Test angielski


phrasal verbs

,,The best way to pick up new vocabulary is by reading a lot.

,, It is impossible to master a foreign language completely”

,,For most students more than 10 new words per lesson equals information overload.”

,, I am afraid to cram any more words into my head”

,, You have to be really on the ball to understand foreign idioms.”

verbs + preposition


GRAMMATIC / passive voice

  1. Używamy strony biernej by pokazać ,że dane zdania :

  1. nie są naszą osobistą opinią

  2. a personal opinion

It is said that, …. / It is said that he was able to speak .

It is believed that

It is claimed that… / It was claimed that the President had not seen the documents BEFORE the scandal broke out.

- Jeśli nie jesteśmy pewni ,że dana informacja jest na 100% pewna możemy użyć passive To put distance between ourselves and the statement.

He is said to be the richest Man In England ( but I don't know if this is accurate- dokładne)

He was thought to have left the country ( But I'm not sure if this is true) . / He was thought to have come from Germany, but there was little evidence.

He was reported to have been living in Brazil , but there was only one sighting of him.

- Inne czasowniki na wyrażenie dystansu

It appears/ seems that

It seems as if / though

2. He appears/ seems to have + PAST SIMPLE lub PAST PARTICIPLE

f.e He appears to have invented

He seems to have done it

Passive - użycie

We don't allow that. That isn't allowed . ( It isn't the speaker decision, it is an impersonal RULE)

You must hand In the essay by Friday. The essay must be handed in by Friday.


VOCABULARY z teksu ,,Fast Female heads for Formula 1 “

- begg - błagać - well-off- zamożny


  1. I will have been here for three months. / FUTURE PERFECT / will + have + III forma / a point in the future

  1. Now my girlfriend has come out to join me. / PRESENT PERFECT/ have/ has + III forma / past + present

  1. I had never done anything like that before . / PAST PERFECT/ had + III forma / Two points in the past

Perfect Countinous skupia się na tym zdarzeniu , które czasowe LUB KTÓRE SIĘ KONTYNUUJE , TRWA.

Next March , I will have been playing with the team for five years.

I have been doing voluntary work all my adult life.

1. She had lost her ticket so she missed the show. - Past perfect

She wanted to go to the castle , but we had already been there. - Past Perfect / to talk about complited actions that happened before another action in the past.

2. By 6.00 I will have finished work . - Future Perfect WITH ,,BY”

By June we will have finished the project.- Future Perfect

By January , I will have been here for a Year.

I have just been speaking to Miki

(by that time, by this time next week, by the end of February, by the end of the day , etc. )

3. We have been here since 8.00 a.m. - Present Perfect / opisać wydarzenie , które obejmuje past I present

She has lived In over 20 countries - Present Perfect / zdarzyło się w przeszłości kiedy dokładny czas nie jest znany

Oh no ! I have lost my key! - Present Perfect / zdarzyło się w przeszłości, ale rezultat I efekt w terazniejszości

I have just heard the news. - Present Perfect / zdarzyło się w niedalekiej przeszłości - zwłaszcza z JUST

ZWROTY ( to talk about achievement)

We set up … , We decided to organise … - DETAILS

I didn't know what to expect , The whole thing was quite a challenge. , It was very tough. - PROBLEMS

It exceeded my expectations .

We felt we had accomplished something. - HOW IT FELT

It was a fantastic learning experience.

I have learn a lot. / I am planning to … - RESULTS / FOLLLOW UP


Multi- talented indecisive unambitious insecure

Semi professional impossible bossy insensitive

Sub-standrad monosyllabic communicative inconsiderate

Unimpressive demotivated uncooperative irregular

Superhuman impolite untidy irresponsible

Arch-rival misunderstand unfaithful illegal

Overacautious unaware unselfish illogical

Under-prepared semiretired unsociable disloyal

Single-handedly outnumbered immature dishonest

Outplayed overweight disorganize

Misfired underestimate ( niedoceniać - myślałem ,że będzie 10 ludzi było 50 ) / overestimate

Irrelevant single- handedly

Super-fit polyglot

Unfit monolingual

Underpaid Monosyllabic




Keep my secrets catch you out if you tell lies warned me

Tell the truth truthful threatened to

Try to deceive me secretive encourage me

Tell lies not to have a clue apologized for

Cheat at cards pretentious roughly - nierównie

Tell a white lie cheat on something

Pretend to be asleep insist on

Bump into- wpadać na / meet by Chance

Busy-body- wścipski / person who interferes In Rother people's affairs

Split up- rozdzielić/ separated

Blatant lie - bezwstydne kłamstwo/ obvious, unshamed

Wicked - zły , niegodziwy / very bad

Get stuck- utknąć / became trapped

Pass out - mdleć / faint , Lose consciousness

Ripped- rozedrzeć / tore quickly and roughly

To detect a liar a lack of eye contact fail the second year

Lies are commonplace virtually undectable bread winner

Confess to tell at least one lie verbal or non-verbal discrimanation

Variety of clues leaning towards the listener divorce rate

Score better sophisticated and plausible do their share

Prove consistently spot a liar equal rights

Feminine roles sexsist

Feminist sexism prevented succees

Macho raise awareness of breast cancer at speeds

New man embranced it caught fire

Partner on the trip

Politically correct hold the record

Consecutive days ( day by day) encountered



Reasonable Costs of living - not too expensive

Cosmopolitan- has people from many countries

Good transport infrastruction - well- organized buses , trains, etc.

Mild climate- not extreme weather- not too hot or not too cold

Personal freedom- you are allowed to do what you want

Efficient healthcare system- plenty of good hospitals

Good standard of living- you can have a good lifestyle

Interesting historical monuments- ancient buildings , etc.

High crime rate- many crimes per year

High level of unemployment- many people without jobs

Traffic congestion-too many cars for the amount of space

Pollution- dirty air

Racial tension- people of different races don't like/ trust each other

No-go areas- places where it's too dangerous to walk around

No cultural life- lack of theatres, cinemas and art galleries , etc.

Lousy nightlife - not many good bars, nightclubs, restaurants


Think of + ing / Think of/about taking a break.

Can't afford + infinitive / can't afford to eat

Imagine+ ing / imagine living there

Look forward to +ing / look forward to seeing

Avoid + ing / avoid offending

Don't mind + ing / don't mind queuing

Don't fancy +ing / don't fancy living

want +inf / want to miss

can't stand+ ing / can't stand travelling

object to + ing / object to paying

advise you + inf with ,,to” / advise you to go to the cinema

encourage all people to try

urge you to see

recommend going

persuad us to visit

adore + ing / I adore living here .

detest = hate + ing / I detest living here.

Insist on+ ing / insist on paying

Warn, tell , advise , urge, order, persuade , encourage, force, forbid , allow

I persuaded her to visit me. He succeeded in finding a job.

She warned him not to go there. We insist on paying.

I look forward to meeting her.


It's a must / a must-see.

It's good value for money . - SAYING IT IS GOOD

It's a bit overrated/ overpriced.

It's not all it's cracked up to be. - SAYING IT IS NOT GOOD

I found it a bit dull/ touristy.

If I were you , I `d go to …

Don't miss … / Make sure you go … - RECOMMMENDING

You should try -ing ….

I suggest going … / that you go there

Watch out for …

One thing to be wary of is … / to be aware of sth


Would you mind opening a window?

Could you possibly be a bit quiter?

Do you think you could slow down a bit?

I was hoping you could come earlier.

I was wondering if you could give me a hand with this.

Would it be possible for me to come back later?

If I were you , I `d take a coat.

I wouldn't have thought so.

Grzeczne zwroty

Why don't you do more exercises? You could think about doing more exercises.

You aren't good enough for this class You aren't quite the right level for this class

It's the worst essay you have ever done It's not the best essay you have ever done.

That's not the best way to fix it. In my view, that's not the best way to fix it.


  1. It's miles easier… - big difference

  2. It's far easier… - big difference

  3. It's nowhere near as … as - big difference

  4. It's nothing like as good as - big difference

  5. Rather than + ing , I am better off + ing - describing preferences

  6. The less we ….. , the less we …

  7. The more we … , the more we ….

  8. I'd prefer to.. - describing preferences

  9. I'd rather …. Than …. - discrining preferences

  10. It's not quite as … as ( looking )

  11. It's definitely not as …. As - big difference

  12. It's considerably + comperative ( formal) - big difference

  13. It's marginally + comerative ( formal) - little difference

  14. It's much the same - little difference

  15. It's much + superlative - big difference

  16. I `d sooner go - describing preferences

A little difference - slightly , a tiny bit

A big difference - far , decidedly

Examples :

  1. I'm slightly taller than Peter.

  2. The population is marginally larger than that of Ghana

  3. They are far better than us at football.

  4. The government was considerably more corrupt a hundred years ago.

  5. I' m as intelligent as you .

  6. It took me as long to drive to Cardiff as it did to travel there by train.

Jeśli chcemy powiedzeć ,ze 2 rzeczy nie są równe :

She `s not as big as me .

The new menu isn't as nice as the one they had during the summer .

Żeby wyrazić preferefcje :

Would sooner + inf without ,,to” ; would rather+ inf without ,,to” , rather than+ prefer to , would prefer


I'd sooner leave now than tomorrow.

I would prefer tea to coffee, if you have any.

Rther than eat potatoes , I `d prefer to have a steak.

VOCABULARY tekst Wikipedia

Bizarre e-mails - dziwaczne maile flaw = error , problem / błąd stunning - oszałamiający

Liken = compare / porównywać deceptively = at first side / pozornie thorny =difficult , hard / ciężki

Perusing = to study , to read fairly confess/ przyznać riot of laughter / odjazd ,

Mortgage purely/ kredyt hipoteczny cumulative/ duża liczba bulk of

Deface/ niszczyć, bezcześcić randomly/ przypadkowo geek / maniak

Assertions/ twierdzenie disregard/ ignore / lekceważyć expertise / good skilled at sth


Regards, attend , don't hesitate to , concerning , following , will be very happy to attend, will be unable to attend , a previous arrangement , we would be grateful if you could ,could you please confirm your attendance ,queries

(zapytania) , requested


UNSPOILT- not demaged in character or atmosphere

DIVERSE - having variety

GAZE AT - look at sth interesting for a long time

TRANQUIL - peaceful

HEART OF - centre

SIDE BY SIDE - next to each other

OFF THE BEATEN TRACK - in areas people don't normally go to

VAST - extremely large

RUN DOWN - in poor condition , uncared for

STUNNING - amazingly beautiful

CHARMING - so attractive and pleasing that you admire

PACKED WITH - very busy , crowded

BUSTLING- energetic and noisy , full of life

STROLL - walk in a relaxed way


Catch on- become fashionalble paid back - zwrócić/ pay the money back

Turn up- arrive / pojawić się

Get by - survive financially / przeżyć / get by on $50 a week look after - opiekować się

Fit in - feel comfortable in a social group / dopasować się

Do up- restore/ redecorate / przemeblować

Fill in in - complete paperwork / wypełnić, uzupełnić

Held us up - delay somebody / opózniać kogoś

Carry out - put ideas into practice

Come across - meet/ find by chance / napotkać , wpaść na kogoś

Take to - like sth or sb / polubić coś / take it immediately

See to - organise/ manage

Get through - finish successfully

Come down to - be essentially

Come up with - invent/think of

Keep up with - know about recent developments

Get away from - escape / avoid

Take off - odlatywać


I regret to inform you that … - GIVING BAD/ GOOD NEWS


Present Perfect zastosowanie

Zdania wyrażone w Present Perfect odnoszą się do okresu czasu obejmującego chwilę obecną i rozciągającego się w przeszłość. Przy czym ważny jest sam fakt wykonania tej czynności w przeszłości. Nie jest ważne, kiedy dokładnie to zrobiliśmy.

Czasu Present Perfect używamy w następujacych sytuacjach:

Opisując czynności dopiero, co zakończone, np.:

 The bus has just left. Autobus właśnie odjechał.

 We have already finished our work. Właśnie skończyliśmy naszą pracę.

0x01 graphic

Opisując czynność, która rozpoczęła się w przeszłości, ale trwa do chwili obecnej, np.:

 We have lived In Warsaw for many years. Mieszkamy w Warszawie od wielu lat.

 She has worked In this firm since 2003. Ona pracuje w tej firmie od 2003.

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0x08 graphic
Uwaga: Przyimka FOR używamy, kiedy chcemy wyrazić jak długo dana czynność się odbywa, natomiast przyimek SINCE określa, od jakiego momentu w przeszłości trwa dana czynność.

0x01 graphic

Aby wyrazić czynność, która trwa lub powtarza się w nieograniczonym okresie zarówno przeszłości jak i teraźniejszości.

 I have never liked icecreams. Nigdy nie lubiłem lodów (i nadal ich nie lubię)

 She has always used Colgate toothpaste. Ona zawsze używa pasty Colgate.

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Aby wyrazić, że czynność, która rozpoczęła się w przeszłości ma skutki w teraźniejszości.

 I have just closed the window and it will be warmer In the room now. Właśnie zamknąłem okno I teraz w pokoju będzie cieplej.

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Present Perfect używamy też mówiąc o swoich doświadczeniach (lub ich braku).
Można powiedzieć: "Mam doświadczenie w...", ale NIE określamy KIEDY doświadczyliśmy tego czegoś.

 Jola has studied foregin language. Jola studiowała język obcy.

 I have been to Zakopane. Byłem w Zakopanym.

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Mówiąc o osiągnięciach jednostki lub całej ludzkości.

 Man has walked on the moon. Człowiek spacerował po księżycu.

 Scientists have split the atom. Naukowcy rozbili atom.

Future Perfect

Czas Future Perfect w zdaniach twierdzących buduje się w następujący sposób:

Will have + Past Participle

Liczba pojedyncza


will have


English by then.

Nauczę się angielskiego to do tego czasu.


will have


English by then.

Ty nauczysz się angielskiego to do tego czasu.


will have


English by then.

On /ona/ono nauczy się angielskiego to do tego czasu.

Liczba mnoga


will have


English by then.

My nauczymy się angielskiego to do tego czasu.
Ty nauczycie się angielskiego to do tego czasu.
Oni nauczą się angielskiego to do tego czasu.

Poprawne budowanie tego czasu wymaga znajomości posługiwania się czasownikiem posiłkowym WILL, Have oraz trzeciej formy czasownika, którego chcemy użyć. Dowiedz się więcej na temat czasowników nieregularnych.


Czasu Future Perfect używamy do wyrażenia:

1. Akcji zakończonej przed jakimś wydarzeniem / czasem / czynnością w przyszłości:

2. Czynności w czasie trwania przed jakimś czasem / czynnością / wydarzeniem w przyszłości: