. This watch ………………………………… (make) of gold a long time ago. It is very old.

23. If you exceed a speed limit, you………………………………..(pay) a fine.

24. I……………………………………………….(live) in this town since I was born.

25. Sarah loves …………………………………(pick) mushrooms.

26. I will let you know as soon as he ……………………….(come).

27. Michael…………………….(go) to a football match yesterday.

28. ………………… (give) me a pencil, please!

28. Roger has not a very nice car, ………………………………….(has) he?

29. Peter………………………(not take) part in this competition tomorrow. He has a bad flu.

30. They will not come. I forgot…………………………(invite) them to the party.


III. Dokończ zdanie tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania powyżej:

31. Collecting stamps is Paul's favourite hobby.

Paul is………………………………………………………………………………………………….

32. Can you run so fast?

Are you …………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

33. I always refuse to drink alcohol with strangers.

I never…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

34. I can hardly speak French.

I almost ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

35. It's possible that I will give you a gift.

I may …………………………………………………………………………………………….


IV. Połącz wyraz w kolumnie A z wyrazem/zwrotem w kolumnie B tak aby tworzyły sensowny zwrot.



36. commercial

a. luggage

37. work

b. container

38. advertising

c. processing

39. superior

d. invoice

40. black

e. belongings

41. hand

f. materials

42. empty

g. quality

43. onward

h. customs duty

44. personal

i. market

45. calculate

j. permit


V. Wstaw właściwy przyimek.

46. I borrowed three books ……………. a library yesterday.

47. It's not easy for a child to eat …………… a fork and a knife.

48. I can't translate it ……………. English.

49. I have just bought a new CD player ……………… the supermarket.

50. Smoking is not allowed in this area. Please put the cigarette …………!


VI. Z wyrazów w nawiasach wybierz właściwy i wstaw w odpowiednie miejsce.

  1. I'm ………………………………………(looking after, looking for) my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere?

  2. I'm in trouble. I need some good …………………………….(advise, advice).

  3. I'm very disappointed. ……………………(Few, A few) guests came to my birthday party.

  4. You haven't got …………………………(enough, plenty of) experience to get this job.

  5. I lost my ring. Anyway, I don't care much about it. That ring was practically ................ (worthless, priceless).


VII. Napisz stopień wyższy od podanych niżej przymiotników.

56. important -

57. bad -

58. fast -

59. good -

60. accurate -



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